This man singlehandedly killed Superman and Batman in the eyes of the public

This man singlehandedly killed Superman and Batman in the eyes of the public.

It's actually kinda impressive.

Other urls found in this thread:

>kills capeshit

based, is zack /ourguy/

Reminder that this has been the natural state of batman/superman fandom throughout most of their history until Nolan

yfw Nolan handpicked him to direct MOS, effectively killing DC

Crashing the Franchise with no survivors

He's going to kill Ayn Rand, too.

I'll watch his cut of Justice League, I liked MoS and BvS.

You gotta wonder what that boardroom meeting at WB was like when they hired him.

>hey I got the perfect director. He has only ever directed comic book movies, none of them were true to source, and only one was financially successful.
>sounds great!

>and he wants batman to get raped in a prison! How mature and gritty!

it's even crazier considering Nolan made Batman popular again, and his Batman was a weakling with a funny voice

God bless you Zack

It's pretty amazing the damage he's done to the franchise. You ask kids to name a superhero who wears a cape and most of them say thor.

I wonder how the execs that hired him are feeling right now.

They don't blame him. He did everything they told him to do, and more. They don't blame themselves either.

They think its because there weren't enough fighter jet scenes.

>You ask kids to name a superhero who wears a cape and most of them say thor.

What the fuck are you talking about?


Thor, the god of thunder. He's a popular superhero from the Marvel movies.

Get a new actor, new look, distance it from the "DC COMICS" brand, and have the movie not be dogshit, and superman/batman will be fine.

WB completely misunderstands what made the properties function. DC on the whole is darker than marvel, but the vast majority of that is the villains, because they have to be darker, as the heroes in DC are all idyllic, they stand in stark contrast to the worlds in which they exist. Paragons of virtue and justice trapped in nightmare worlds and winning, somewhat, against the prevailing darkness. Trying to make these characters human/gritty is fundamentally self-defeating, as all that leaves is a shitty world without even a single iota of non-shittiness.

more like
>hey I got the perfect director. He's my husband

Batman is still more popular than any Marvel character.

I like his DC films and I generally don't like superhero stuff.

Yeah but the gap should be bigger. At this point Spiderman might beat Superman and Batman.

well no shit retard, thats how its always been

zach is /ourfuckingfailure/

He was far from his first choice. Nolan asked a couple other directors before Snyder but they all said no.

96 million says no

He's not incompetent. He has an appreciable artistic talent. But, yes, he killed my two favorite comic characters' representation in film. Shit like this makes me realize how worthless I am. I actually care about these fictional characters. I need to move on. It's ridiculous that my mind should be wasting its time on these power fantasies and the awful people who make them.

Superman/Batman were always the most popular you dumb fucking piece of shit.

they guy is a jew

you can stop lying any time

> But, yes, he killed my two favorite comic characters' representation in film. Shit like this makes me realize how worthless I am. I actually care about these fictional characters. I need to move on. It's ridiculous that my mind should be wasting its time on these power fantasies and the awful people who make them.
Or you know thats a normal thing that most americans feel too...

I wonder how Snyder feels about casting affleck now. After all the negative press he's causing.

He was like his 4th choice but yeah he's the one that brought his name up.

It's all part of his master plan to kill capeshit. He's doing it for us guys.

How, this board talks about capeshit more than Sup Forums. I don't even know why this board pretends they don't love comic movies.

>yfw Affleck only got into Batman talks because WB wanted him to direct Justice League
He should have taken the original offer.

spiderman passed them in popularity like 15 years ago nigga

I can only imagine what we would've got if Nolan directed MoS and Affleck directed BvS

The only talent snyder uses is other people's. He takes comic panels and hands them to a cinematographer. That's it.

Was getting his daughter killed part of his plan?

Zac Snyder is Darkseid. Darksnyder.

no he didn't inb4 you post an outdated image of toy sales from one yearr

>marvel starts capeshit-mania with plenty of misses along the way
>Nolan even manages make the capeshit IP that was previously regarded as the worst in its genre a smash hit blockbuster and critic’s darling
>get handed the most well known superhero IP on the face of earth and the second most well known IP still hot from Nolan’s success
>end up putting out multiple flops that are both critical and commercial failures

The man is a fucking reverse alchemist. Turned near-literal gold into pure shit

more like every year. kids fucking love spiderman

Who were the other choices?

If I remember correctly, Del Toro, Bowie's son, and I think Aronofsky

At least black panther will be cool

Doug Jones, Matt Reeves, and Matthew Vaughn I think. There might have been more.

Ultimately Snyder was chosen because he's the only one who would do it without a major script re-write because they needed to start production ASAP or lose the Superman rights.

Killed them by making movies smarter than needed to be and the sheeple missed the point

Spider-Man sells more merchandise than Batman though. He's always been more popular.

they liked superman/batman before these movies

Kurosawa, Kubrick and Tarkovsky

For kids I guess. Batman/Superman are more cultural icons.


even after all these years of mistake and failure, dcucklets just haven't learned anything.

Batman sure. Hardly anyone cares that much about superman anymore though.

That's not Whedon

>Batman went from being a meme hero that even normie chads loved thanks to Nolan to a b tier hero that can’t even break even in his movies

>Sup Forums is no longer a Snyder board
What happened? Did the r*dditors finally terraform this board?

>falling for b8

>the dark knight movies made over a billion dollars
>snyder's batman movies, including justice fucking league with boosted 3D sales don't even touch a billion


not as much as spidey but close

More like cleared the way for complete MCU dominance.

James Orin Incandenza

Snyderfags are mostly from r/DCEU anyway

Contrarians got bored and the memes got stale.


Affleck was actually suggested to direct also, or at least rumored, but he declined due to not being familiar enough with directing blockbuster movies

i want to fucking kill myself. fuck WB. Seriously.

i would also like to add, wait 5 years before making anything. do wonder woman 2 but don't make matt reaves batman for 5 years. put distance between it. cancel all other movies. put aquaman out this feb with black panther, just end it all now and begin planning everything from 5 years from now.

Well actually he proved that most of the people who watch comic movies don't actually read comics and don't have any knowledge of DC beyond old Super Friends reruns.

What are MoS and BvS about if they’re so simple to understand for you?

Are you fucking 14 or something? Batman and Superman were literally the only two superheroes with successful film franchises until the early 2000s.

Translation, he was the yessiest yes-man they had on call.


> It’s one of those wondrous Zack Snyder extravaganzas that fulfill the aesthetic potential of comic-book graphics and achieves essential cinema kinetics.

I'd say Batman/Spider-Man are.
Superman is famous as a symbol but not as a character.
>He fell for the "BvS is kino" meme
Back to r/DCCU.

>dawn of the dead is a comic book movie

>implying it isn't

Not an argument

Terraforming? What's that?

>A Conservative, Homosexual Black Man with the last of "White" is the King of Sup Forums

Can't make this shit up.

what's so smart about them anyway.

Most of the """smart"""" sounding analysis and collages dcucks made are mostly consist of "look at this comparison/symbolisms/metaphors/allusions to classic works/mythologies/bible" which is just nothing more than decorated easter eggs.

pretty qt. i will miss snyder for that alone.

>watching black youtubers

You do know that he's black right?

>yfw you realize Snyder is just Ozymandias
>yfw you realize BvS and MoS were the giant squid alien
>yfw capeshit is obliterated through the sheer willpower of a single genius
truly 7d chess at its finest

I thin that if there's one problem with the DCEU, it's trying to make the heroes more grounded. I appreciate what Snyder was doing in BvS, and I personally think it's a great film, but Superman and Batman shouldn't be "human" persay. DC heroes aren't just superheroes, they're mythical figures, often gods, and should be treated as such. Snyder tried to make them both grounded and symbolic at the same time, and the two viewpoints inevitably clashed with one another at times. The human angle works for Marvel, since their heroes are generally less powerful and more relatable. DC movies should be almost like epics.

>avoiding the question
I’m not talking about symbolism. What is the subtext of those films? If you can’t answer, or say they’re meaningless, you’re actually a retard and need to shut the fuck up.

Of course he did, he's Jewish after all. Just like Jew Jew Abrams killed Star Wars while making Shekels off of it

Just finished re-watching Man of Steel for the first time since it's theatrical release. Honestly it's not very good. It has a lot of potential, and there are some aspects that work great, but overall it has pretty godawful writing and WAY too much fighting/destruction. BvS is a much better movie.

The difference is that Star Wars 7 is one of the highest grossing films of all time.


>being this retarded
It could have literally been the worst film ever made and would have still been one of the highest grossing of all time simply for being a sequel to the most beloved trilogy of all time

>they're mythical figures, often gods
No they fucking aren't and Snyder trying to make Superman into Dr. Manhattan was the fucking cause of all this shit. Superman grew up a fucking farmer, he works a shit 9-5 job, he wants the hot co-worker to notice him, he has a dog, and he has a mancave. Batman is a human who rejects his humanity. Superman is an alien who embraces humanity.

MCUfags finally reclaimed it

I remember Sup Forums's hype leading up to the first Avenger's film

>tfw no more strings memes

Why couldn't Age of Ultron be good dammit.

>while at the same time creating kino so epic that all the normies hate it

It's like...He's perfect.

> thor EVER being more popular than BATman and SUPERman.

thanks for the laugh bro.


Worse, he was raised as a Christian Scientist.

>Hardly anyone cares that much about superman anymore though.

please go out once in a while, Superman is the most recognized superhero. Anybody recognizes that big S.

>middle of Sunday night
>Snyder's crew needs to get up early for work tomorrow
>nothing but unemployed MCUcks this time of night

I'm only here because my shift gives me Monday off.

you stupid nigger.

doctor manhattan is a humanization of superman.

they literally hired him for Man of Steel because no one else wanted to do it

it explains a lot about how things turned out when you think about it