Brian Micheal Benfis

Brian Micheal Bendis is the best comic book writer of the 2000s.
He has great runs under his belt like Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil.
Prove me wrong Sup Forums

You are right, he had great runs. Now everything he does is a decompressed shit

I blame Marvel's crap approach to comic sales for his runs being substandard. He's still made great things in the 2010s though. AvX and House of M being some of them.

This, he's done good work but not so much recently. I'm not sure if he's ran out of ideas, if he's being rushed, being put on too many books to focus or if he's just out of his element since his best stuff is street level. Or maybe its a mix.

He has great runs on Ulti Spider(Peter Parker and first Miles Morales) and Daredevil.

But now he sucks.

>Brion Micheal Penis
Fixed. Stupid newfags.

Ok now you're just bullshitting. AvX sucked ass

Ultimate Spider-Man was shit and relies on way too many plot conveniences.

The quality here has really dropped since Spring Break started.

change the word best to definitive

like Rob Liefield is the definitive artist of the 1990's.

He writes comics?

Something like that.

>best comic book writer of the 2000s.
Congrats on being the tallest dwarf

The comic book writer?

>Ultimate Spider-Man was shit


Nigga, do you even know who you're talking about? He's the master of Marvel, the king of comics, the future Editor-in-Chief. He has 2 shows based on his creations, Powers and Jessica Jones, and someday Mile Morales will be the next Spider-man in movies or TV.

Sorry mate, but Bendis is the King of Marvel. Those on Team Bendis will guard any and all storylines created by Bendis, or expand on it. I mean look at this shit Once he finally runs Marvel, we will enter an era of Bendis continuity. As long as there's a franchise with a movie or TV show, it won't be safe from Bendis Continuity.

He's the future Editor-in-Chief of Marvel, and the other writers at Marvel know it. The ones that aren't with him are off doing Star Wars.

I, Benis

>Brian Micheal Bendis is the most influential Marvel writer of the 2000s.

Fixed it.
He wasn't better than most people writing for marvel in the "2000s" (the same decade that gave us Morrison and Milligan on the X-Books, JMS' Thor and Spider Man, Brubaker's Captain America, Warren Ellis' Extremis) but he is champion of that style of writing that continues up until today.

I blame him for the whole "event shit". Nothing will ever be the same, a character or more getting killed off to make things "important" event after event after event. Events were a thing before, but yearly event comics with 2 billions tie ins truly started with Dissasembled and were only later "perfected" with Civil War.



Bendinis brain 2 big 4 u

tiny head bandi got big hands for make good stories

This, of course, is merely the larval stage ...

bendynis very romanticu

I agree with you.
Bendis also started the lazy Marvel push for diversity with Miles Morales.
Those are the two things I dislike about Bendis

Secretly everyone is a Bendis fan. Sure people here like to feel they have superior taste by calling him shit, hack or whatever they want. They feel better knowing their current indy darling is way better than the top dog at Marvel because it somehow validates the comics they are reading and that's fine.

And yeah the things people complain about Bendis are true as well. He likes to write for trades with slow pacing arcs and his characteristic dialogue. Not to mention putting the stories over any kind of continuity fans want to be acknowledged.

But it's also true that what he does is exactly what Marvel needs. He actually puts some effort in trying to change and advance these characters. You people always criticize his changes because you don't want your characters to advance that fast. Maybe if a change is teased and slowly build then in ten years you will accept it but Bendis doesn't have ten years. He wants to move forward himself not wait until his grandsons do the job for him. You hate him for that but it's what Marvel need. His stories also appeal to the readers. He writes what they want to read. Compare Guardians of the Galaxy against Inhumans. Both had the same number of variants but Bendis still won because he writes the team of Guardians people are interested in reading, accuse him of waifuing or whatever but people accpeted Kitty as Star-Lord because Bendis sold her to them in the first issue. He also put the Avengers on the map and some might say he did it by using gimmicks and events but he was the one who dared to pull these gimmicks and events, and they worked. People liked it. Bendis does know what people want. Sup Forums of course has other ideas, and most likely those ideas would send Marvel into bankruptcy again.

Bendis works, and Sup Forums loves him. All the hate messages are just the way they have to show their love.
