What actors do you think and enjoy their work and aren't just in it for the fame/notoriety?

What actors do you think and enjoy their work and aren't just in it for the fame/notoriety?

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There are a few, but not many. I would say there are NO movie actors that are in it for anything other than fame and money but on the tv side, I think a few of them are in it for the viewers.

definitely not her or she'd let her tits out a bit more


Viggo Mortensen

Jacky Chan but only for chink movies.

I hope her new series is good

Based Big Guns Jodelle

Here's a recent interview she did answering the same old questions yet still being pleasant.

the audio is fantastic

Mark hamil maybe

not a woman, for starters.

ugly eskimo

Nic Cage
Can't be in it for the just money, he is in so many movies

Elijah Wood.

Tom Cruise

The Rock is the opposite.

Mark Wahlberg

He's in so many movies because he lost his money and literally has to.

Sayorsee Ronan


This ugly ducking should just fucking end it.

Looks like the app dosn't work on natural beauty

>natural beauty
>instagram filters at full
Choose one



>Not wanting to dick Smeagol

Stop giving makeapp user more material

makeapp can't get rid of those tits, user

Only her drastic weightloss can(and did)

>and did

You just don't remember what she was like before she lost the thicc

Riley Reid

Sorry I'm late. Woof.

Katherine McNamara seems to be a lot of fun to work with and a nice woman

This is unironically a good answer.