How do you fix the DC cinematic universe?

How do you fix the DC cinematic universe?

If you were in charge what would you do?

Give Snyder a billion dollars and free reign

Change absolutely nothing, it's an Oscar-Winning franchise.

That's exactly what you don't want to do


You fucking retards.

The DCU is dead. Bury it.

I've generally liked their movies. Frankly I never got why people got so into CapeShit
I just liked these characters from the comics so to me it's cool to see them make a suicide squad film or a dr strange film
But to normies? I don't get why they care , almost all the movies from fox, to Sony, to Disney to WB are "average" to "garbage"
Like why would a normal adult care about Capt America just from the movies ? His flicks are nearly all lame



>The movie that won an Oscar had literally nothing to do with Snyder
>Is also objectively the DCEUs worst movie
>Award was for makeup
Nice argument there

>DC's worst movie has infinitely more oscars than the entire MCU

cause Winter Soldier is best capekino

I sure hope these posts are ironic

Snyders fans is almost entirely shitskins and soyboys

WS is trash

go back and time and stop zack snyder's daughter from killing herself

>snyder dickrider detected

We have the JL established so I honestly feel good on that front.

Just now create a plan that leads up to Darkseid, and fill with a shit ton of standalones with recurring cameos

The beginning of Dr Strange, when he's just a cocky doctor, was fantastic and way better than the rest of the film.
It was like a film of House with a decent budget.

>Oscars now mean something sense it involves my franchise winning.

Put all current DC projects on hold, Sandberg and Wan can kiss my ass until I get a good look at what they're cooking. Then I'd prioritize MOS2 and get Superman back on track.
After Superman is fixed, I'd move onto the other titles like Batman and WW2 and keep my eyes on them at all time.
Lead they way to a true Trinity film.
After Trinity, focus on the other projects leading into JL2 like Aquaman, Green Lantern and The Flash. Fuck flashpoint, it's not needed.

Not that any of you care, I'm just a random fuckhead.

Trash everything.

Give indie directors money to make movies out of weird Vertigo comics.

Better than anything Snyder's made

A random fuckhead with more sense than the fucking suits at WB and DC.

Nah that sounds alright. Seems like you care about characterisation over WE GOT AQUAMAN IN THE MOVIE BRO HE'S RIDING THE BATMOBILE

This is your average Snydenier

This is your average snyder dickrider

Fuck the cinematic universe, Id just make a Batman Beyond movie with Keaton and Burton behind it, make it the part 3 to his other Batman movies..


>If you were in charge what would you do?
Bring in the big guns.

>Kill the rest of Snyder's kids to ensure he stays away
>Have Frank Miller take over but keep Snyder's dark themes.
>Fire anyone who suggests a fucken quip
>Fire any WB exec that suggests meddling.

2017 and they can't even get on the level of an 90s Hongkong action movie with their shitty choreography.

like this opinion...I just dont get it. WS , compared to any other decent budgeted action flick or thriller is painfully average
sure its interesting take in the narrow genre of CapeFilms but out of that context its kinda forgettable.
If you already didnt like Capt America from comics/cartoons why would you give a fuck about his movies?

Horrible jarring cuts...
Welling is not suitable, he never was.

Fire everyone in an executive decision making position immediately. Hire Dini and Timm as executive producers.