Episode opens with a crazy, totally out of character scene for all involved and appears to show a major character dying

>episode opens with a crazy, totally out of character scene for all involved and appears to show a major character dying
>*cuts to cityscape*
>48 hours earlier

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
>yeah, that's me in the coffin with all my loving family wrenching crocodile tears at my fate
>you'll never guess what happened...

>episode ends on a cliffhanger
>to be continued
>next episode the cliffhanger is resolved within the first 30 seconds with no reprecussions at all

literally never happens

>the team is in a bind and trying to figure out how to get out of it
>the one character is rambling about stupid shit
>"wait, repeat what you just said"
>guy repeats stupid shit
>"no before that! Yes, that's it, perfect".
>audience still has no idea what the plan is

>autismo character was muttering the solution to himself all along

never happens.
happened maybe once.

>woman in uniform desperate to piss because it's muh situational humor and lowkey everyone thinks it's hot
>goes the entire rest of the movie without it ever being mentioned again rather than visiting the facilities or pissing herself

>30 mins of ads
>2 mins of intermission
>Show starts
>Previously on ...

>episode is set in russia
>main character assaults russian mobster for info and butchers a russian line
>10 minutes later mobster is interrogated by mobster friends
>idk who he was, but he was definitely russian, judging by his accent

come again

>scene where a woman in uniform has a desperate need to urinate
>because it somehow qualifies as situational humor, but also because the majority of people, though they would never mention it, find any situation involving a woman in a genital-related predicament to be erotic, and thus will be more likely to view the movie overall favorably and recommend it to others, whether consciously or otherwise
>due to the film's rating, the producers' squeamishness, or the simple need to move the plot along without more realistic but useless scenes, the need to urinate simply vanishes altogether and is never mentioned again through the remaining duration of the movie which will often include various strenuous activities for the female protagonist and hours of in-universe time passing

wait, so you're complaining they never showed her taking a piss or that there weren't multiple scenes of her expressing the need for a piss

what is breaking bad

>crocodile tears

That means insincere crying.

Wait, what? Can you unpack this idea more

good catch. i was thinking of alias when i posted that but i realized it also applies to breaking bad

what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm complaining that they just drop plot points, but secondarily that producers will manipulate my sex drive and then NOT turn their "legitimate" films into softcore porn.
Damn it user I'm supposed to be getting things done, not deconstructing my own complaints on Sup Forums because some meme fuck likes progressively longer walls of text.
>to engage and excite the broadest possible audience while appearing "progressive" and "down-to-earth", producers and writers since the 70s or earlier have often fallen back on the reliable trope of a woman in a position of power interposed with a relatable gender-based limitation or caveat which will be universally understood enough to avoid outrage and can be played for comic relief while also making the audience feel closer to the character
>this brings a human intimacy to flicks which are otherwise somewhat unrelatable as the most common films/television episodes which employ this are in the action genre
>a common form of this is the female detective, cop, or military personnel who is widely respected but still has a very human weakness - the short urethra and tendency for mild stress incontinence prevalent in many women
>a few notable examples off the top of my head include Murphy Brown and Kensy of NCIS:LA
>the idea of a woman in distress or a predicament is a perversely persistent baseline for arousal regardless of all cultural barriers, likely due to the instinctual desire of males to protect females and females to be protected by males as a biological survival mechanism of the species - compare and contrast how both genders are prone to feel a pride akin to that of patriotism or nationalism whenever they see a child being saved by an adult.
>Urination holds elements of both taboo and intimacy which most sexuality healthy or aberrant are based around
(cont, fuck you)

what a fucking legend. never change, lad. thanks for posting on my thread

>pushed into prominence by the general low-sex high-violence standard of US video productions, even the mere reference to an attractive woman's inescapable urge to urinate titillates the average viewer on an instinctual level
>based on further social taboos, the viewer cannot consciously acknowledge this and it must remain nothing more than humorous on a conscious level
>as such, the plot thread has accomplished its purpose and will be buried in the main movie action to follow
>and the viewer will recommend the movie to other people as exciting to watch and generally enjoyable based on a combination of both conscious and unconscious factors
You may think I'm just meming or trying to Magical Realm my fetish, and you're right, but you're also wrong. Check out the sheer volume of actresses including innumerable A-listers who get paid at least once in their career to say "oh I gotta pee so bad" where it's completely uncalled-for in the movie or show and bears no relevance and will be immediately forgotten.
These are supposed to be professionals too, Hollywood professional with Hollywood standards.
This is bigger than feet, gents, and you all just don't realize it yet.
thanks chum