Uncanny X-Men 19. End of Bunn's run

Basically, a Psylocke Magneto fight


Thank god this shit is ending. Although what comes next probably won't be any better.






>is everything going to be a double page spread?


It won't be, X-Men is going to be shit for a long while to come. Depressing as fuck.

>Monet is tentacle raping Sabertooth

I give it a 7/10
good for modern marvel standards, and especially last 5 years of x-men
especially the elixir annual and the sabretooth monet issues

worst thing was Exodus as a jobber




I feel like the worst crime Bunn's Uncanny Avengers committed was being kind of boring. It didn't ruin any characters, everyone was reasonably in character but nothing interesting happened and everything is decompressed as shit.

It was just painfully mediocre.


>Didn't make an Onslaught-Psylocke

Huh... I like Elixer as being one of Erik's. I now want a New Acolytes. Freaky.

Nigga what.
When did they bring my husbando Elixir back?

that was the end

the 05 seem far less interesting to me than the characters of this book. They are like a The New Mutants with Magneto as professor like in the late 80s, but without New Mutants, only old mutants from the 60s.

read the Uncanny X-Men annual, it is all about elixir, and obviously much bigger than a normal book.

The first arc arc this Uncanny X Men was about followers of Apocalypse trying to kill mutants with healing powers, because healling mutants from M Pox/terrigen mist disease meant going against natural evolution. He got killed but resurrected in the annual, wont spoil you more.

And both Angel and Storm are suddenly back to their old looks

last bump before it sinks

Dear lord, Psylocke is the worst.

And then he joined Hydra

Well, at least the art isn't shit.

That is Joseph's corpse being controlled by a Hydra aligned robot who replaced his muscles with pistons.

I kind of feel sorry for Bunn, because absolutely no one is going to pick any of those story threads up. Especially not Charles "I want the Call of Duty audience" Soule

He's writing X-men: Blue.

just compare this issue to the Psylocke Medusa fight in IvX

-You cant beat me! I have KATANAS
-HA! See the power of Hair!

they have made Psylocke too powerful lately, she has telepathy + telekinesis + super ninja + focused totality of her psychic powers blade

she was weaker as a Brit and also in the 90s and early 2000s (telekinesis but no telepathy iirc)

I just realized that the entire problem of Elixir being too powerful to have around would immediately stop being an issue if he became part of a villain team and just didn't give enough of a shit about the heroes to fix all of their problems.
A villain with healing powers. Can't really remember seeing that before. Would be neat.

People he still won't be able to follow up on:
>Mystique - Soule
>Sabretooth - Pak
>Archangel - Soule
>Fantomex - Soule
At least chances are high he'll keep writing Xorn.

I can't even tell if you are fucking with me anymore with how these events have been going. Has there been any news on the "why is Magneto a Secret Weapon of Hydra variant cover" front?

>they have made Psylocke too powerful lately
This isn't a fighting game. Heroes don't need to be balanced.

X Men used to be balanced in an rpg party with different classes way, although Morrisons run was great and it had 3 telepaths (jean, xavier and emma). And they also used to have weaknesses, like Cyclops needing his glasses.

Imo it should be balanced if you are going to make it fight scene heavy.
Psylocke also has the problem of nonsensical fight scenes, like sword fights with people she could lift into the air with her telekinesis.

Uncanny X-Bump