The Mighty Thor #17

Shi'ar vs. Asgardian Gods

Forgot to put storytime in title, oh well


For those who missed it, Mjolnir's origin was retcon'd and its power comes from a living cosmic storm.

Sharra and K'ythri are doing it wrong, you're supposed to ask someone to kill their child THEN stop them at the last second and say it was all just a test.


Sharra and K'ythri are still better Gods than the Gods in Dragon Ball Super.


Is Hildegarde a new character?

Oh no, it's the Shi'ar Jobber Guard, whatever will the Asgardians do?

Is anybody reading?


I am.


>Everywhere they pray to Thor
The Shi'ar Gods are so dumb that they didn't even realize that they got the Thor that nobody prays to.

Just checking, bumps are appreciated.


>Why couldn't Gorr have killed you instead of all my friends
To be fair, the Chaos King killed these guys but it didn't stick

>its power comes from a living cosmic storm.

is the storm female?


Gladiator jobbed again, take a shot.

Kind of a new character, yes. If my memory serves correctly, there was an issue where fenrir the wolf was set free by A.I.M (not sure), chased by warriors three. At some point of the chase, they come across a genetically enhanced female A.I.M agent, take her along for the ride after a brief fight and after some sort of asgardian sheneigans, ti turns out she's slightly related to asgard and warriors three decide that she needs an asgardian name. Hence the Hilgarde.


Here's Mangog!
Not sure how the Phoenix comes into all this.


And that's that, hope you enjoyed.
Next time: They ask Quentin Quire of all people for help against the Phoenix for some reason
Also: We finally find out what that damn whisper was

he was a phoenix host in the last arc of Morrisons run (a post apocalyptic future that was prevented) and in Phoenix endsong iirc.

He should be the Phoenix host right now, if Teen Jean had not been brought from the past.

Jane will fuse with the Phoenix Force after Thor comes on the scene and both hammers fuse into one.

I take it that Aaron is going to retcon Mangog's origin and power levels.

No, she's been around for decades, she just doesn't show up that much.

The Helen, AIM agent they brought with them took the name asgardian name Skadihr.

>The Destroyer...never have I felt such power
Is the Destroyer really the most powerful think Gladiator has ever fought?

>Clearly this was even easier than we imagined
Who knew that the Shi'ar gods were so easy to manipulate?

The Mighty Bump

Where's Volstagg?

Gladiator was blasted by an angry Phoenix once, so it's a rather surprising thing to read.

On the other hand, his resilience is directly proportionnal to his confidence, so...

No. Tyrant probably is. Of course that doesn't mean the destroyer isn't above Gladiators weight class. It totally is.

Yeah destroyer can give thor a run for his money. I am not surprised that he fucks up Gladiator. That being said just like Thor he should have a chance in reking the destroyer.

>female thor

Who the fuck reads this lmao

Bying Jane Foster time at the meeting of the council of Asgardia


That's what I was think, right after "That isn't Thor."

i read it you whore

Thanks, OP. I know this book gets a lot of reactionary hate but I enjoy it. Aaron's obviously getting to have fun turning a lot of the Thor stuff upside down and Dauterman's art is just fucking great.

Let's not forget that the Destroyer was originally built with the purpose of taking on the Celestials.
Galactus once made the Destroyer into his Herald, and it didn't even need the Power Cosmic

Didn't the Destroyer need the force of all asgardians except from Thor, and the Odinsword to be powerfull enough to fight just one Celestial?

Of course, that was back then, when the Celestials where a big deal because right now there are a joke (an extint joke)

It actually fought 9 celestials and didn't go down until they ganged up on it.

Also a future version of him in Battle of the Atom.

I need to re-read the story, thanks pal ;-)

Paging Mr. Gorr.

I hope his son kills him later