Why are you still subscribed?


I'm not and never have been. Never will either.

I will most likely unsubscribe after I watch season 4 of Black Mirror

I am not, I leech from my brother´s account.

Unless you're an orphan with no friends there's no reason not to just use someone else's account.


Cancelled it last week. Too much libshit.

Family account, also The Crown Season 2

Amazon prime is actually way better. Like holy shit netflix hasn't even been opened on my phone for weeks now. Probably going to cancel if they don't add logan or something real good on to it

Because I liked Punisher and Godless. Also I'm not the kind of faggot that deprived himself off something he generally likes because of politics or whatever bullshit reason you have for wanting everyone to unsubscribe.

Better hurry, they're dropping all the old HBO shows in 2018

i'm not, i use my ex's account

Amazon prime is not user friendly at all. They really need to fix that.

I'm not, I use my brother's account and he uses mine

You Guys pay for this shit?

my subscription runs out in 2 days

what the fuck... im slugging through sopranos but it boring as fuck so. Was gonna get HBO anyways

what is wrong with you people? why dont you buy a 2tb hard drive, download a bunch of shit you wanna watch, hook it up to your 360 or some shit and enjoy?

rewatching mad men
also for riverdale. probably gonna unsub after that's done for the season

they really keep pumping out trash these days.if only they had a steady stream of classics or something

Netflix actually has a great selection of art house and international kino.

I'm thinking about switching to Stan(aussie equivalent)

I fucking hate Netflix's UI, It feels like it was made for babies,

Can't manually choose the video quality.
The timeline cursor so fucking big it's almost impossible to accurately pick a spot on the timeline.
Stupid phone/tablet friendly browser, which makes it inconvenient for PC use.

Plus a shitty lefist company value system. why the fuck is there a lgbt category, seems like a weird thing to have.

Because my sister pays for it


Name one

series of unfortunate events season 2

Stan is pretty shit too but has some pretty good shows, seems to have more recent releases too

family account like 6+ people use it all the time.

I bought amazon prime for myself recently and got hulu with my student spotify account.

makes my wee wee tingle

I'll probably unsubscribe soon and go back to torrenting everything. Too much crappy original content.

netflix did one thing incredibly right, they casted an emily browning clone

Because my mom likes to watch movies. I torrent everything but it's much easier for her to get on netflix and find something she wants.

my grandparents and my parents uses it

Force Majeure, Evolution, I Olga Hepnarova, Cemetary of Splendor, White God, Herzog documentaries, Mr.Robot, Love, etc.

i doubt ill be for long. i skipped most of middle of punisher's season because how not that great it was. i honestly dont care about ST season 2 and they're slowly dropping every show i use as background noise

The Canadian selection is quite a lot better than American so I have no reason to stop unless they do what they did to Americans and start removing third party shows.


Honestly, because I know my mom and little sister use my account and it's worth swallowing my pride and spending that less money on booze so they have something to enjoy.

Cuz they still got all the best Trek Shows.

Fucking faggot. Why wait?

can't wait for more kino

Normalfag detected

I think I started an account at some point, on one of my bank accounts. Who knows? it costs so little it's not like I give a shit. inb4 someone gets triggered "why r u paying 4 nuthing! u cud pirate 4 free!". Yeah, I could steal all my cars too, dipshit. Doesn't mean I care to do that.

...So I can watch the new season of Black Mirror? Are you retarded?

90s born queers are indoctrinated cucks that do whatever their corporate overlords tell them to do. They also have an irrational fear of downloading.

i mean yeah it doesnt cost much but that shit accumulates

You can watch it for free my foolish friend

>Yeah, I could steal all my cars too, dipshit.
I doubt you have the skills for that.

This is why I'm waiting 1 more month

>but that shit accumulates
Does it though? I think I spend about the same amount of money on toilet paper. It's enough I don't even notice it, so who cares?

I was about to unsubscribe after they fucked up Terrace House and the final push came with Dear White People.

I don't have the skills, but I have the money to pay people to do it.

Deep space nine

>I think I spend about the same amount of money on toilet paper.
Seek medical help.

>opened on my phone


How much do netflix and toilet paper cost, respectively?? I've honestly never thought about either.

Since apparently Covenant got fucked, what's the best plugin for easy peasy video streaming for Kodi now? Preferably in the form of an easy tutorial because I am fat and lazy and I just got a newer Firestick from black Friday but I haven't loaded it up yet.

Thank you and god bless.

You don't watch movies on your phone?

I'm not. I subscribe once every 3-4 months to catch up on stuff then cancel it. I subscribed last month to watch Stranger Things, Mindhunter and Punisher and then cancelled right after.

A thread about people talking about $10 like its a big deal.

Are you fuckers homeless?

You're too dumb for that show. Why bother

I'm thinking of canceling. There has been a steady decline in quality in their television shows. Daredevil and Narcos are good. The Defenders, Jessica Jones and the Punisher are all mediocre heading for CW tier garbage.

b-b-b-b-b-but u r paying 4 sumthin that is free! u culd pirate it 4 free! i am smart!

If that's what you want just sub to the criterion service

Just use a free stream site you fucking oaf

That's a poor way to think, ten dollars a month for a year is 120 dollars. I can do all sorts of things with 120 dollars.

Gift me ten dollars to my steam account

So yes. You are homeless. Or a child.

Fags like that don't realize its the principle

Imagine how many pizza roles you can buy with that.

That's great corporate logic that assumes it's literally the only thing you pay for.

>it's the cost of a cup of coffee!

Yeah but I still want coffee so now I'm paying for two cups of coffee not to mention anything else I'm trying to be shilled.

>coffee drinkers
absolutely degenerate fruit fly food

So many poorfags.

You don't get rich by throwing your money at nothing.


You fat cats didnt finish your plankton

>netflix is the only thing you could ever spend money on

on iPad sometimes, buy certainly not on phone

Why pay $10 for shit like netflix? Their originals are shit tier and others are pulling content out of netflix

i'm planning to subscribe. they have several original content that i like.

My gf's sister added us to her netflix so I don't pay anything

i've got subscriptions to netflix, hulu, amazon, and filmstruck.

I don't even know. Hulu is infinitely better at this point

does filmstruck have original content like the other three?

b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut u culd pirate 4 free! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee. y r u using netflix?!??!?

>pay money
>still have to watch commercials

don't worry I still pirate films

I know this is apparently hard for some of you to understand.

But for some of us people with real jobs, $10 a month isn't even enough to notice.

no. the criterion films have all of the special features that come on the disc.

I see a lot of people feeling self-righteous about pirating films and tv instead of using netflix. The argument goes something like "why would you pay if the content isn't worth paying for!?". It always seems strange to me that $14/month seems like a lot of money to some people. I see that often piraters will try to act like it's more a matter of principle, but honestly is that really a lot of money to anyone? I could see like if you lived in the midwest, that would be like 14 macdonald's meals, but out here on the coast you spend more on a single dinner than you do on netflix for a year. Pay out here matches the cost of living, so I get it how fly-over-state retard offspring might have some problems with netflix.

I'm gonna be recovering from a surgery in a couple months, thinking about subbing to Netflix or Amazon or something for a month so I don't have to deal with pirating on a shit laptop. Which should I sub to?

My parents still use it like twice a month.


Amazon still has HBO shows (not all of them but pretty much anything older like The Wire, Curb and Sopranos) which is probably the better value if you haven't seen them. Netflix is probably better overall.

either i use a friends or torrent my media

it's 3.50€ a month for me because i'm sharing the account with 3 other guys

who gives even the slightest fuck about such a tiny amount of money?

I'm subscribed to Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

>no hbo
lol poorfag

not including internet. thats 120$ a year
i just go to my friends, mcdonalds or some other wifi access and torrent my shit

what does hbo have that makes it worth the subscription? i only know their shows and i've already seen the ones i care about.

idk game of thrones is the most pirated series lmao