Coworkers start talking about movies

>coworkers start talking about movies

Other urls found in this thread:

>coworkers are alive

>coworkers mention a show or actor you're obsessed with
>too beta to interject and add your expertise

>coworkers excited about latest capeshit

such a shame they can't have your superior knowledge and tastes user. I bet you get blowjobs from every female in the office just so they can hear your thesis on Au Hasard Balthazar one more time

its more important that theyre wrong and im right

>having coworkers

>co-workers never mention best movie

>coworkers start badmouthing your favorite show or movie

>coworkers talk about horror movies
>grown men
>"I had to turn it off because it got so fucked up" (about the hills have eyes)

>coworkers watch movies in dubbed version

>tell everything you know about a certain director or actor and how much you enjoy their work
>coworkers think you're super weird for having all that knowledge and laugh at you

Fucken soys

>Sneed-Ai (Formerly Chuck-Ai)

A Chuck falls in love with a Sneed.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the man's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the male, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the boy he called is not the same boy he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the bear's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the male's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of FEEDS and SEEDS.

>coworker loved br49 and you start an in depth conversation about it

>that new Transformers looks awesome

>coworkers start talking about exercie and losing/gaining weight

>coworker comes up to me and asks if I like anime
>tell him FUCK NO
>he still goes on about his favourite ones


Already a thing.

A soyboy falls in love with a basic bitch.

Unable to confess...


>the walking dead is sooo goood
trying to hide my powerlevel is torture


>chatting up a girl
>seems pretty cute might go for a date
>ask her what her favorite movie is for fun
>she unironically says Grown Ups 2

I have the same problem
>2 autist co-workers and 1 genuine autistic regular customer who wears sandals and comes into my store everyday
>all 3 ambush me with their anime bullshit topics just because I happen to mention to them that I have a very lite interest and slight weight problem

>slight weight problem

>it's an user has to lose weight so people stop bothering him with their anime shit episode

m8 I wasn't always fat, but ever since I packed a few retards have suddenly become real chummy to me some reason

They probably just like how you've become more thicc.

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum


Doesn't make it any less true.

>coworker asks what i did last night
>tell him i watched a movie and went to bed
>"what movie was it?"

It does. What was true once doesn't make it true still.

How is it less true now? Because you're an underage redditor who joined during the 2016 elections?

people don't come here for anime anymore.

if this site is about anime, why does even Sup Forums have more threads and posts than Sup Forums? don't even get me started on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.

this has to be a bot

>co-workers haven't seen at least 100 films from the they shoot pictures don't they top 1k

>it was human centipede

>go to work monday
>first thing anyone says "what you do this weekend"
>spent all weekend reliving my neet days, in bed watching tv and movies and shitposting
>"oh you know, went out with some friends haha the usual"

>it was blue is the warmest colour

>they start talking about capeshit

>dude thor ragnorok was the best movie ive seen this year!
>Oh yeah? What else did you see this year?
>uhhh i saw star wars earlier in the year.
>Yeah. That's what I thought.

>reply it's the last capeshit out
>because it's more socially acceptable than saying you watched the last Munzi joint

>have you seen the new Guy Ritchie's movie King Arthur? I think it was great!

Reddit invaded

Are you all saying "coworker" to remain consistent with the OP or is everyone on this board 25+ ?

if i always say "nothing" will i get in trouble?

Rock N Rolla has been on hbo and i've watched it like 4-5 times for some reason

>coworkers are all excited about GoT.
>coworker says TYP was so boring he fell asleep during the first Ep.
Going Postal against the plebs should be legal.

>Coworkers start talking about DBS

>coworkers start talking about movies
>they have good taste

>GotG 2 silly

>coworker objects to my description of man of steel as a 'movie'

>dude that movie is so good high

>DUDE have you seen INCEPTION it was like sooo deep i had trouble understanding the dream within a dream haha imagine if you did that, are we living in a dream user? Think about it, its really cool

>coworkers start talking about GoT
>Spoil them with Sup Forums leaks™
>W-what? John and Dane having sex??!!

>coworker is a Sup Forums shitposter
>drops subtle baneposting jokes
>overheard him talk about "normies"
>everyone at work think he's an autist who will shoot up the place

wew you should suck that guy's dick haha just kidding

If he tells you that you're a great guy and shouldn't go to work tomorrow, you better heed his words

>coworkers talk about how GoT is the best tv show ever
>none of them have seen The Wire

This post made me realize I never talk about my interests to my coworkers. God I'm such a dull person

shut up already

Rocknrolla is unironically quite a fun movie

>Some Sup Forums user with awful taste try to impress plebs who watch GoT with his shit taste
>Sopranos alphas can be discussed with autists and normies alike

>coworker says he likes classic cinema
>yeah, casablanca... the list could go on

> co-worker unironically asks if I watch Doctor Who even though I'm clearly heterosexual

S-some serbian film... D-don't remember the name though

Worst thing you've ever heard, anons??

>I don't understand why the most popular films don't win all the Academy awards. The people obviously loved Mad Max and Avengers, and they didn't get a single award. I mean, I never even heard of Spotlight or Son of Saul

>tfw I am so deep in hiding my power level irl even from my family that I have to wait for everyone to leave the house so I can enjoy a set of films from the czech new wave I just downloaded, otherwise they would probably think I'm insane to suddenly watch 60s Czechoslovakian films

Hoping I finally get my own place soon.

>amateur actress starts talking about how she doesn't like Kubrick because his films are misogynistic

To be fair, Spotlight's oscar was fucking bullshit

Mind giving a link for those czech movies user? Pretty please

Private trackers my dude. My internet is horrible so I barely manage to keep my ratio balanced so can't share invites.
There is a discord Sup Forums group though and you could get an invite there if you're okay

>Being this beta
Art will only suffer for this

>he watches joints
Never gonna make it

I haven't even seen Spotlight or Son of Saul but I know Fury Road is better than them.

>housemate is every dumb stoner stereotype
>will only watch the dumbest comedies and simplest action flicks
>won't watch it if he doesn't agree with the main characters (no crime movies whatsoever)
>won't watch it if it "looks pretentious"
>judges if it "looks pretentious" by the name, poster or my quick description of the film
>talks major shit about films he hasn't seen based on things he heard other people say
>literally too dumb for Inception
>got pissy at me for some reason because I liked it
>could hear him in the next room having a conversation about me one day like
"user thinks he's so smart cause he likes Inceptions oh my God like, dream within a dream oooh so smart. I totally get it, and that ending was retarded."
>literally all I had said about it was that it was cool and I liked it
>got to the point now where he exclusively watches Star Wars, Marvel, DC and Will Ferrell comedies.

but he probably gets more pussy than you user

he actually doesn't which is the sad part. I forgot to mention that he's a fuckin weeb too.

>"I already ordered tickets for The Last Jedi"

>"you wanna come to the midnight screening of The Last Jedi with us user?"

Did Emma actually say that?

have a coworker who unironically thinks that mos and bvs are good movies. also watchmen. i thought you guys were just meming i never knew these savages existed in the real world

Watchmen is good tho. Just like 300 and his Dawn of the Dead are because Snyder just adapted them from previously existing works.

>suicide squad was the best movie of the year user don't you agree?

Yes, you do. You'll pretend to fucking enjoy it. You'll laugh and agree with them when they say "that was awesome, bro!" Make some fucking friends even if it means pretending a steaming pile of shit is filet mignon.

jesus fucking christ that hurt to read

>Game of Thrones is the best show ever made!

>tfw someone asks you if you've seen a movie and you pretend you haven't to avoid conversation

I have one bookfag friend who I can talk about Game of Thrones with, anyone else it's just torture. In just one conversation with a normie he praised Arya killing Baelish as amazing, said Emilia Clarke 'wasn't bad to look at' and defended grrm's laziness.

>coworker starts to explain how amazing the Transformers and Hobbit movies are

Shut the fuck up about Watchmen. I'm tired of you fags making up ridiculous reasons to dislike that movie. Oh no Snyder made them a little stronger than normal people! Oh no he changed the ridiculous ending to make it more believable! I bet you dick smokers change your opinion on a movie based on what some other faggot says about it in a review.

>friend suggests not doing a Lotr marathon this christmas, but transformers instead

>industry professionals on set start talking about how the MCU is the greatest cinematic achievement of all time

I live in a major city. if you don't book ahead you basically won't get to see that film in its opening week.

>co-workers discuss gotham on a regular basis, recommended it to me said "no thanks not for me", their actual rebuttal was its
"its better than the movies though"

i need to start doing this asap

>work at local animal clinic
>dog comes in named Harley Quinn
>someone ask why that name sounds familiar
>open my mouth to start explaining
>20 year old girl co-worker butts in
>"she's the jokers gf from suicide squad!"
>other co-workers face lights up
>"ohhhh yeah! I loved that movie!"
>they start talking about the movie and how totally epic it was

This gets me boiling

You must kill him user. Record it too