After the success of IT, what can we expect next from Sophia Lillis?



After the failure of this post, what can we expect next from OP?

imagine saving her life and she has to be your GF?

We can expect to see this ugly kike posted on Sup Forums every day for the next few years by the same autistic pedophiles until she gets too old for them to care anymore at which point she'll be turned into a meme for being less attractive than when she was younger and she'll still be posted every day

A new IP and the same thread in a couple of hours.
everyone knows Moner is better anyways



Sophia fags made a big mistake picking a fight with Moner.

fight me

why do you make this thread every day? how much is her agent paying you and is she hiring?

literally who?

we do this for free
for love

shes going to be sitting right here on my dick



Absolutely nothing.
This cunt is ugly and when puberty is done with her nobody will want to have her in a movie.

just someone that actually looks like a girl

come at me fag

>I will never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything

based cuphead poster

You come in our thread starting shit and say it's our fault?
I stay far away from your shit threads, pal.

You're both wrong
Everyone knows Millie is better.