Green Arrow #19 Storytime

Reunion Part 2.

Last we saw Roy punched out Ollie for being a jackass, but not before everyone called Roy a jackass.
Time for more jackassery


Wasn't feeling Grells first cover but this is good stuff. Also Roys tats are still around


I still think its kinda fucked up how that single issue defined who Roy was gonna be. Thanks OP for Storytime


Now that is a damn nice page. I know some of the fill-in artists haven' been great but I dig this one


my dick is ready OP


So Vertigo got Rebirthed into a mix of New52


>Vertigo in the last panel
nigga that's kinda kawaii

And classic. Which is neat.


>Wild Dog not raped into being a villain group
>Cave Carson editor note


Still think this girl is Cupid 2.0, especially since she's still in red


>roy got kicked out for being a shit flatmate


And there it is

Cyas in 2 weeks

>Vertigo's Revenge
>Cupid 2.0 in the works

>Dope syringes
>Oil pipes
I get the intended imagery, but it's kinda wonky

Thank you

a cheeky dig at the libs

Did Dinah just call Roy a dysfunctional dud? No chill, man, no chill.

Always seems like so little happens in each issue of Green Arrow but i really like the complete story arcs

So Roy and Ollie are more brothers/friends than Father/son like Batman and the robins?

Duo, talking about Roy and Ollie

No, she called him and Ollie a dysfunctional duo.

Depends on the continuity but recently, yeah big bro/little bro

>Vertigo's Revenge


>>Letting your protegee watch you fuck some random chick.

Dammit Ollie, you made look Bruce as the father of the year.

The flashbacks on this page are really nicely done.

Hey I didn't expect to promote a Young Animal title.

Nive variant.



Green Bump


Not so much if you read this week issue of Nightwing and how Demian feels.

It happens with a lot of minor Characters. Hank Pym will always be known as a wife beating maniac because of that one page. Lady Shiva will always be associated with the league because she was working for them in Hush, which she even pointed out was rare for her aND was a one time thing. Bane spent years as a dumb meat head addicted to Venom before TDKR fixed him (Arkham city being his worst). If a minor character is used in a major story, it will often be the first time many readers see them and that's the first impression of the character. Roy will always be that naive junkie because that's the first time many saw him


Jamestown didn't get massacred though. Richard Pace warned them while the outlying settlements were under attack after an Indian warned him.

Family legend says we're descended from Richard Pace, but DNA says that while we were in Jamestown at the time, and we are related to a Pace family, we're not related in any direct manner to Richard Pace. Shame.

Oh hey it's Harper Row.

I mean Killer Frost.

I'm not familiar with the character. What issue, and what did it define?

Good Issue.

>Get beaten by hired goons
>Ollie+Roy backstory
>Roy solo backstory
>Star to move past it and agree to all work together
I'd say quite a bit happened this issue.

Green Arrow/Green Lantern, can't remember the number


>Does... Roy have a better ass than me?

Like I said during the last issue- The idea that superheroes, especially mundanes like Roy, might end up with self medicated chronic pain is hardly a fantastic one.

Fucking hell, the Teen Titans Were A Bad Influence!

Eh at least the character could recover from that and be used to help readers relate to him, now what happened to him during Cry for Justice, that was just suffering porn.

Jeez. This is even harsher than the original breakup. Roy wasn't even a junkie yet.

>Arkham City being the worst

I see you are not an aficianado of batnipples.

The point is more to make Ollie come off as a shithead.

>Jeez. This is even harsher than the original breakup. Roy wasn't even a junkie yet.

I dunno, originally Ollie just outright forgot about Roy when he went broke, until he found out about the heroin.