What's the appeal of X-Men?

What's the appeal of X-Men?

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They're like pokemon. There's "types" and they have strengths and weaknesses, and you throw a bunch of them together in a team to become the ultimate master

For me, the racism

Their setup means they can create any kind of power they want without having to make a new retarded origin for their abilities.

I don't know but among casuals they seem to be the favorite of goth chicks

For me, the appeal is sniktbub, the best at what he does mutant

A unique group of characters who have to band together instead of choosing to.

Once upon a time, before anime and video games made everyone expect no shorter than 10 blades and 6 lasers rotating in the air trailed by a stream of explosives at any given time, their powers were pretty flashy and cool.

Being an analogue for prejudice gives the potential for stories with more substance (even if there's more shit than gold).

They were designed to be a team, which makes them better than teams like the JL because they need to cover each other's weaknesses.

Wolverine mostly

Same thing that appeals to people about Harry Potter. Power fantasy+soap opera.

This. Plus the outsider angle that applies to minorities but really it attracts teens. That was the original idea, hence that's the age when you get your mutant powers.

A really fuckin' good run that made them THE comic franchise on the 80s.
As time went on yeah it all kinda fell apart.

A fresh ridiculous adventure every month with a team of interesting and relatable characters.
It's still the 80s, right?

It's a tightly-knit team with great chemistry.

This is also really important. Until Wolverine became the breakout star it was very difficult to pick a "main character" of the franchise. Is Cyclops the main character? Is Storm?

The X-Men, like the Fantastic Four, were created AS a team so there was no assumptions about who would live or die or who the focus of a specific issue would be.

Muh civil rights movement analogies
Muh racism
Muh anti nazi propaganda

I always hated the botched human vs mutant plotlines

Boring bullshit to be honest and alot of their stories just seem to end with Warhammer 40k levels of mutant genocide.

It got to a point you somewhat knew what was gonna happen in a story "uh oh muties are being discriminated that darn Magneto and his terrorism!!"

The humans in marvel live in a fucking universe where the military has a fucking fortress over their heads,aliens exist, and the entire world is full of superheroes that are almost kinda similar to mutants yet people scared of mutants and just act racist for the plot

Give me a break

Diversity. No, not that kind, I mean diversity of powers and personalities.
No matter how picky you are you'll find at least 1 X-Man you like.

>with great chemistry.


Representing racism as reasonable would defeat their point though.

Except it IS reasonable. Just because society and the kikes that control it bend over backwards to make it a taboo does not mean that racism is unreasonable, or even bad.

I like your way of thinking!

>The humans in marvel live in a fucking universe where the military has a fucking fortress over their heads,aliens exist, and the entire world is full of superheroes that are almost kinda similar to mutants yet people scared of mutants and just act racist for the plot

The reason people hate mutants and not people who got their powers from science, magic, or whatever else is really simple

They aren't a race, and they don't pose a threat to their sense of self worth, just like real life racism it's usually a value held by extremely insecure and paranoid people who feel like their very existence is being challenged, unlike other heroes mutants represent a naturally superior form of person in terms of what they're capable of, it's why some dumb white people are so hung up on the stereotypes that black people are naturally more athletic or all were born with ten inch cocks

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but expecting X-Men to reflect that when their whole point is the opposite is retarded.
I guess I should point out that Jews created X-Men, making you even more unreasonable.

Grow up and learn to enjoy media that has messages you don't agree with.

I just fucking hate maybe its becasue its used so much in X-men but the X men can have better stories than having the mutant vs humans undertones

I think he meant more like in a world where alien invasions are a regular occurrence people don't really have a reason to make a big deal out of a kid that shits bees.

>They aren't a race

Neither are mutants.

Over time, there's been one for everybody.
There's an X-Man for everyone to relate to.

Many people will say they're a stand in for gays, minorities, ect.
But at the base of it, they're outcasts.
I think, knowing this, anyone can understand why the X-Men are so popular here.

Fucking kids and your Blacker than Dark and My Academic Hero Bunny.

>tightly-knit team

lolno. X-Men are currently defined as "practically every single living mutant, including our former archenemies Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, and even Apocalypse".

in the Claremont era they were tightly knit, maybe.

>But at the base of it, they're outcasts.

Not really, they're still massive normies, except maybe Laura.

>Most popular one is yellow with big pointy ears


social outcasts with superpowers, every kids self insert

>anti-nazi propaganda
I think you're on the wrong board, my dude. You're looking for Sup Forums.

lot's of relatable characters, they aren't superpowered or on a super hero team because they are especially heroic or had some amazing origin story to get powers, they were just born that way and making the best out of their lives problems

It's one of the best team dynamics, they really work together well and compliment each other's powers. And they have interesting villains to match their power.

Chris Claremont(1976-1991)

They're usually well balanced as a team. Like a game of D&D, the DM lets the tank, DD, support, healer everyone get a moment. Not every villain is just one that hits harder. Claremont was really good at this. Nothing was ever too contrived, it was all very organic. They explained villains origins, why they were not active during other times. Like Apocalypse and hellfire club. The writers were inventive and rarely lazy (unless editors forced them to be)

Plus soap opera shit and it's fun. Used to be that way anyway.