I've never watched anything by this guy, where should I start?

I've never watched anything by this guy, where should I start?

Other urls found in this thread:


Weird Weekends, or one of the BBC 2 specials like the WBC one.


Bumping for more recommendations. This guy seems to be all over the place but I've never sen a single documentary of his.
I heard he did Jimmy Saville pre-scandal which piqued my interest. But I'm not sure I'd enjoy two hours of Theroux interviewing prostitutes or serial killers.

Definitely the Autism one he did

>But I'm not sure I'd enjoy two hours of Theroux interviewing prostitutes or serial killers.
you will

I really liked the weird weekends video on aliens. He meets with real life X-Com, communicates telepathically with a time-traveling spirit from Jupiter and sees the remnants of a cattle mutilation, among other things. Both of his porn industry docs are pure kino as well, make sure to watch them in chronological order.

Watch Weird Weekends

Either the autism one or the scientology one.

Is it comfy, blanket covered, hot chocolate in arm's reach comfy viewing though? Because that's what I need right now, and not just a two hour reminder of how shit the world is.

not sure, i find it comfy but i am a heartless bastard

it's both of those

Weird Weekends as previously mentioned. The swingers episode and black power or whatever episode are really funny.

His prison/miami mega jail are cool.

Honestly you can't go wrong with his stuff. Sometimes he's just so fucking awkward and clueless in tense situations it's just awesome to watch.
His Scientology movie isn't as good as the HBO one is that interests you.

The porn ones are the best ones. Truly the best documentary maker of all time

Autism, always autism.



This is some deep shit, He gets right to the core of it.

I wish he hadn't gotten so serious, as he got older. Weird Weekends is so wonderful, because Louis is laid-back and goofy. The only modern one that is in a similar vein is Autism, because, well, autism. The Dark States series just feels like an average journalist interviewing average subjects. Such a shame.


Season 1 Episode 1



I love how pissed off the leader of that cult gets when louis asks if aliens really exist

He just did a 3 part mini series about America with one on prescription drug addicts in some Virginia shit hole town, prostitutes in Houston, and Negroes in Milwaukee, get it while it's hot user.




why does tv like this guy so much? is he a white seperatist or something?

>TFW you used to put Louie Theroux episodes on the TV when your girlfriend came round
>TFW you lost your virginity to him

Yeah definitely "City of Dogs" is very uplifting and comfy