Tfw no autistic gf you live with but never have to marry

>tfw no autistic gf you live with but never have to marry

I thought Karl was the autistic one.

>gf mocks your desire to talk about bugs in the middle of the night

Is that the mom from the Loud House?

weird, innit?

I'm looking for a job so I can move out and live forever with my autistic waifu. It's hard.

Isn't Karl the autist?

>it's a Karl tells Susan she looks like Dave Hill from Slade after she gets a haircut episode

To me he has just seemed ignorant with a very narrow field of experiences and a lack of desire to question things presented to him.

What about his obsession with insects?

It was a baby monkey

He seems to have a hard time understanding metaphors and /or popular phrases ...because he takes everything literally

Also he mentions a few times how he would freak out if some kid sat on his bed after he made it when he was growing up

He's probably a high functioning autist

>tfw no one to turn to in bed and tell them about the immune system

>There is no way they would allow a monkey to.... I mean, Karl, it's a fuckin' monkey!

In all seriousness, Karl is great. While we're watching anything with Karl in it, she'll occasionally stare at me after Karl says something particularly strange and says
>It's like looking in a mirror, innit?

I'm not a hardcore fan, but I watched all the clips on youtube and read some of Karl's social media posts/looked at what he's done since, and he's obviously very aware of his appeal and how exactly to satisfy the expectation. Really makes me wonder if he was always putting on a conscious performance on the program (yes I know they said he didn't, doesn't mean anything, they'd say that regardless) or if the realization came to him as his popularity grew.

>tfw no gf who's so incredibly mundane and boring I can trust her to always be there doing the same shit and never fucking me over
Do they even fuck? You'd assume so but his tales from home don't really leave room for it amongst all the lethargic casual existence. Maybe they just keep each other commpany and that's it.

you know he's faking right, Karl was quite a well respected editor for tv when he started working with Ricky and Steve, its a character the all built together.

>Also he mentions a few times how he would freak out if some kid sat on his bed after he made it when he was growing up

No, that's pretty normal. Do you want some shithead kid to mess up a perfectly made bed? I don't think so.

No he wasn't. He was the producer for a London radio station, which pretty much just means he operated the records and took phone calls.

You people are over-analyzing a simple man from manchester. Karl is as down to earth and regular as a person can be which is I like listening to him so much.

Did you miss all the times he talks about her fat arse. Karl likes having a go as much as the next bloke but obviously doesn't share every single detail because that's just not what you do.

Did you not listen to the old XFM shows where he was a producer and had no reason to put on a character? He had the exact same mannerisms and patterns of speech as he does in all the other shows. Being a respectable media producer doesn't mean you can't be a regular simpleton.

You fuckers have spent so long in here you don't even know what an autist is anymore

He specifically talks about a time when he and Suzanne were having sex while on holiday in Spain, which is interrupted by a Spanish fireman knocking on the door telling them to evacuate due to a fire. He tried to delay leaving because he still had an erection.


Karl talks about enjoying going to Wales and other parts of England in a caravan/trailer and that suited him well enough. I think in the third season of the animated series he mentions that now that he's traveled around the world (Idiot Abroad) the caravan vacations have lost their appeal.

I can understand that Ricky and Steve want the best for their friend and think they can expand his horizons with all these adventures, but they need to let Karl be and let him enjoy his life as he likes it.

I really tried to get into Idiot Abroad, but I honestly found the first several episodes more cruel than funny. I felt genuinely bad for Karl when he seemed to get truly upset about some of the shit that was being foisted on him, like that piece of shit hotel room in India, or the unexpected camel trip through the desert. That stuff wasn't even making fun of his lack of culture or aversion to expanding his horizons - that would be a pain in the fucking ass even to someone who would enjoy doing it, if it all came out of nowhere.


they're mental, aren't they?

I think that's part of Ricky's (possibly) autistic way of caring for his friends by messing with them. There's a couple vids on youtube about comedian Robin Ince who is constantly badgered by Ricky while they were on tour. While it seems that Robin takes some of it well, there are some moments where he's visibly upset with Ricky.

Ricky and Steve are smart guys. Their stuff is pretty funny when it's not completely full of itself or too on the nose. Steve seems to have some kind of self-awareness while Ricky doesn't, but the "we're smart dudes and we're not so lets fuck with you" bit gets real old real fast.

Ricky should just let him enjoy his caravan vacations and he can fuck off back to whatever cause he's championing this week.

>autistic gf
This sourced or simply "well... she HAS to be right?"

>it's the mammal that's got, sort of, the pointiest eyes.. eyes that pop out their head...... Steve

>He seems to have a hard time understanding metaphors and /or popular phrases ...because he takes everything literally
oh fuck...I'm a black Karl....