Did he wear black in ROTJ because it was a sign of maturity, or because he was falling to the dark side?

Did he wear black in ROTJ because it was a sign of maturity, or because he was falling to the dark side?

He force chokes 2 gamorreans and threatens to destroy Jabba but as far as we knew at the time that's how Jedi act

The Jedi council wasn't around to tell him what is or isn't allowed. None of the force abilities are inherently dark side really. Plo Koon used force lightning and reported he didn't feel any anger while doing it. Obi-Wan also knew a few "dark" force abilities but it's really just about your intentions. Anakin was ultimately seduced because he wanted to learn to heal people.

As far as wearing black it doesn't really mean anything, or it's a sign of being rebellious or that he was close to turning or whatever you want it to. Anakin wore black well before he went to the dark side, there's no rule against it or anything.

luke had the dark side in him, and used it to beat Vader.

In the new movie he'll reveal he's a grey jedi.

I mean he's literally the last Jedi as far as we know so he can call himself whatever he wants.

Both, but it's not that simple.
Black represents power, authority and seriousness, as well as darkness and mystery.

It perfectly represents the character that Luke has become.

I hope he calls himself the candy Jedi

Based Luke, wonder how they will fuck up his character

It symbolizes that he's in a dark and precipitous place emotionally, which is reasonable after the events of ESB.

How does a movie made for children manages to confuse you?

lucas always said that there is no sides to the force, there's no light side, no grey. There's the force, then there's the dark side which is like a cancer. Personally I like the idea of grey jedis and all that shit, but I doubt they'll use terms like Grey Jedi in the filmverse.

Though a few Jedi were pretty much Grey Jedi, Mace Windu for example channeled the Dark Side in his lightsaber dueling.

Uh where'd he say that? Cause he has said repeatedly that when he made SW it was for kids and it was to say "this is good, and this is evil, no middle ground". The only reason grey jedi shit has emerged is because Disney has gone in that direction with Rey and Kylo Ren.


Kill yourself

bit extreme for keyboard disfluency

>Cause he has said repeatedly that when he made SW it was for kids

Probably why Empire Strikes Back was the most successful, Lucas had the least to do with it.

>The only reason grey jedi shit has emerged is because Disney has gone in that direction with Rey and Kylo Ren
Grey Jedis have been a part of the EU since long before Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars, they've just never been a part of the movies. In TFA, Rey is light side and Kylo dark side. Neither of them are grey, and I don't know why you think they are unless you're just basing this on speculation/leaks of TLJ.

>most successful
hol up kiddo
ESB is considered the most critically acclaimed SW film, however it was the weakest at the box office during the initial OT theatrical run. This is something that greatly perturbed Lucas who was upset that ESB had gone over budget and made less than it's predecessor at the box office.

Shut the fuck up 90s born queer

Lucas also said bringing balance to the force involves completely eliminating the dark side, because it's an "imbalance." And he also wrote the line "Only a sith deals in absolutes," which is bafflingly ironic on so many levels. Lucas is a simpleton.

He also seems to believe altering someone's mind and bending them to your will isn't a dark use of the force, for example.

The EU was never actually canon

>I need to believe this story is non-fictional, so the shitty prequels alter how I look at the original films.

Think he just wore that outfit since all Jedi weren't known to dress the same way as old men hiding out in the desert yet

Who gives a fuck?

I was at first, with stuff like the Thrawn trilogy Lucas was vetoing shit personally while sitting at the ranch and meeting with authors and what not.

But after that you'd be lucky to have him glance in your direction.

I wish star wars took itself more seriously as a work of fiction. Could toy with some very interesting philosophical concepts if it wanted to but reduces itself to absolute good vs. absolute evil at every turn.

The ROTJ we got has traces of what the original was supposed to be, which was a complex tragedy about Luke mantling Vader and the Emperor.

Different interpretations of the Force would be interesting. As it currently stands, the Jedi seem to be the only ones who actually care about following the nature of the universe or whatever. The Sith just use it for their own selfish ends.

I didn't say I agreed with it, I personally really like the fanon that bringing balance to the force was the act of Anakin wiping out the lightside Jedi and the Dark Side Sith and leaving behind his son who was more a shade of grey. But Lucas doesn't like that shit. He's also a hack though, so fuck him.
It wasn't exact, but he debunked the idea that Vader killing the Jedi was part of fulfilling the prophecy of balancing the force. The Dark Side itself is the imbalancing act, instead of being an opposite side to the Jedi. So the theory that there was too much Jedi and not enough Sith in the galaxy, as that fan theory goes, is not true, I suppose the idea to Lucas is that the Jedi are already balanced, and that the Dark side are just an extreme throwing that off.

If you ignore the EU that sort of does make sense, the Jedi seem to be all about the status quo in the movies, but them being manipulated to taking a side in the war shits all over Lucas's canon of Jedi being a balanced force.


You should look into the Old Republic stuff more, it's also brought up somewhat in Clone Wars and RotS if you want to keep it Sup Forums.