TWD pre-game thread

Walking Dead thread. Get in here bros. Tonight's episode is gonna be hype!

>Tonight's episode is gonna be hype!
is it?

No, Negan isn't going to be in it.

what happens tonight?

>Rick is frustrated over losing the .50 cal last ep
During a dinner argument with Michonne he stands up, shoves Carl, then throws a pot of boiling water onto Michonne's chest

This is according to TSDF. Honestly I might not watch it if this is what the show is reduced to

How long until air?

1h 30m from now

I heard he was going to take her to the zoo to replace Shiva for Ezekiel.


i know the show doesn't make any sense anymore but what the shit? that's retarded

>tfw europoor and have to go to bed now
I just wanna shitpost

are you serious? no negan AGAIN?

streamlink? lost bookmarks

Summary of tonight's episode.

We got Negan last week and you can't expect them to pay for competent actors every week.

I’m 3 episodes behind.
Should I still try?

You think they have the budget for JDM? Walking Dead is literally a money laundering scheme.

Just watch the Negan episode and forget the rest

>tfw no qt mommies like lori or andrea anymore

Stream here. like always


Both of them fucking sucked and nothing about them were "qt". Tara was qt once upon a time, Rosita is pretty sexy, Maggie was best in season two, Andrea's sister was qt, and Laura the tattoo whore is shaping up quite nice.

>You think they have the budget for JDM?

I would assume so. This failure of a show did and it was nowhere near as successful as TWD.

They can afford JDM, they'd just rather keep the money for themselves

>all out war
>theres no war



>"we're going to war"
>1 day later all your outposts are destroyed and your base is on the verge of total ruin

Even the governor put up a better fight than the saviorcucks.

>most action-packed season yet
>somehow still manages to be more boring than old seasons' filler episodes

How? What went wrong?

it's a "no Negan" episode. but hey we get rick and the dumpster people, and tara!

why are you wearing that frog suit?

>be hype



Oh boy. I can't wait for the Garbage Pail Kids to return.

Said no one ever.

>Strong independent woman wearing a pink fur coat has survived three years in the zombie apocalypse on her own

i dont think the show has ever once brought up race thankfully

This can't be factual. I know TSDF are accurate and all, yet I hope this is simply bullshit.

What is this expression trying to convey?

>no Negan
Annnnd I'm out

It will now. It's only a matter of time. Kirkman is charge of both the comic and the show.

Will /enid/ appear tonight?

>it's a "no Negan" episode
Honestly feel like just skipping out this week, I have a feeling I won't miss anything

Let's hope not.

bruh if that page gets put in the show the ratings will go into freefall, somebody will put a stop to it.

You don't want to see that shit?

Nah bruh. The primary audience for TWD is liberal women. They'll eat it up. That's why Kirkman created the Princess character in the first place.

In case you don't know, the character's name is "Princess." She's latina, wears pink and purple, and is a super bad ass zombie slayer.

Afraid she'll be the show stealer?

I actually already hate her. She sounds insufferable.

What? No way! I was just on my way to Alexandria.

You might be a pedophile and I'm going to need you to take a seat over there.

dat big ol butt


Did I miss something last week, or did they seriously not explain how Negan and Gabriel escaped the zombies that were literally 1 feet behind them and falling on top of them?
They just showed up in the Sanctuary and it was never explained what happened.

They didn't explain it

She’s 18 now Cris
Post more

I think I'm just going to read the thread and shit post instead of watching.

TCAP sure got wild at times.

the rubbed zombie guts on themselves, killed a few zombies by slapping them in the head, then appeared in front of everyone

I've been doing that and drinking since season 3. It's really the only reason I still watch.

>TCAP posting will never come back

Well that's so fucking dumb. I absolutely hate how the zombies become neutered whenever the writing calls for it. I'm so tired of them never showing how someone escapes from a precarious situation, and they just turn up fine the next scene simply because the writing demands it. So fucking dumb.
Yeah, but the zombies started coming after them and they were completely buttfucking surrounded and then boom zombies falling from above and they come out unscathed the next scene. Fucking cop out of writing and another one of the most extremely stupid moment in the series to date.

i guess the writers figured that if GoT can get away with doing important shit off-screen, then TWD can too

Season 1 episode 2

>No more white people, no more niggers. Just the living

dam imagine your face in between her thighs


>Just remembered its a garbage gang episode

Did Hansen ever release the rest of them after the fedoralord?

saved by plot armor


Rick "War Crimes" Grimes specifically told Merle,
>there are no NIGGERS, only dark meat and light meat, that's us and the dead

On my third drink already, bring this shit on. Predicting worst episode of the season yet

In that case proceed I guess?

Oh boy, who's ready for one hour of commercials with a whole bunch of nothing inbetween?

you cunts still watch this shite?



>Focusing on the muslim lady
ty AMC i am enriched now


Literally why is Carol wearing elbow pads?

Aragorn is my favorite lotr character

rick is racist?

is stream2watch not working anymore? I miss being able to full screen


Yeah, literally our guy

Rick said that to Merle

Could've been episode 1


>people are DYING, things are HAPPENING

o-ok rick i believe you

*or white trash

I don't remember that

Holy shit, Miss Up Up Up has some ass!

Why are they naked

I legit was hyped for Walking Dead through the first four seasons and I think the governor centric episodes in season 4 are still the best episodes of this show.

>another speech



These white trash people again

>garbage lady's thighs



post garbage ass

I like the speeches desu senpai

>Wearing only aprons
Good lord

>naked apron
my fetish

>Open with speech
>Cut to opening
>Ads ads ads ads

What the fuck is wrong with these people? I thought she was a tranny on Hap and Leonard so seeing her ass is confusing.