Bittersweet Candy Bowl


Is Paulo supposed to look all shitty? Are those bags under his eyes?

Ok ok..... wait a damn minute..... is she blaming Abby for EVERYTHING? Like wut?

It just sounds like she's saying that she doesn't want to lose their friendship over drama relating to Abbey. Kinda sounds like she's saying Paulo is more important to her than Abbey. Which is probably true, Daisy likes just about everyone better than Abbey.

Wreckage of worst ship blasted to smithereens!

So this is it huh? This is how the Daisy/Abby ship dies for good? Can't say I saw it ending decisively like this.

Thank fuck, honestly. Truly worst ship.

She took abbeys side cuz paulo was being passive aggressive and didn't tell her what happened earlier.

Welp RIP Abby. Have fun hanging out with McCain in the nameless abyss.

Also, worded it way better that I did


>Paulo finally fucks Daisy to make her feel better
>Then Lucy shows up for a heart-to-heart with the boy who didn't betray her

Paulo already been fucking Rachel all this time, banging Daisy couldn't make it that much worse.

>Daisy apologizing to Paulo and putting another nail in the Daisy X Abbey relationship at the same time

Nice! What I wanted to happen actually happened.

Nah, now it's Abby's time to shine as a loving(abusive) brother.

>Daisy and Paulo on track to be friends again
>Abby sees this

Punished Abby when? Now that his heart has been shattered to pieces?

Worse; he's hanging with the least interesting character in the series.

Why Taeshi and Suitcase would think anyone gives a shit what Abbey and Jasmine do, I can't fathom.

I like Jabbey and I want them to make their retard baby together.

i kinda hope we get asshole abby from now on

Well following Jasmine makes no sense really, she's basically "Sandy lite" with no purpose since her and Paulo broke up. Abby still has some shit we can follow, like his road to anger recovery and family trouble shit.

And here you can see Paulo's resolve getting demolished beyond repair.

It will make the "look what you have become!" intervention by his friends better if they ever do it.

>banging Daisy couldn't make it that much worse.

>Have regular sex with chick
>Have it enough to make it a thing.
>Have sex with another chick.
>there is no way this can ever go wrong

Paulo to the rescue!

If it puts Abbey on a bus, I'm all for it.

So, what, Rachel and her hangers-on (Jess, Matt, Madison) will go away too?

Sounds great!

Get that shitty cat away from my daughteru

Jasmine isn't much like Sandy aside from being underdeveloped as a character and having a lot of shit to do. Sandy is working a fulltime model job and stressed out if her mind, Jasmine is chill and down to earth and clearly not miserable. Jasmine is a sweet Christian goodgirl and Sandy has some kind of dark secret (probably dog rape all day every day)

What is this furry nonsense?

Take it to Sup Forums

Too bad; it's engdame.

Also Jasmine seems fairly intelligent while Sandy is spacey and bad at school.

Daisy crying is his greatest weakness. At at the same time apologizing and admitting what a dick Abbey was.

His heart is simultaneously melting while his dick is hardening. It's a dangerous combination.

Huh, kinda surprised that this update was released one hour earlier, than usual.


The time changed in north america.

>walks away from ex who wanted to say friends
Drawstream pics don't count; they havne't spoken to each other since then.

It's not like it's a huge thing but it's kind of a dick move.

Abbey will always lose.

I can't wait for him to have to choose between Daisy and Lucy.

Rachel is known for casual sex already (sleepover chapter), so Lucy would probably be mostly concerned about what nasty things Paulo might've picked up.

Also suddenly being gone for a sizable part of the year without any feedback (that he remembers) probably confused Paulo about if she'd ever be back.

Not white knighting the manwhore, but he has some leeway in this situation.

I don't care about abbey, just his sister. Paulo is just competition.

>ex breaks up with you because he's in love with another girl
>You wanted to break up too, but you still had feelings and hoped maybe it'd work out someday so it kind of hurts
>still you understand, stay friends
>a few days later he's fucking some girl she knows is NOT the girl he left her for
I think it's understandable. Also she helped him out in the Abbey Daisy first break up chapter.

Molly truly is best girl.

She was stuck between a rock and a hard place when it came to Abbey and Paulo. But ultimately, Paulo wasn't the one who forced her to make a choice.

Daisy should still take some responsibility for trying to make a relationship work with someone she didn't really love and letting that strain last as long as it did. Abbey didn't deserve that either.

Was she ever called out on kissing mike, when agustus was trying to do the same to her?

The irony of the "attempted rape" incident is so delicious. Augustus would have been a far better boyfriend for Daisy. Instead she falls backwards into Abbey because he "saved" her and for not really any other reason.

Along with mocking the tsundere cliche I guess it's mocking the "helping someone equals love" thing.


Mike got pretty upset with her. It wasn't mentioned in comic directly but considering they both happened in the same chapter the comparison is likely intentional.

[ ] Don't Hug
[ x ] Hug


+5 Paragon

Is Paulo actually gay?

The gay arc didn't seem very convincing and its just been dropped completely as a topic.

He is gay but only for Mike.

You know, whenever Mike gets pissed and calls people out on their shit, it's pretty great. Wish he followed through with more of them though, especially at Rachel's party.

>daisy actually apologized
>daisy actually implied it's mostly abbey's fault

...Did hell just freeze over? A character actually learned something??

No, the gay arc was pandering trash and didn't matter.

Paulo is good boy.

Could EndGame be upon us?

It was just fujoshit pandering.

This is just the second act, we have the rise, and then we need the fall.

It's forgettable trash among anyone but those clinging onto buzzwords and being ~progressive~

Reposting this here.

I honestly don't know how to feel about this comic anymore. I get invested for stretches of time only for something so melodramatic to happen that it sets off my cringe meters and I lose interest again.

Today's author comment:
"Every time I got to Daisy’s dialogue in the 7th panel, I felt my own eyes tearing up a bit at how she’s upset, Paulo would definitely react the same way."

Yeah, this WOULD be a real tearjerker if I cared about Daisy or Paulo. Honestly, every major character at this point has acted like a major asshole. This isn't even a "they're just teenagers" thing. Nobody grows, most of the characters regress. The only characters that I'm not annoyed by are Matt, Jordan, and Rachel (she got better after the Tess arc ended). I remember someone in these threads once said it felt like Taeshi was projecting her mental issues on all the characters. I wouldn't go that far, but I do wish she'd make them easier to root for.

TL;DR I'm a masochist and that's why I still read it.

>i kinda hope we get asshole abby from now on
The fuck have we been dealing with then if asshole abbey wasn't already around?

This post is cringier than anything in the comic though.

"asshole but doesn't act like an asshole in front of daisy" abby

...user i think you're taking this a weee bit too seriously.

Why don't you take a seat, user. Want anything to drink? Take a load off your shoulders

>pairing the two most boring characters

truly, a match made in heaven

Somewhere close by David is gleefully saying all according to keikaku

What I find odd about this series is how little Mike shows up and how little there is to his character when it seems like he and Lucy are supposed to be the absolute top of the bill.

A weird girl clung to him, he fell in love with a cute girl who left, the weird girl clung to him again, he managed to (kind of) get together with cute girl, he realized he hated weird girl....and we're kinda still there since it hasn't actually dropped the other shoe of the inevitable problem with Sandy.

We had this diversion where he said he hated everyone but there didn't really go anywhere.

>Abbey is potentially thrown into purgatory
>Augustus is seemingly thrown in as his replacement

I wonder...

>Augustus and Daisy reconcile
>Abbey becomes a school shooter

That's a good trade.

>tfw there's a canon version of the "Augustus BTFO's everyone" comic

ummm... so lemme get this straight. this dude here... was tired of being picked on by his girls girl abby, and also his girl herself was some sort of hater, and he was like "I'm out" but then she come back all sad like like she sorry n'stuff like what the hell? Just either stay together, or don't stay together you probly shouldnta gon back to him if hes as shallow as that like... no.

I'm still skeptical. Daisy can be two-faced as fuck.

Take her interactions with Lucy for example. Daisy talks shit behind her back and then pretends they're BFF's when everything is fair-weather. She'll throw a friend under a bus as soon as it affects the happiness of another friend who happens to be in front of her.

In the current case she could be throwing Abbey under a bus in order to smooth things over with Paulo. It's a nasty habit to have. It's not that she's wrong (Lucy was a bitch, and Abbey was being a dick), but she lack the integrity to keep that attitude once face-to-face with them, because she wants to be nice to everyone. It's hard to tell when someone is being sincere or just trying to be nice, and I think that's big issue with Daisy.

Fair trade. If everything goes according to plan

well, that was easy

user Daisy and Paulo aren't a couple. They're childhood friends
Abbey is...well was a possessive asshole of her whenever paulo was around

Yada yada daisy shouldn't have gotten with abbey
Paulo shouldn't have messed with abbey so much
Abbey shouldn't have choked paulo

Seems a little unfair; that first one is from when they were 13 and the clunky point of the chapter was that Lucy DOES care about someone else.

She does bring out the bullshit for Mike's sake, though.

Everyone should always mess with Abbey. That's why PauloXMolly is best end.

He fucked your sister, Abbey.

He FUCKED. Your. Sister.




T...thanks, senpai.

You're right, they're flimsy examples. Daisy did always defend Paulo behind his back despite Abbey's objections. Its not a core flaw, but I think its still a blind spot with her.

Nigga he ain't alone on feeling like that, even though posting it without the discussion taking that direction feels shamefully forced.

didn't daisy apologize at the end of confrontation about that tho

>you have been mean to Abbey
At least she didn't go fully back on what she said. But it's clear she will try to discard him to keep at least one friendship.

Hopefully this ends the Daisy x Abbey ship. She needs to sort herself with Mike.

>Hopefully this ends the Daisy x Abbey ship.
It being worst ship aside, it'd be nice for something to RESOLVE.

>It being worst ship aside
Any Daisy ship is worst ship because you are dating someone who is masturbating to another dude. So basically only Mike x Daisy is acceptable.

mikexdaisy is high iq

I agree, maybe we will get it when the Sandy thing stop working.

He did beat the shit out of Paulo for an imagined slight. If he had kicked Paulo's ass for any of the numerous times Paulo was a dick it'd be understandable. But he kicked his ass for hanging out with his friend and that just ain't criket, mate.

>simple analysis leading to user concluding he has no reason to care for roundabout characters clearly made to cause melodramatic conflict, while learning nothing, just to keep the story running.
>"wow, cringe!? How bout you stop thinking"

I say he go with Daisy. The Lucy ship has sailed user.

I kinda fell like its a trade up really.

>If he had kicked Paulo's ass for any of the numerous times Paulo was a dick it'd be understandable.
Literally going for the throat over bantz/being a dick is too far, my dude.

Understandable though. I'm not saying Daisy would be happy but they probably could have salvaged the relationship. Then again Abbey is the one who broke it off so who knows.

>He did beat the shit out of Paulo for an imagined slight.
You mean he slammed Paulo against the wall? Beating the shit would actually require several blows and would put him in far worse state.

Also that doesn't mean it's all Abbey fault through. That was just the moment things exploded, since things haven't been going well for some time.

The ideal would be to first tell the person to stop, then fuck off, then you can slap him.

>The ideal would be to first tell the person to stop, then fuck off, then you can slap him.
For all people give Paulo shit for Bantz, Abbey can't seem to find any middle ground between silently seething and full rage mode. Is a "Knock it off, Paulo!" too hard?