

why does this one bug people more than nu-male or cuck?

nu-male and cuck slides off of them like water on a raincoat because they might not be able to grow beards or find a girlfriend that will cuck them. soy boy hits too close to him because they can't hide from how faggy they look.

Because it's new. I don't get why name calling upsets people so much. It is the hallmark of this site. There's absolutely no substance to these retorts but just saying a phrase seems to irk people. This is third grade tier shit.

I laffed.

Me on the mid-left but unironically

Because the people it bothers have been drinking a litre of soymilk a day for the past decade.

Is it another reddit/Sup Forums meme?

Because there are a lot of people who consume a lot of soy and are passionate about their soy consumption.

So what happens when the dems eventually take back the government? What will Colbert and the others bitch about then?

>I don't get why name calling upsets people so much.

Because it has an element of truth to it

soyboy rhymes and thus has occult properties, its also extremely accurate and reduces them to being manchildren (physically as opposed to behaviorally, which what they charge neckbeards with) on top of that they've never heard bugman and don't read so they don't know its a much graver insult. Cuck is the worst but they rationalize it away, nu-male is an actual reddit/nu-Sup Forums term that has nothing to do with the line of thought that produced the others. Nu-male is a term made up by nu-males. Bugman and Cuck and Soyboy have actual weight to them and anger people because they're indictments of their being, and valid ones at that.

Fuck yes. This is Sup Forums's meme magic coming back. Gonna fucking hang you soyboys on the day of the rope. SHADILAY AND ONWARD TO KEKISTAN




Has one term created so much asshurt in such a short time before?

The rhyming aspect definitely helps. Plus its calling them boys rather then the more adult male.

IT will die down soon relax. You remember when for about two or three weeks there was nonstop 'lovecraftian' and 'kafkaesque' posting?

>not liking the new superior buzzword


Dimensional Jumper of the enlightened sphere reporting in, but I already told you that in another dimension.

Does anyone here actually take anything seriously

No, it's the perfect term and shows Sup Forums is superior in every way to the soyboy. Just this morning I was fucking my girlfriend when she screamed, "Fuck yeah." Then i went home and fucked my wife. Could I have done that drinking soy? I think not.

same thing they did last time

their shows because increasingly boring and unwatched and they slip further into irrelevance

Because it's clearly a forced meme. And when forced memes actually succeed (like Baneposting), it pisses off those of us who prefer to see memes flourish organically.

If someone had just thrown off "soyboy" in an argument without giving it too much thought and it caught on from there, fine, but it's obvious that some lame fucker spammed the border with it until it stuck.

>Bugman and Cuck and Soyboy have actual weight
fuck out of here reddit


Exactly my point. You have nothing to say.

Found the cuckolded nu-male soyboy faggot :^)

>trying to counter shill this hard

Kill yourself you pathetic soyboy

t. hothead

>he doesn't like midwest emo

Come off it. It's all baiting.

They respond to soyboy the same way they responded to the other words when they were new.

t. soyboyposter

>things that never happened

>The soyboy is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a beta, cuck, nu-male, bugman it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a soyboy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

no shit

Sup Forums - Television & Film


So... y boy?

Because it's being forced as a replacement for cuck and numale when those were both perfectly fine, but Sup Forums is just embarrassed when they see underage offsiters use those terms.

Soyboy is like cuck, it only offends those who it describes. Go ahead, call me both of them. But you won't, you fucking pussy faggot.

You guys forced it like shit, started seeing it everywhere when you could have just said faggot instead of soyboy

Memespeak does have an expiration date, though. How many people do you know who still say "pwned"?

The Soyboy is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, nu-male, beta, communist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Soyboy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”