Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Adam Sandler

isn't his sister a huge slut based on this nude leaks or is that not her?

David Mazouz

piss off m8, his family is too pure
Also, his cousin is Matilda

I don't know, but I will reply to everything he posts on Twitter telling him that I'm going to fuck his sister until he kills himself.

he doesn’t care, Jews actively enjoy whoring family members out, Anglos do too but they’re more subtle about it (used to be).

I vote Idris Elba

he mentioned he's the only conservative in his family

so that opens up the options of his sister being a huge fucking whore

>only conservative in his family?
beside his parents? he was raised as one, I can't imagine he's the only to remain


Whoever is the most famous child actor at the time

just pick any random 14 year old jewish boy that attends a private school for the role

finn wolfhard

Cara Delivinguine

>be hyper concerned with low testosterone and hate Jews
>idolize Baby Ben

I just don't understand the memes anymore. Maybe they aren't meant to be understood

enjoy being a bitter, poor SJW

it's almost like there are more than 2 people on the internet

Holy shit, I actually just got flashes of an actual dark, gritty, political film with Finn getting shit thrown at him by Antifa as he gives an Oscar worthy speech

catylin jenner

No joke, I've been eyeing judaism recently because once a week on his show, he does a "bible talk" segment and goes in depth with a section of the Old Testament. And it just makes sense

Yeah? I get flashes of him sitting on his computer in his underwear consistently retweeting unsubstantiated rumors and CNN stories with a smug grin on his face. The only dialogue is "Facts don't care about your feelings" and "My conservatism is real conservatism." Also one groundbreaking scene where he calls a tranny "Sir."

[spoilers]Seriously though his only redeeming values are those regarding campus reform and when he shittalks retarded antifa cunts. He's completely full of himself and can't maintain any other positions to save his life.[/spoiler]

Lmao you're a sad cunt.

Did Ben hurt you user?
You can talk about it here, this is a safe space

Warwick Davis

Looks like Cara Delevigne, even has her signature eyebrows.

even your attempted spoiler comment has been denied it's safe space.