Is this proof that always pandering to the sjw's will eventually backfire on you the same it did to Joss Whedon?

Is this proof that always pandering to the sjw's will eventually backfire on you the same it did to Joss Whedon?

Iron fist is my favorite character and has been for a while. Im kinda happy its bombing. Thats means the casuals wont buy a bunch of shitty merch and explain to me how much they love hobo fist. or how the own vol 1 of immortal iron fist and cant wait to get vol 2, despite never having read the first one.

Wait what, everybody complains that they cast white guy to play white guy.

As a fan of Daredevil and Iron Fist, I couldn't agree more. I grew really hating popularity Daredevil got especially after lackluster season 2.

>Is this proof that always pandering to the sjw's

What? They did the opposite of pander and got shat on for it.

>Iron fist is my favorite character and has been for a while. Im kinda happy its bombing.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

yes the board dedicated to comics and cartoons is happy a live action show isnt doing well, whod a thunk it?

go back to Sup Forums

trump won

Dude, shouldn't we wait until we actually see the show before drawing ANY conclusions?

how are those marvel comics going for you buddy :^)

>Dude, shouldn't we wait until we actually see the show before drawing ANY conclusions?

HAHAHAHA that was a good one, now let's get back to shitposting.

OP is saying that since Marvel panders to the SJWs (something that they don't really do movie-wise), SJWs expect things to go their way and when it doesn't, they turn on Marvel.
This is wrong though, because while yes, people are mad at Marvel for this, a lot of the critics are commenting on the story, the action, the blandness.
How do you make an Iron Fist show and fuck up the MARTIAL ARTS, jesus christ.
And personally, I hate the whole "we gotta be grounded" approach. No costume, no dragon, bad action. What a shame.

no costume in the first season, dragon exists but they dont have the budget to show it, and bad action in the first six episodes

at least get the critiques right, unless you want to get your "they're ashamed of comics" persecution complex on like the cuck you are

i ignore events and am enjoying the ones i chose to pay for, thanks for asking

that's great, tasteless guy, but please shut up when grown men are talking

theres a reason marvel comics are a laughing stock on this board

that's exactly what i meant

>dragon exists but they dont have the budget to show it
Good. I'd much rather they hint at it and show it if/when there's bugdet to make it not look like shit.

the interview where the "no dragon" shit comes from is the guy saying he wished they had GoT's budget to do the dragon but they don't so they "have to be realistic" and says they allude to it

of course autists thought the "realistic" part was them being realistic about the DRAGON when he meant they have to be realistic about the budget

>ask question
>tells them to shut up when answered
>adults talking

This man is the answer to all your questions

nice reply

what does this mean

crying about dexter probably

>Six Feet Under

So it's going to be great? Thanks for the heads up!

I especially enjoyed the fight scenes and CGI magic in Six Feet Under.

>producer controls the content

All the criticisms the show is getting I already thought was the case from the previous Marvel Netflix offerings. Bland, drawn-out, etc... The only thing I truly like is a handful of DD episodes and every scene with Frank.

Given the trend that these shows fall flat in the second half of the season I can only imagine how shit Iron Fist is if the rumors are true. I understand the concept of magic is a bit iffy in the MCU but the fact that this show sounds so phoned in Im a tad irked to say the least. We have Matt running around in a devil getup and you're telling me we cant get Danny in a track suit and mask? Fuck you

I get it if the content is too expensive/crazy but they shouldn't try to water it down or sacrifice things.
>no costume in the first season
I'd love to hear you try to explain why this is a good idea. Daredevil had more or less the same costume for his entire first season. The "they get the costume in the very last episodes isn't that so cool!!" thing is boring now.


dexter was trash season 1 episode 1

Did Iron Fist ever pander to the PC crowd in the first place?

Exactly. Now imagine how bad it must have gotten.

>"bad fight scenes and shitty protag"

>from the same crowd of reviewers that gave Jessica Jones glowing reviews

stop sucking critic dick

Well think of this way, Jess and Luke didnt really need them and Frank's is so simplistic that its passable that he didnt get it until he did. Danny however, has little excuse

I'm confused by your post. They cast a white guy to play a martial-arts superhero, and people complained. In what way were they pandering to "sjws"?


go post that in /ccba/ pussy

Marvel pandering to sjw's has become normalised so the one time they try to stray (even though it's sticking to the source material) it's blown up in their face

You know what I like about MCU fanboys?

They accept that if it sucks, then it really sucks. I have yet to find a MCUfag who even liked Iron Man 2 and Thor 2.

Unlike DCucks who proclaimed "Muh Capekino" and "Muh Oscar" everytime a DC film sucked.

Outside of Samuel Jackson (which himself was based on an established, popular character in their Ultimate lineup), the MCU has never taken radical changes to their established roster for the sake of diversity, and the MCU has vastly more exposure than anything Marvel has done with their comic books recently. I don't see your reasoning.

i think with marvel and dc fans, you have to subdivide them between comics fans, tv fans and movie fans. Also i've seen a handful that like Iron Man 2/3 and Thor 2

thats why when people pull the "all MCU sucks ass" they know its wrong because some of it (you forgot Age of Ultron) REALLY sucks

When I say marvel i'm not talking about the movies

I thought Iron Man 2 was a lot better than Iron Man 3. All the Thor movies are trash so far.

I haven't liked any of the Netflix shows except Daredevil season 1, but I'm pretty sure Iron Fist is going to suck from the reviews so far. It looks like they played it boring and low-key, and it's a mystic kung-fu billionaire with a magic chi fist.

What are you talking about?

Iron Man 3 is a really interesting movie to debate about and its absolutely a pleb filter because its an absolute garbage movie

Are you kidding there sre boards and youtube comments of people criticizing MCU shit and MCUcks immediately saying it's all butthurt DCucks.

Fanboys are shit brand loyalists no matter what.

danny's """"""costume"""""" is just a tracksuit, a bandana and some nikes

am i to believe that they didn't have the budget for this? that it's too wacky and zany for the audience?

yeah but their comics are irrelevant compared to their movies, and all their "pandering" has been done in their comics. I don't think anything done in their comics lineup is going to affect popular expectations for their movies/tv shows.

They changed Heimdall's race from Nordic to Idris Elba

you know when they say the "costume" you mean shit like this, right?

they probably have something akin to what you just said in the show but he doesnt have the mask eyes/collar vneck thing

To be fair everyone wishes they were Idris Elba. Even Asgardians.

thats his current suit, they should have gone super low budget with the green parachute pants and yellow sash and mask from immortal

that's because they regretted not casting Elba as Nick Fury.

people are going to get redpilled as fuck when they watch it and realize it's not actually as bad as critics said

have you seen it?

yeah ama

how much time is spent in boardrooms dealing with corporate politics and how interesting is the fighting, is it shit like jessica jones and luke cage?