How would a 2017 remake of 12 Angry men look like?

How would a 2017 remake of 12 Angry men look like?

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12 Angry Men, Woman and Non-Binary Folks

They wouldn’t be men.

Probably not even allowed to be angry.

12 non-binary PoC unpacking problematic issues

Fonda's role would be reprised by a Black woman. The old man would also be Black. The immigrant would would be more visually Hispanic. After the racist White male rants about "those people" all the other jurors beat the shit out of him.


movie was already sjw, they turned the guilty nigger free


Like the OJ jury

the kid was a spic, not a nigger

Look man, I'm not that type of anti-SJW. I am the type of anti-SJW to point out that beyond a shadow of a doubt, 12 Angry Men remake in 2017 would fucking absolutely focus on something to do with Tumblrism

yes but could you remake it as a soft-core lesbian porno?

Just watched Inherit The Wind and Witness For The Prosecution and I'm in the mood for some more courthouse kino, any recommendations?

That's my desktop wallpaper. Exact same image.

(it's actually pretty good).

The Verdict
La Verite
Anatomy of a Murder
My Cousin Vinny (serious)

It's a true story about PG&E covering up a toxic field in California.





>How would a 2017 remake of 12 Angry men look like?
all black

Breaker Morant.

Thank you.

They already did a remake that had blacks and mexcians.

>12 Angry Men
It already happened, it's called "Richard Spencer's Alt-Right Rally"

You retards realize that Murder on the Orient Express just got remade and it didn't blackwash anyone, right?

The Doctor, they even shoehorned in an interracial romance.

Movies like this were carefully made so that they attacked one specific prevailing norm of their time, in this case nativism and racism, while garnering the audience's goodwill by adhering to all other prevailing norms the audience would have had. In this way the movie's message is delivered in a way that doesn't offend the sensibilities of its viewers, even as it tells them they need to change some part of their culture. This makes it more effective as propaganda, but it also has the interesting effect of making it awkward to modern viewers, since the efforts it goes to to avoid upsetting its contemporary audience and gain their trust means it is going to endorse a lot of things that modern audiences see as morally wrong or just odd. There are other pieces of propaganda from a little earlier that focus on different issues and try to win the audience over with racist humor.

That's why this type of movie doesn't age well, except as a historical curiosity.

In 2017??? You know how it would be....

> all female cast.
> defendant is a white guy.
> almost the same as the original
> one juror fights for innocent, talks almost all into it.

2017 plot twist....
> clever woman figures out in time that the guy really IS guilty.
> he goes to the chair.

It could have Latinos, indians, and east Asians, but none of the jurors could be black. The bigoted rant juror 10 does doesn't make sense if there is someone of that race in the room. And it wouldnt make sense to rant about asians, for instance, with a black person in the room because black vs white is the main racial tension, it would come off as comical. So the defender has to be black.

Judgement at Nuremburg is also great but very long, worth it though

>one specific prevailing norm of their time
>implying the audience was all white

>We were kings and shit, black man