I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix... I want you to remember that...

>I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix... I want you to remember that. I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way. In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you!

How would Marvel handle this scene?

Other urls found in this thread:


meanwhile in Zack Snyder's movie
>martha, save martha
>what did you say that name?
>it's his mother name

Frank Miller is the king of badass dialogue, no one in comic books comes even close

>dance off bro

just wanted to mention that the 2011 animated version of The Dark Knight Returns is superior to literally all DCEU and MCU movies

Frank Miller is the ultimate batfag, he admitted that he hates Superman.

"Are we still friends after this?"

Yes and he hates sandniggers and fags more than anything, he's literally /ourguy/

>I didn't have to easy on you. A different binding mix, a stronger agent
>Superman is stumbling around drunkenly, the audience is so enthralled that they have gotten up out of their seats and are now screeching in hilarity.
>Starwipe to a fake commercial featuring Aquaman selling tuna or some stupid shit like that
>The audience has now begun to convulse as one, several people are rendered mute as their vocal cords tear from the incessant laughter emanating from all corners of the theatre
>Lets see if you can beat me in something that REALLY matters Bats, A HOT DOG EATING CONTEST!!!!
>starwipe to batman and superman sitting at a fucking nathans hot dog and a bunch of wrappers are strewn about
>the viewers are assured that batman and superman are great friends despite their philosophical differences, and they always. will. be.
>*credits roll*


Why does Batman act like such a fucking bad ass when fighting Superman? Superman constantly pulls his punches so he doesn't hurt his old ass and constantly tries to talk sense into him while Batman goes whole hog the entire time. If Superman wanted to he could just eye laser him from low earth orbit.

I actually just watched that film. I enjoyed it for the most part except Batman still doing the No Kill thing. I guess Miller wanted to portray it as a bad thing since all the bad guys Batman locked away escaped and killed hundreds more. And then he kills Joker at the end. It really does shit on liberals somewhat royally.

Sup Forums shitposting is the best when it's the most scitsofrenically insane

meanwhile in Zack Snyder's movie
>Breath it in. That's fear. You're not brave. Men are brave.
>I bet your parents taught you that you mean something; that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in a gutter for no reason at all. They taught me that the world only makes sense if you force it to.
You were saying?

Shut up Frank.

>Bruce, you have to listen to me. It's Le-
*throws Kryptonite gas*
>Said something bitch?

Man, BvS had one of the most badass source material in the entire comic book industry to work with and what they ended up with was the fucking Martha scene. How the hell did that happen?

yes, many people think Miller just wanted to portray Superman as a simple too for the government
Superman wants to do good, and is definitely holding back
Batman is going all-out to prove a point that he COULD beat Superman


>I bet your parents taught you that you mean something; that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in a gutter for no reason at all. They taught me that the world only makes sense if you force it to.
tbf that's lifted straight from Miller


superman would respond:
>we still on for dinner?

All the good DC stories involving Superman turn down his power level because his powers are childish and embarassingly stupid in any serious story scenario.

Batman ACTS like a badass when fighting anyone, what do you expect when his sole purpose for the fight is to try to humble Superman and make him feel human?

Are you so autistic you can't understand two people having entirely different motives, thus acting differently?

The film was always going down the route of humans wearing the cloaks of superheroes. If you didn't notice, Clark is the real Kent and not Superman. Even Batman's war against Superman seems to stem from his childhood trauma and the similar pain Superman inflicted on the girl in Metropolis' ruins. They both realize they want the same thing at the end, why they see eye to eye. Dislike it, hate it but it has a thought behind it.

So how many mutants died when Batman rolled in with the tank? He was using explosives and shit.

What the fuck is your problem cocksucker? I was just asking why Batman acts like he's such a badass when Superman basically handles him with kid gloves the entire time.

Because Batmans entire character is acting like a badass. How is this hard to understand? He never acts any other way regardless of whether he's fighting street thugs or or a universe ending threat.

He has no other mode of operation.

Because Batman KNOWS Clark will hold back. It's part of his calculation and during their fight he even points out how pathetic Clark is for holding back and how this is his biggest weakness.

Looking back, that scene works so much better without any dialogue. The flashback conveys the point better than any dialogue.

Pretending that BvS was some sort of misunderstood masterpiece is one of the best Sup Forums memes in years.

The entire premise and story of that movie was fucking stupid. Batman should never be able to beat up Superman.

it's just armondposting


And then it turns out Supes was holding back the entire time.

Why are you projecting?

I want someone to make a superhero anti-movie where supes just lasers batman's head off from several miles away before batman can even see him.

Snyder is a superman-fag who self inserts.
BvS philosophy is the oppiste of TKR one.

Justice League War had a bit of that vibe, I think. There's a webm floating around with the full fight.

> Snyder is a superman-fag
Be he said that superman is boring.

Anime logic.

the premise in the original graphic novel was that superman had previously been weakened by a nuclear blast. he was cut off from sunlight due to the fallout and had not fully recovered by the time he fought batman in crime alley.

Yeah there was a scene where superman is toying with bats, and it's obvious that he could wipe him off the face of the earth in a second if he wanted to, but nobody ever goes full on with it.

>BvS philosophy is the oppiste of TKR one.
Nah, not opposites. Only BvS keeps it more grounded while Returns is borderline dystopia. Both Batman and Superman have reasons to do what they do. For Batman it's ensuring another Metropolis never happens. For Superman it's ensuring the justice process runs it course over vigilantes. In the end, they are revealed to be more alike than either of them would admit. Snyder and Miller probably agrees on a lot of things.

>his powers are childish and embarrassing stupid in any serious story scenario.
They're really not in any situation where Clark is up against other super-powered foes: heat vision, super strength, flight and heightened intelligence are standard fictional tropes that make sense in-universe. Try thinking about the logistics of a karate-detective man in a bat suit, and his one-man fight against crime in a single city, and tell me that's a concept that isn't just plain embarrassing.


They wouldn't change much but they'd definitely make a sequel in which Superman and Batman have to reconcile.

He didn't.

yeah, that's real deep shit

>They wouldn't change much
Are you serious? Returns absolutely demolishes the liberal establishment and paints them as out-of-touch elites with their heads up their asses. Disney's Marvel would never dare a political statement that polarizing. The whole story would be remade into some useless agreement over some useless UN paper that nobody even remembers in the third act of the film.

Batman: Hurts doesn't it...?
Superman (coughing, looks angry and confused)
Batman: That's the power of pinesol.
Superman (coughing less, just confused now)

It's not "deep". Perhaps the opposite, most of it is told through visuals that anyone with one eye can observe. But sometimes I think people don't like watching story but instead hear it through exposition.

>How would Marvel handle this scene?

Ok my bad.

snyder's version is better

here, superman is a pathetic cuck taking order from a cuck president, batman is basically a mary sue

in snyder's version they have both convincing motivations to fight, but superman never goes all in, while batman realizes he is becoming joe chill and basically destroying a family just for a 1% chance

If only Snyder could admit that instead of pretending he understands the character.

Stop pretend Superman is a high-intellect concept to be processed and understood. It's a dude flying around saving people. All other interpretations are individual author takes on the hero. Just compare Kingdom Come Superman to Returns Superman. It's not even the same character.

I disagree. BKV, Brubaker, and sometimes Azarello are all in the running.

>convincing motivations

Batman wants to kill superman because of his power and the 1% chance he could be bad. However any other metahuman/superpowered person is totally fine though.

>in snyder's version they have both convincing motivations to fight
Snyderfags are truly the most deluded people on the planet

Hey it's all explained in one of the 8 dream sequences/flashbacks batman has.

10/10 writing right there.

As JL proved they are ants compared to a fully unleashed Superman. And also the fact that Superman is an outsider, a being from another planet, that makes him so terrifying for Bruce. Imagine being Bruce, he has no idea how a Kryptonian thinks and feels. His fears are justified in that he's yet seen the human aspect of Superman. This is what saves Superman eventually.

Was that supposed to be an argument or are you just going to continue leak blood from your ass?

Batman and superman are literally tricked and blackmailed into fighting each other

We're talking about BvS. All of your points can be applied Wonder woman in the movie.

By feeding into legitimate fears both had of the other. For Batman, it's Superman's race causing so many deaths in Metropolis. For Superman it's Bruce trampling all over civil rights in Gotham and acts the executioner.


Wonder Woman isn't an alien. Even if she was, Bruce has absolutely no reason to fear her SINCE SHE WASN'T EVEN PARTAKING IN THE METROPOLIS BATTLE YOU DIMWIT.

>By feeding into legitimate fears both had of the other.
That were based off of lies and blackmail. Their entire confrontation is fake.

>For Batman, it's Superman's race causing so many deaths in Metropolis. For Superman it's Bruce trampling all over civil rights in Gotham and acts the executioner.
They're both violent maniacs who kill when they deem necessary so acting like they're having a philosophical dispute is retarded. Superman LITERALLY acted the executioner on Zod and with the warlord who had held Lois at gunpoint.

Zod counts as self-defense and he didn't kill the warlord. Just fucked his shit up real good.

Batman doesn't know what she is except that she hasn't aged in a 100 years. All of his fears of supermans power could be applied to her but he's instantly comfortable around her.

He's willing to kill superman on a 1% chance but he instantly gives Diana 0% threat level and trusts her based on nothing but a 1 minute flirty back and forth meeting.

Didn't he fly him through a brick wall or so?

Is there a Superman who is inmune to cryptonite?

>Zod counts as self-defense
No? Superman was winning that fight handily.
> he didn't kill the warlord.
Oh I guess he just non-lethally blasted him through a brick wall at mach 2.


Start by watching the movie

In the intro, look where Bruce is. And then when he's in the rubbles, look where he looks up to. Look what he sees as the answer to Metropolis' destruction. What does he see? Can you answer the question?

Check out Red Sun. It's a comic where Superman crashed into soviet russia instead of America. Supes doens't mess around, and it's got the greatest bat-cowl of all time.

Yeah, but that's Cyborg Superman

>No? Superman was winning that fight handily.
What the fuck? Are you making this shit up as you go along? Watch the movie before replying again.

The Joss Whedon Version
>>Batman: I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix... I want you to remember that. I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way. In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you!
>>Superman: You call THIS going easy? Oy Vey Batman. You're a real mensh.

Snyder/Superman fags remind me of retards who regularly watch Dragon Ball Super and root only for Goku.

You have to be incredibly simple-minded to have that sort of taste.

Wait are you saying Lex Luthor's whole plan is pointless and that Batman had already decided to kill Superman after the Metropolis Zod fight? That Luthor could have done nothing and they still would have fought?

Man he wasted a lot of time stealing cheques from that crippled dude and mailing them back to Wayne.

Maybe you should listen to what Batman tells Alfred are his reasons to kill Superman.

What's with the Dragonball obsessed autist always posting in these threads?

Post that comic strip.of Superman where he saves a chick from suicide.
Batman can't even compete

that whole scenes is so stupid, batman acting all superior and smug even through he only got that far because Sups went easy on him.
If Superman had set out from the beginning to kill Bruce that whole movie would have been over in less then 2 seconds and no amount of planning on Bruces side could have changed that.
Superman doesn´t even need to get close to Batman to kill him, he can just bombard the batcave from space with asteroids 24/7

this unironically sounds like an episode from Teen Titans Go

Blacks have denser bones, user. Kal-El knew this. The warlord was fine.

They're still mad about this youtube.com/watch?v=oyl97TG8jbA

They will never not be mad.

>Batman v Sickleman

Somebody should post it next to the Pa "you should have let a bus full of school children drown" Kent.

underrated post

Nah I think most people prefer if it were told through a competently made film.

BvS had tons of exposition(a lot of it clunky) and it baffles me that people call it a visual masterpiece.

>And then he kills Joker at the end.

Doesn't he break his own neck after Batman refuses to actually kill him?

As I recall, Batman does spit a nice loogie on him.

>Try thinking about the logistics of a karate-detective man in a bat suit, and his one-man fight against crime in a single city, and tell me that's a concept that isn't just plain embarrassing.
I've been rewatching BTAS recently, since I haven't seen it since I was a kid, and I keep having to reel in my autism for this very reason. I keep asking myself different variations of
>How does he have the time to do all of this shit
Before reminding myself that its a children's cartoon so I shouldn't think too much about it.

If Superman fought with the intent to kill, it wouldn't be Superman.


>Dude I just think I beat an alien god xD

>Holy Terror was controversial upon release; many comic book writers and reviewers argued that the novel's characterization of jihad was Islamophobic.[12] David Brothers of ComicsAlliance, in a review of the book, felt that Miller's writing "[simplifies] matters to an almost absurd level... the enemy in Holy Terror is not so much the terrorist organization, Al-Qaeda, but the religion of Islam."[13] Similarly, Cyriaque Lamar of Io9 called the portrayal of terrorists "cartoonish... [gutting] Holy Terror of any emotional resonance."[14] Spencer Ackerman of Wired wrote that the book was "one of the most appalling, offensive and vindictive comics of all time... Miller's Holy Terror is a screed against Islam, completely uninterested in any nuance or empathy toward 1.2 billion people he conflates with a few murderous conspiracy theorists."


I know what you mean. Though I will say BTAS is well done, and about the only way I can even stomach batman on a conceptual level because it's all so stylised and effective in its stylization.

>Though I will say BTAS is well done
I definitely agree. It's surprised me how mature it can be at times for such a silly cartoon, and I really love the art deco style of the show and the prohibition-era gangsters Batman is constantly fighting.

>However any other metahuman/superpowered person is totally fine though.

what? Superman was the only metahuman of that power batman knew of at that point, then he has a change of heart when he decides to assemble the justice league.

I've never read any criticism to mos and bvs that made sense btw (except for the forced justice league trailer sequence in the middle of the movie, THAT was stupid I agree, on the other hand the flash cameo was perfect)