Webm Thread

Post what you have



Hmmm...is this worth watching? I was gonna make a decision based on the webm but I'm still undecided.

meant for

The Dark Tower is awful

jesus this looks terrible

read the book instead. only the first one was worth reading imo but it's great.


what the fuck? how does the second bullet even catch up to the first bullet? is it magic?

This movie was shit
This movie was great

It's not worth your time

>fire bullet a
>fire bullet b a second afterwards
>bullet a travels in a straight line
>bullet b hits a wall and ricochets
>somehow bullet b manages to catch up to bullet a

post the webm where the girl changes into a guy

Yeah, the bad guy can catch bullets since he a wizard and so he bank shots the guy.

it is fucking awful.

Warming up for some "Patriot day" webms


>15ft / 1000ft/s * (1/sin(pi/4)-1)
>he shot twice in 0.003 seconds
movie magic


Bullet A is being magically slowed down.

>read the book instead. only the first one was worth reading imo but it's great.
Nah, there's plenty of good books in the series, even if it is a bit of a quality rollercoaster. And I like how the first four or five are all quite different from each other.
Watch shootemup instead. Underrated movie, probably because it plays its comedy straightfaced and never blinks.

A while back an user once replied to a post about Ana de Armas with:
>rotting teef
to this day I do not understand what he meant. If you're out there user, could you tell me what you meant? I'm losing sleep over this.

stargate cgi has aged like shit


Still looks better than B5.


B5 at least was cutting edge stuff when it was made, actually won a emmy for best effects IIRC.

Anyone here has any Arrival webms? I watched here a while ago one when the supposed heptapods were extorting the human interpreters as they said the needed 10% of all human childs. They needed to extract some substance out of them.
Today I finally saw the movie and didn't see that scene.

Anyone here knows what webm I'm refering to?


fucking really?


what wrong with that scene?


You have schizophrenia user.


that he shot him what looks like in the face twice in the same spot and then the kid struggled to get his gun for like 20 seconds

who does that


sauce on brazilian

No, the shots where in not the same spot, you can see the 2nd shot hit his hand.

As for him grabbing it, almost all cops use what called a retention holster to prevent some punk from grabbing their gun. Look it up.

you mean his hand blocking his face? where'd the bullet go

It was true. I saw it in a xpol kind of thread about Hollywood elite drugs, adenochrome memes and so forth.


It hit his palm side of his hand and exited out the top into the car.

that's a bouncy bullet for one that should've gone right through someones hand.

First shot hit his cheek, the 2nd went though his hand (you can see the exit wound in that webm.)

Nothing bouncy about it you fucking autist.

>Enters palm and exits the top of the hand into the car.
>user says it should have gone though the hand.

WTF type of reading ability are we looking at?


>lmao 9mm

looks like it should've gone directly into his fucking face after exiting his hand, is what i mean, you fucking retards

Is your depth perception that bad user? Serious question. Are you one eyed?

>I saw it in a xpol kind of thread about Hollywood elite drugs, adenochrome memes and so forth.
You have schizophrenia user.

exactly how would that affect looking at a 2d screenshot of a movie scene? are you the shooter in that scene? what can you see from a perspective that's not in that screenshot i wonder

>impacts between the ring and pinky finger.
>thinking that will result in a headshot.

I need to find it. Search your folders.

at most it would be hitting his upper arm.


because his pinky and ring finger, along with the rest of his hand is put up in FRONT OF HIS FACE and the gun is pointed slightly to THE RIGHT you fucking retard



Put your arm like that. your right hand across your body at that angle the hand will not cover your entire face.

everything middle finger out will be covering air.


Is the entire movie this bad?



wuts dis from

wind river

Why does this Excalibur look so bad compared to the animu version?

I want to have schizophrenia too



Time for some more OC


It's made by Jews instead of honorary Aryans








fuck you, nigga


Better try to bump





well that 20 Original webms in this thread from me, night all.

I know Kate Mara isn't in this scene and the movie itself was pretty bad (along with the book) but Jesus Christ I hate Kate Mara. Her face is absolutely horrible and so is her acting.

Shit taste user

>Not liking the martian
>not liking Kate Mara








Don't care, loved it


>flight reason: personal business
>destination: hell
