So it's over now, right? They killed their own franchise for nothing basically

So it's over now, right? They killed their own franchise for nothing basically

Christ this movie was boring

Yeah it was too inferior to dawn, they should have stopped there

what are you talking about? there's going to be more movies

I'm a fan of this apekino series. I hope they go full PotA if they make a next one.

who the fuck will watch anything without caesar? it's gonna bomb so obviously, they're not doing it

>Unhappu about the end of a trilogy
Maybe you should stick to some litty fast and furious you know so you stick with your #family


This was a perfect trilogy

for what? The last movie was bad, and they killed off their best actor and so any future movie can only start on a bad foot.

The only reason to make another is to lose money

reminder that a trilogy about a motion capture ape was probably the most captivating big franchise movie series Hollywood put out in what, the last 10-15 years

They left it on a note where, should they do another, the story should mirror the Heston apes movie minus the time travel. Maybe someone wakes up from some kind of cryo experiment after 20 years of ape rule.

>War was bad


The next movies are obviously going to jump some years and have Cornelius as the main protagonist, probably follow more the old Planet of Apes plot.

>The only reason to make another is to lose money
how delusional are you?

thing is, new spectators don't give two shits about cornelius, if it were blue eyes it would be something different

it's gonna bomb

Nobody cares about fucking Blue Eyes, he was an unlikeable piece of shit.

he grew as a character

All they need is a decent actor playing Cornelius, the main human and ideally a good Dr Zaius type character. The fact the Apes will be talking fluently by this point, and if it follows the originals, then humans will be silent slaves. This should be enough to give the new films their own tone.

Why do you think Blue Eyes is more interesting than Cornelius? Neither had any development.

did you watch dawn

Caesar... had a hard life
He needs some time to rest

I would have said Maurice can be Dr. Zaius but he likes the little girl.

1 > 3 > 2 imo

2 hours of ceasar getting tortured. I mean it was good, but it was basically just passion of the chimp.