Mfw I have never watched a Tarantino movie

>mfw I have never watched a Tarantino movie
Not sure how to feel about this.

This guy has an exaggerated stoner voice SoCal accent

Why do you keep posting this image and text together? What’s the congruency?

I've never seen a Michael Bay movie, or a Fast and Furious movie.

I feel pretty good about it.

I don't give a fuck. Go waterboard yourself with soy milk.

>posting thread with soyboy image

OP confirmed for soyboy or soyboy symphatizer

>here you go sir, heres your big mac meal.

Except I don't?

What the hell is this soy forced meme you're trying to push? I haven't been on Sup Forums for two weeks and now it's all this, what gives??

why are you making that face? did you spit in my fries?

>cosplaying as a nu-male on Sup Forums at one o'clock in the morning
I hope I never in my life sink to the depths of faggotry that you have found yourself in, you fucking waste of oxygen.

how do i downvote this


google it you fucking retard


Sorry, you're not the boss of me. You either tell me or I'll just laugh at you for being an idiot with a stupid, silly "insult" that has no basis on reality.

im not even the guy who called you a soyboy, i just think you should google it instead of asking Sup Forums first

Well I've only really seen it posted here and today, so I assume it's a local meme for the time being before other (better) websites get a hold of it.

Soy boy
a male that has higher levels of estrogen leading to man boobs hairless face and tiny nutsack

Reveal boipucci or delete this thread

Fuck off back to reD it, beanboy.Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

it's a fucking alt-right insult you won't be seeing it on redchan or 4dit

This guy looks like a self centered douche. Also gages are for people who had shitty parent