What was your favorite Sleepycast moment?

What was your favorite Sleepycast moment?

>the poptart argument

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>I'm to lazy to animate anymore, so I'm gonna be in a podcast where I'm paid to complain about pointless shit and not have to do any work
Jesus, at least Gamegrumps had a directive

What does this have to do with Animation?
Don't say it's a podcast with animators. Neither of them made anything during the podcast's run. They just got lazy with the income of Patreon money.

That's not it at all, though.

>Neither of them
There was more than two people, you fucking moron. And they're still working on shit. Take 5 minutes to look shit up. Jesus.

>I'm too lazy to animate anymore
You know that making money with animation online is next to impossible that right?

>at least Gamegrumps had a directive

to be a worse LP channel than DSP?

>it's a nothing to talk about so they make noises to fill time 5 part episode

the creepypasta was old


It's a shame they burned out as hard as they did.

I'm a retard, I meant to say gold

God, Arin shittyness at games is unbelievable. Why do people even take his opinions on games seriously?

>the green M&M
>the marsquatch

So, how about that Jon?

Been an interesting few days for him

I think everyone should do what Jon should have done and just ignore his opinions in exchange for getting some okay content.

He's not nearly prolific enough to be getting this kind of attention IMO but Game Grumps was a big thing for a lot of people so I get the investment you feel. But holy fuck, it's the Internet. It seems to make everyone into an opinion spewing ape. Just let it go.

When they released animations they were working on so hard.

>where I'm paid
Sleepycast wasn't profiting the guys there at all
The money went into rent for the office and other shit
the whole crew is still broke as shit

This shit ain't Sup Forums

but the live action threads are?

What's with this "they haven't been putting animation on youtube so that means they haven't been animating at all" mentality? Do you faggots really live in a bubble where the internet is the only thing that exists?

The 'lil Skatey bit.

Arin is just a shitty person in general, why he's still so respected and how he can get interviews with the likes Studio Trigger I'll never know.

The episode with shadman in it. Someone found his online profile of weird shit that he drew, police got involved, he got kicked out of school, and was called a menace to society. But when he talks, he sounds like someone I would be friends with.

Maybe your perception of him his incorrect and based off of internet videos


Is it even a question

>calling someone a shitty person
>while posting art created by a literal pedophile

>meanwhile HotDiggedyDemon managed to find a way to continue animating but in a way that was cost effective and something he could pump out within a week or month

If you wanna make money online through animating then at least find a gimmick that works like HDDs reviews

>last 5 episodes never ever


It's a tie between Marsquatch and the African village monkey joke.

>Old man doesn't know what a podcast is

Look I get that Sup Forums hates Something Awful but you could try not making shit up.

>he doesn't know about shmorky

Dude like half the old SA crew is pedophiles. The mod that first gassed MLP was a pedophile.

I legitimately think that the only two options for creating content before YouTube came onto the scene were Something Awful and Newgrounds. I used Newgrounds almost exclusively.

I never knew much about the SA crew but it's kinda depressing to see what happened to them.

The only sane people to come out of that shithole were MisterMetokur and Lowtax who for some bizarre reason turned absolutely based when Moot left Sup Forums.

Jim and Lowtax are friends, so I guess it makes sense.