“The reason I’m doing this is because these are dangerous times and we need dangerous shows...

>“The reason I’m doing this is because these are dangerous times and we need dangerous shows. What we think about superheroes is wrong.”

>“I’m all for Wonder Woman and Batman. I grew up on these characters. I love these characters. But we should not trust people who put on masks and say they are looking out for us. If you hide your face you are up to no good.”

> I think that Zack Snyder made the best possible movie adaptation considering the fact that he was really out to not revise things, the fans really wanted a literal adaptation. That’s exactly what he delivered.

> I think that Zack Snyder made the best possible movie adaptation considering the fact that he was really out to not revise things, the fans really wanted a literal adaptation. That’s exactly what he delivered.

Yeah all that slow mo kung fu shit really made the graphic novel stand out. Like I'd give a shit about the opinion of a hack like Lindelof

>One of the most culturally revered, critically acclaimed, best selling, comics ever

Sure mate.

All I'm hearing is that it will be about Drumpf and the cast will be diverse

you're the only one talking about Trump

Why did they let this hack anywhere near this?

kek, fucking this.

>he was really out to not revise things, the fans really wanted a literal adaptation. That’s exactly what he delivered.
Oh, fuck, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!





That’s exactly what Denis Leary said to Peter Parker.
He dead now.

>aptation considering the fact that he was really out to not revise things, the fans really wanted a literal adaptation. That’s exactly what he delivered.

lol it wasn't anything more exagerated than the comic book action scenes with all the bullet catching and the punches literally smashing the fuck out of people

you are a fucking retard

>But we should not trust people who put on masks and say they are looking out for us. If you hide your face you are up to no good.
Sounds more like a critique of antifa and/or alphabet soup government agencies whose shady actions are to "protect" the people. You know, you don't have to always be looking for a reason to be triggered.

Learn to read soyturd.

if time magazine hadn't sucked that wizard's moldy old cock we wouldn't be here right now, looking down the barrel of this shit

Are you kidding? Normies don't know shit about Watchmen

dude its all about the characters lmao

>If you hide your face you are up to no good.
Maybe they hide their faces because they are afraid of criminal retaliation, not to hide themselves from the law?

Based Lindelof won't let us down.

>not to hide themselves from the law?
Vigilantism is against the law, but yeah the quote is fucking retarded.
The dangerous ones are government who say "We're just looking out for you" as they subject you to surveillance and body scanners that infringe your rights and basic human decency while doing nothing to catch terrorists or crazed gunmen

this tbqh

>Fans want a faithful adaptation

>So I'm going to give them the opposite

This should go over well.

wait what the fuck

this statement could easily apply to trump as well but yeah that guy is looking to be triggered

Oh....fuck drumpf and fuck white people: the series?

Sounds awesome and rebellious.

>Lindelof has fans

This is the most depressing discovery of the day.

i don't get it either. you have to be really fucking dumb to think the leftovers was a good show

How so? Trump isn't known for wearing a mask, literally or metaphorically. I feel like you'd have to really stretch in order to interpret that statement as specifically targeting Trump.

it made the NYT best seller list you dolt

Rorschach is a nigger now?


honestly now other way to read this to be honest. that sure sucks

I meant it in the context of superheroes, who more often than not have the law enforcement's silent approval

>you have to be really fucking dumb to think the leftovers was a good show

You're trolling , right?

What a stupid fucking asshole. I hope this show burns.

>duuuudddde accept the mystery lmao

this is gonna be absolute garbage isn't it

>“The reason I’m doing this is because these are dangerous times and we need dangerous shows. What we think about superheroes is wrong.”
jesus fucking christ
and people actually give Moore shit for what he has said about capeshits

Leave Watchman alone. Alan Moore doesn't want his work adapted.

Yeah, I noticed that many progressive writers suddenly want to be "revolutionary" when a Republican is in office. When its a Democrat, it's suddenly the government is the only valid moral authority and people should just give up their rights to them. Strange.

>But we should not trust people who put on masks and say they are looking out for us. If you hide your face you are up to no good.
I guess those cops and soldiers that wear face covering helmets and masks must be immoral. Also, this person must also be against government using sabotage, spying, assassination, etc, because those actions involve lying and discrete motives, just like hiding your face.

he was always black. Kovacs was a disguise

this is one of the cases where having a lawyer go over your contract instead of handling it all yourself would have prevented all this shit

it's lindeloff, of course it will be garbage

99% chance there will be an entire episode based on how rorschach got his mask

It makes an adaption more difficult though, especially because fans want a faithful one which is difficult to do with one movie. That's the point.

Rorschach is dead. that one is a copycat who took over the persona

Doesn't mean that any of the fuckers who bought actually read it.
And among those who read it, you still have to find those who liked it and understaood it.
By the way, it's not on the NYT best seller list but on their 100 best novels (yes novels) list which doesn't rank sales.


You have seen a Michael Bay movie, right?

Conservative directors and writers do exactly the same thing. Humans are intensely tribal fuckers.

And it is almost like when a Republican is in office people criticizing the government are called traitors and you are either with us or against us. And then when a Democrat is in office, they are actually Muslim terrorist non-Americans.

Is it possible both sides are shit and just want to get their own way?

>>“I’m all for Wonder Woman and Batman. I grew up on these characters. I love these characters. But we should not trust people who put on masks and say they are looking out for us. If you hide your face you are up to no good.”

Anonymity is evil, if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear

>Implying I'm Republican
You guys are morons. Of course, the Republicans are clowns, especially the war mongering Neo-cons. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of Hollywood and the Left-leaning media entertainment industry (which they do lean heavily Left).

>he was really out to not revise things
>revise things

oh my diiiiiizzamn





Only in Pedowood would an untalented fraud like (((Lindelof))) keep getting hired.

