ITT: Post scenes that couldn’t be made today

ITT: Post scenes that couldn’t be made today

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Throw the Jew down the well!

Was this even in the movie?

I really liked Borat it was kino, the rest of his films weren't so funny.

>sing happy, upbeat song with repetitive lyrics
>get mad when people start singing along
What did he mean by this?

in the TV show, you fucking dumb faggot


Ali G was the best character, shame the movie was shit.


All the blackface, yellowface and whiteface in Cloud Atlas from the ancient times of 2012.

So my country can be free!

but that's okay because the movie was made by 2 Trannies

the shitstorm would wake up 4000yo mummies


>not having a real blue man as the blue ranger
fucking cultural appropriation.

The only scene from blazing saddles that could be made in the current year is the fart scene

You couldn't get away with something like Achoo in Robin Hood Men in Tights nowadays. The whole point of the character is to make fun of token black characters.


Thank you for this my man
