'The Last Jedi' is a parable about 21st century women in the workplace


>From her photos, we already knew Laura Dern's new character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Resistance Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo, was unusual for the franchise. In her well-coiffed violet hair and elegant matching gown, she's unlike anyone the galaxy far, far away has shown us before.

>But now we know her story arc will, like a lot of Star Wars stories, subtly reflect the politics and culture of our age back to us. She's there, in part, to show us what happens when a new and strange-looking female boss meets a hostile (and still mostly male) workplace.

>Vice-Admiral Holdo, who replaces Leia at the head of the Resistance, is the victim of certain "stereotypes about women bosses," Dern told EW. “Like if she looks a certain way, she can’t achieve the job or she must be brazen. You know, all the different versions of what we label someone."

>SEE ALSO: Star Wars is political, and it always has been


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Isn't the banana the Lando of this film?

I mean I like Laura Dern and everything but holy shit does she look like her dad.

>Like if she looks a certain way, she can’t achieve the job
I will assume that of anyone with an unnatural dyed hair colour.

i want Laura Dern to spit in my mouth

Really hate Disney kikes and the dumb cunts here who won't stop supporting them

*breathes in*

>But now we know her story arc will, like a lot of Star Wars stories, subtly reflect the politics and culture of our age back to us.
So, for example, Han Solo what represented in the OT? Libertarians?

Disney is gynocentrism incarnate.

>she can’t achieve the job or she must be brazen.
That can also be archtypes as well.

Men in movies are either the good guy, the villain, the henchmen, the prize, the dooffus, the pencil pusher, the old cop, the reclusive old man, the wise old man.......

Why would the "(and still mostly male)" workplace be hostile? They've only been having their lives thrown away like they were nothing by female leaders for the past thirty years all to achieve absolutely no change in the status quo whatsoever.

She looks like an alien

>At Lucasfilm story group, we focus on what's important. Feminism is currently our top priority. Girls need to have stronk womyn as role models fro them. That's why the bosses are female, the pilot are female, the Jedi are female and even the Force is female. we're breaking new ground.

>Vice-Admiral Holdo, who replaces Leia at the head of the Resistance, is the victim of certain "stereotypes about women bosses," Dern told EW. “Like if she looks a certain way, she can’t achieve the job or she must be brazen. You know, all the different versions of what we label someone."
>A women who replaces the female leader of the resistance is bullied by the resistance for being female
I like how literally no one pointed out how stupid this sounded in the writer's room

>Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo is most famous in Star Wars fandom for her memorable catchphrase, "Excuse me! Did you just misgender me?!?"

That probably won't even be in the movie. I really think studios tell actors to make some (believable) shit to tell the media so that it seems like the same old Hollywood blockbusters are trendy and progressive. See also Natalie Portman saying that Padme would struggle with choosing between her career and her love for Anakin in Attack of the Clones. That's a movie about wizards killing bugs with laser swords, and there's one (1) line where Padme says "I'm a senator!" The same thing will happen here. Also, Laura Dern is based as fuck.

Shill your horse shit article somewhere else you galactic faggot

I seriously hope none of you faggots pays disney a single dime for anything Cuck Wars

>but but, she has purple hair

The Princess Factory.

Shouldn't Admirals be wearing uniforms?

>Disney makes a Star Wars movie

If a workplace isn't 50/50 male female, it's an oppressive patriarchy where sexual abuse happens daily

Are there any powerful women that dye their hair purple? If a woman is a CEO she dresses like one, wtf

This desu
Leia must be a fucking horrible leader , she didn't finish the empire when she had the chance, but she allowed them to grow more powerful than ever

Maybe she comes from a race where that is her natural hair color.

When the movies repetitively show humans teaming up and working together with all sorts of different alien species, why the fuck would a woman with an odd hair colour be discriminated against in the resistance?

This is the most inane "political statement" ever.

Moreover, it undermines Leia's position and status, and the message of inclusion that has always been at the core of the Star Wars movies since they first came out over thirty fucking years ago.

What do they think to achieve with this character?

Outside of Hollywood this is bullshit.

>Star Wars is outright saying they are not doing this for male fans
>literally throw out insults right to your face
>disney is literally threatening threatres with ridiculous askings of prices and demands
>not a single one of you is willing to stay home and not give it money

honestly why are you guys so not dependable as allies in stopping this trash?

>and the message of inclusion that has always been at the core of the Star Wars movies since they first came out over thirty fucking years ago.

no it wasn't

Remember, Sup Forums, this is your fault. Every time you bullied George, every snide maymay you threw his way. You made this bed, now lie in it.

But they previoulsy told me the rebels were a progressive multicultural group lead by stronk womyn.
Why are they bitching at a female-boss now?
Its like these hacks are inconsistent as fuck.

Women can't stand it when they see things unruined.

Probably best George didn't stay on when Star Wars merged with a family corporation

>In her well-coiffed violet hair and elegant matching gown, she's unlike anyone the galaxy
what is the actual fuck am I reading

lmao holy shit they went full sjw boogeyman

star wars is fucking dead, bury it

alright, i'm officially done with this jewish nigger star wars bullshit

What's wrong with her neck?

>But now we know her story arc will, like a lot of Star Wars stories, subtly reflect the politics and culture of our age back to us.

huh...? the original Star Wars had virtually nothing to do with the politics of the late 70s and early 80s. It was an escape from all that shit.

(except one deleted scene in ANH that sorta does)

this is exactly what I want from a star wars movie

Holy shit she looks retarded. Also why is the hyper diverse rebel alliance, why has had women leaders since the very beginning, having an issue with a female leader? This reeks of forced.

B-but we need to see how the 8th star wars chapter unfolds !

What about Mon Mothma?

>Vice-Admiral Holdo, who replaces Leia at the head of the Resistance, is the victim of certain "stereotypes about women bosses,"
but that doesn't make any goddamn sense at all if the Rebels were previously led by Leia and 70s bob-cut woman in a white dress.

>"Hey, I was cool with those other two women bossing me around, but this one? NO WAY! That's where I draw the line!"

>Star wars needs more middle aged unmarried pink haired bosses. That's important.

who the hell wrote this crap
>I'm not only the most unique snowflake on the planet but in an entire galaxy!

>women leading armed forces

Why the fuck should men respect women ordering them to do shit they're not able or willing to do themselves (or ever were).

>Star Wars

Reminder that true heroines wear male clothing!

I'd actually prefer pedo wars to star weimar

yes it has, retard

Thats not a real quote is it?

>MFW white bois who say they would rather be a rebel, yet wouldn't even be allowed to have a prominent role in the rebel alliance they want join

Get to the back of the x-wing snowflake CIS white males


>a lot of Star Wars stories, subtly reflect the politics and culture of our age back to us.
Huh? What? Huh?

I'm sorry, did A New Hope have some sort of message about Jimmy Carter's presidency? Were there an allegory of the Cold War in that movie that I had missed? Was there an anti-Soviet message that I had never noticed before?

Since when was Star Wars anything but escapism?

Look what you made me do

can't it be a parable about.... you know, star wars? I'm almost at the verge of not even going to see this shit in the theater. the politics disney spouts with this bullshit movie are off the charts

I don't have daughter but I know I would hate for her to feel that no matter what she may do an oppressive, invisible system will keep her down. So, why should she even try.

Never again.

why the fuck do they keep on pushing real life politics into a fucking star wars movie? the shit literally takes place in a fantasy universe


why not feature aliens more prominently? why are there so many goddamn humans in these movies instead of some shitty CGI aliens? Clone Wars was a lot better than the movies which should actually be a benchmark of quality

Who the hell would want to be a crappy boring rebel? Everything the empire has got is bigger and better looking.


>hurr durr why do they continue to do this
>buys the merch and spends 10 dollars on ticket to see it alone anyway

hmm i wonder why

>The airlock opened promptly and... froze my Pussah...

Like what? Post some fucking examples.

Even if everyone from Sup Forums skipped it, it would still make a killing.

>buys the merch

I'm not a fucking child. the only thing I do is buy a movie ticket and that's it. I don't even support the MCU because Disney is forcing their shitty quips into the movies instead of making good movies

How is this even news? It's the direction SW took since the acquisition...

If all of San Francisco were to get flattened in a massive earthquake the would would be better off.


I like this a lot.

"Affair" doesn't have to mean they fucked, maybe she was just in love with him and he simply left the door open for her, that's why they reencounter later.

Nothing wrong with this, plenty of young girls fall for older men.

>Resistance founded and lead by a woman
>Hurr new woman leader of Resist struggles to find respect in patriarchy

Are writers just retarded?

I wonder who's behind this narrative.

it's definitely possible to get people to skip it.


it bet her character is a lesbian.

>I like this a lot.

You're even skipping the part where Mon Mothma was the leader of the Rebellion, and went on to be the Chancellor of the Republic after Sheev got heaved.

Disney is having a hard time figuring out what they want their new canon to be, because the people making the cartoons and books etc. are trying to make a universe where inter-human racism and sexism don't exist because it's an alternate universe space fantasy setting, but the people involved with making the movies want inter-human racism and sexism to be at the forefront because muh everything has to be a 1:1 contemporary political story mentality. It's a mess.

So is Kylo Ren sexist for having Phasma in such a powerful position?

>be a fighter pilot for Empire
>not given a shield while Rebel fighters have shields and droids that can do minor repair work

Dude, why do you think the pink hair is for? Signalling to LGBT activists that there are gays in space now, that they can bring all their friends to the theater. The nu-males and soyboys will remain in denial, even if she fingers Leia on screen.

Donna Brazile

The First Order were true feminists all along!

Star Wars is a fairy tale, no need to pollute it with today's politics.

i want to kill everybody in that room

>fan outcry and demands for toys and games of popular female characters
>insufficient interest
one of these things doesn't add up, and I'm more willing to believe a company who makes decisions based on business not feelings

>95% of your true fanbase is made of middle-age men
>pander to the 5%
What kind of business model is this?

They know fans will eat it up anyway and they take advantage to push an agenda.

Why don't media ever talk about obvious stuff like this? Why is everyone in the US autocensored and politically "correct"?

This is just some outlet more or less exaggerating things you triggered virgins

Honestly, does anyone really care anymore? Star Wars is dead.

Middle-aged men are still buying tickets.

>What kind of business model is this?
One of a group of people who are incapable of creating anything worth a damn who don't care about any of the materials they work with that others created for them who only want to push fringe politics, even if it means burning down what they're working on.

So the women make more money while crying about oppression?

Some people are still clinging on because muh childhood
Nu Star Wars is cancer

What is this 2007

Why was this allowed

Be nice, pretty much everyone seems dumbfounded by what they are listening to

Because men who look like pic related will not only pay for it, but their only criticism will be that the black guy didn’t fuck the white girl.

By the time Star Wars is burned to the ground, the feminists will quit ship and pretend they made a lot of money with their shit, completely eluding the fact that they only benefited from the Star Wars brand forward momentum created by George Lucas. This franchise is going to hit the wall hard.

Fucking manchildren

Fuck, forgot pic