Post thick girls

Post thick girls

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holy shit Dabble's improved so much that his old art looks like shit now


OP said thick girls user

>Just got back from /aco/





who is this and give me a drawing request based on her

a daughter of Aku

if this is real you must be VERY NEW here

requesting her holding down Samurai Jack

Or they didn't watch the new episode of Samurai Jack? Is that just not a possibility?

hand holding

no it is possible but with the number of threads about her and the show to not have noticed seems kind of wired but then again different people have different lengths they spend on this site

i havent seen any threads about her, just the scatting robot

its that simple

>have never seen x show so i wouldnt click on threads that dont have characters or words that i dont recognize because literally why



I can't stop laughing
wish granted


>bumping the thread for an awful drawing

just let it die, these thicc threads always suck.

>Bumping the thread again

I sage'd it, idiot. If you weren't a newfag looking to start terrible threads, you'd know what that is.

I really had no idea what I was doing back then. I didn't even know how to do proper linework at that point.



Ah, it does work.
It's been a while.

now still gotta work on that animation...


Wow, his art was fine
And this
People here can be such asshats


>y-you can't criticize artists! especially not if they're ones who actually want to improve!

fuck off fanboy, you're the reason why a lot of artists with potential get worse over time.

>adventure time stick figures

At least it was varied. Now it's the same body with different heads plastered on.


>you're the reason why a lot of artists with potential get worse over time.
Like Rosvo

And then there's Akuoreo, who has always been an incredible hack. Yet everybody seems to kiss their ass and want their stuff.

Oh yeah, these are totally valid criticisms! I've certainly gotten nestled up into a comfort zone in my art, which really isn't healthy. A lot of my work as of late has gotten stale because I haven't been pushing myself, or even really practicing. If anyone has recommendations for how to break out of this, I'm all ears!

Try not drawing huge tits and asses all the time.

Well, not huge tits. Huge asses are a-okay.

No. Drawing smaller butts forces you to actually consider the pelvis anatomy.

I don't know if you'd be into this, but my friend used to have art contests and art trades where she would ask people to draw her OC that way she could see how a variety of people would do it and then get ideas for how she might want to tweak designs or maybe she liked the way an artist did linework or the brush they used etc.

If you're stuck in a rut, seeing your characters drawn in a bunch of different ways might help you want to try out different drawing methods without drastically changing the content you draw. Cuz I assume you got good at drawing so you could draw waifus.


hey man, as long as the people are masturbating

You aren't going to improve much doing Adventure Shit artwork anyway. A good face (ie not a spoondoodle) is one of the tougher things to draw right.

what about hands

You aren't going to improve much by hiding 3 out of 4 of them anyway.

Maybe more like this?

who are some artists that arent stuck in their little friend cliques

I do not know what you are asking. A lot of them? Do you want me to link you to random artists or something?

>You aren't going to improve much doing Adventure Shit artwork
Fucking this

He's not even drawing them like the show though.

>All these people telling Dabble to git gud when he's given us so much free drawthread shit


I don't mind. I need to improve, and I don't expect people to sugarcoat it

Why not post your work on /ic/?



One day, you will draw actual porn Dabble. ONE. DAY.

Now that's our gal


That's waifufaggots for ya

He already has. He just keeps it among Discord groups.

Aw what

who is she

sporting goods salesgirl

She's a background character from Dexter that happens to appeal to Sup Forumss fetish of short stacks

I'm definitely seeing the appeal.


why "thicc" instead of "thick"?

I dont think anyone actually knows


>t. faggots who don't understand what improvement means
There ain't no such thing as perfect and there never will be. Its everyone's duty to push themselves and each other as close to it as possible, to keep chasing that train even though we'll never catch it.

>t. faggot who will never be satisfied with anything given to them

what's "t." short for?

>t.doesn't know what google is

you can't just google "t." user; you'd get a gazillion hits


Link to discord?

get this retarded inflation faggotry out of here


get this wonderful inflation art out here

I think it's an Sup Forums meme, it's how authors sign off.
t. A guy that knows what memes mean. You can also use it as a reply to another user
>t. newfag that needs to lurk moar

>fat fuckin thighs
Complain if you want, but at least get the language right.

Thicc AND brown




where'd you make this?

Please, I need more.

any specific scenarios you have in mind user?

Not really, just some vanilla butt stuff I guess.



I don't know if that one guy is still delivering, but here's one for y'all.

Gaddamn that is so good!

Amazing. You're my hero, dude.


white kids trying to talk like black people