Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #13 storytime


Is it weird that I didn't realize Goldar could take off his armor?



Looks like Zack stepped up

I didn't know he could either. I just assumed it was a part of him.



It makes a certain amount of sense but it's not something you would consider until you might write it down.

Dang, Trini's kind of a bitch

Oh shit the Mastodon stormtroopers have friends


Oh hey Skull


Not crazy about the Rangers just making their helmets disappear like this.

Just take them off and hold them




Still better than moving to planet fish brain

>Drakkon just grabbing the coin out of the morpher

Huh it really is that easy to take a Ranger's powers




Time for Squat and Baboo


I hope we get to see more cameos from the later seasons.
>Zordon sends them to retrieve and hide Mega Voyager
>Time Force team up
>Oh hey, it's the VR Troopers




Could somebody PLEASE storytime the third issue of the power rangers/justice league crossover?

I missed it and can't find it anywhere

>Goldar's wings are in the armor

I call bs


Come on guys

Surprisingly subtle Star Wars reference.

twitch dot tv slash twitchpresents

every single power ranger episode streamed over the next month

up next is white ranger intro episodes

Is this like an in-universe thing, their helmets disappearing?

I'm looking at this picture with no context and it seems more like a style decision to show the character's faces to the reader.

>Zack uses the Mastodon sigil as the symbol of the rebellion
>even though it's prominently displayed on Future Tommy's Black Rangers

I feel like there's a mixed message there.

I'm kinda disappointed in how little Aisha we got in this issue. The lack of Adam and Rocky too.

I was hoping that they'd use this arc as a chance to give some focus to characters who weren't the original six.

There was a point when Rita or Zed took them away from him.
He also had amnesia and was hanging out with Bulk and Skull at the Detective Agency.

Gimme the mastodon one

These days, I can't really tell what's going to happen.
Is the writer setting Billy and Trini up together like I think, or are they going to make him gay because David Yost was?

I figure that has more to do with Drakkon using a morpher himself

well in the main universe at least it appears that Zack and Trini eventually hook up, at least according to the Pink mini-series

Mighty Bumpin Power Rangers

I am looooving this design

Pretty please?

I've never been fond of having a blade at each end, but other than that I agree.

You've gotta remember that Trini and BIlly are generally/eventually dating in the main timeline. Since this timeline is mostly the same it stands to reason that she's not exactly thrilled about a copy of her dead boyfriend or crush she never confessed to walking about.

its a style thing to show their faces to the reader

I'm disappointed that Neo-Goldar wasn't created for this scene

you got a dl link?

Are there blue ones? Anyone have the black design?


I can't tell if this is CG or not.

We haven't seen a Blue yet, but I think Black was in the back of the last one?

I think Higgins said that there's a reason why there isn't a blue sentry

Presumably because Billy died

These are so great.

Figuarts never.


In professional armies, it was common for spears to have a shorter blade or spike on the other end of their spear.

And from that, we can infer that if a Ranger dies without passing on their power, it does with them.
Lost Galaxy Rangers, presumably not being a product of Zordon, are going by different rules.
Kat did die before Karone(?) showed back up, right?

God bless you user

Does anyone have links for the previous issues?

It's not.

>>Dog instead of wood elf

For what reason artist

The suit had the leaves

Kendrix was apparently killed when she destroyed the Savage Sword

But her ghost showed up in the next episode to tell Maya to find her Quasar Saber and then to make Karone the new Pink Ranger
And when they put the Quasar Sabers back in the stone she was somehow brought back to life

Although I think you're right-ish. In Ninja Storm Lothor said that the only way to destroy a Rangers' power is by killing them in their Ranger form. Which is why he never attacked them at their homes or when they were at work

>copypasting and rotating the same Goldar drawing three times on one page

>In Ninja Storm Lothor said
Then it's true for Ninja Storm at least, though I doubt it's true for the more technologic ones like Lightspeed Rescue or SPD.
Maybe it's the rule of thumb for the magic ones?

>never read the PR comics before
>jump in this to give a look
>Looks baller as fuck

Well then, color me surprised. Is it as good as it looks? It looks pretty friggin' good.

It starts slow, but as soon as the Black Dragon shows up, shit gets real.
The writer or artist doesn't seem to quite grasp monster design, but I think he's getting better. The first few Kaiju are normal shit, but the last one was a Vitruvian Man which is perfect.


>Bad future
>Dykes have power

Will people cosplay at least?
There's already Drakkon costumes

Drakkon's two rangers in one
One that can take down a whole team of Rangers
And another that was meant to take down the former

I'm digging this armor

>Army of jobber clones


Right? I want a fuckton of army builder figures of these?

I picked up the first trade for this on a whim on Monday and devoured it last night. I can't wait to catch up and I've been enjoying the Justice League crossover too.

The action figures for Finster released in the US (I had the 10" and the little non-posable figurine as a kid because he was my favorite of the villains) made him look like he does in the comics, so maybe that was their basis for reference? He always kinda looked like Falcor crossed with an albino elf to me, so I don't mind.

Why did he use a toy for reference and not the show or the concept art

>but as soon as the Black Dragon shows up, shit gets real.
but the black dragon issues are easily the worst.

It seems to me it really depends too much on people's memory of PR, I mean at this point in the comics (as a standalone) we basically know nothing of these characters save for like Zack and Billy, and already we are getting a "And now we have an evil Alternate universe" story.

The story is average, MMPR fans will probably find it fun, but I can't really get behind it.

Honestly, the conceptual verson is pretty different from the final product. The concept art makes him look as if he's entirely wooden, while, aside from the leaf on the nose (which I admittedly never noticed until watching Zyuranger), he mostly looks like some sort of white-skinned creature in the show.

They're on the ears too. It's really just the coloring that's different from the concept art. He has the leaves on his hands too.

It leads me to believe the artist either looked at that toy or a random low quality Youtube music video that shipped him with Goldar or something.

Honestly, looking right at these screenshots I still never would've noticed leaves on his ears and hands without you specifically pointing them out. He just looks like a rubbery white dog-man to me.

It would be unnoticeable when you watched it on TV in the 90s yeah, but on the Zyu DVD Shout Factory put out I noticed it right away (for the first time).

It's just weird they wouldn't have given the artist the concept art, or at the very least given him a decent quality clip to look at.

This is all like those people who didn't realize it was Ritas hair and thought it was a hat.

I'd noticed the ears as a kid, but just thought it was meant to be fur or some sort of decoration. In shots like that picture, it kind of makes it look like he's wearing thimbles or some other kind of covering on his fingertips, which I could see people misinterpreting due to his constantly working with his hands.

>It would be unnoticeable when you watched it on TV in the 90s yeah, but on the Zyu DVD Shout Factory put out I noticed it right away (for the first time).
Haha, that's exactly what happened to me.

It's a really minor thing and I still think it looks great in the comic, but I totally understand where you're coming from. Different artists are going to draw things differently, so it could just be a case of this artist's interpretation.

Oh uh sorry I meant he only has leaves on ONE hand, match this with this to see them sticking out like Wolverine claws.

I also think it's possibly the artist is just simplifying things because of the stress of doing a comic book and having to draw what would normally be something a concept artist would only draw one time and one time only before it's made into a suit.

Like Ritas cone bra on the suit and the concept art is an eye, but did you notice as a kid? No? Okay. This
is fine then.

Americans fuck everything up.

Oh and for anyone who actually wanted to know what Scorpinas monster form actually fucking looked like, here it is.

If this American comic has drawn it I'd be interested to see it knowing this artist didn't use concept art at all. Because I couldn't made heads or tails of this shit in the 90s.

No, so far only human Scorpina has shown up.
Maybe someone should email the artist the book?

Hahaha, I love how this page looks like Dai Satan is checking out Bandora's chest.

>"Damn, son. Madonna's got nothing on that!"

I love stuff like this and would kill for just a book full of Zyuranger concept art.

You can tweet these pages to him I'm sure, but unless you word it politely he might continue to draw them incorrectly out of spite.

I can just post the rest. As you can tell from the file name it's from a book that just has Sentai monsters in it.

Concept art for weapons and vehicles I don't got or know to even exist. The concept art for the Zord is usually pictured in every Sentai Toy book they release every anniversary, but I don't have a scanner so I can't scan the 40th Anniversary one I bought.

I don't think any of these will ever be translated, which is shocking considering how much people love the original Power Rangers, but god knows I'm interested in what the artist has to say.

I like how the weekly monsters are way less designed then the ones in Ritas palace. They knew what they were doing.

Like compare that Pudgy Pig to fucking Goldar.

Sorry I meant detailed not designed.

>>When the captcha says Next and not Verify

I am for the idea of tweeting the artist the concept art of the main monsters, as long as it's not in a way that won't make him consider fixing it.

So why do the Rangers have their normal suits, but green? I haven't really been reading this.

Also if anyone wants to storytime the previous issues that'd be bad ass.