Will physical media finally die in 2018?

will physical media finally die in 2018?

Its been on life support for the past 3-5 years.

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It will be limited release

retard alert; physical media will never go away

>Its been on life support for the past 3-5 years.
Has it?

personally I like physical media. but then I still use a flip phone. maybe it's just me.

The bottom left and two bottom right shelves have the best selections, really make you think.

Maybe when streaming finally catches up. The bitrate on current streaming services is horrible - 1080p streaming sources are often comparable to 480i DVD bitrates. Meanwhile Blu-Ray movies are usually 20-30Mbps.

There will always be collectors who want physical.

DVD is the most popular format so that's probably going to stay for another ten years. Blu-ray will probably be merged with Blu-ray Ultra because three formats is confusing for consumers.

I feel we've gotten to a point where DVD shouldn't even exist anymore (Blu-ray players are compatible with DVD) but I guess too many poor people have those cheap dvd/tv combos and portable players for the jews to give up with standard definition films in 2018.

Are you retarded? 4k blu ray just got released and current streaming services still have trouble with 1080p; I own blu rays from 2007 that look better than the same movie through netflix

It's not the streaming services. It's the shitty bottleneck called wi-fi.

Real question is, when will Dolby Vision replace current media. 4K is a meme and no one releases 3d movies anymore.

No, it'll just move to the anime business model where the disc sets cost hundreds of dollars and are mostly excuses to bundle in a bunch of posters and other limited edition goods aiming mostly for the hardcore collectors' market.

>he actually wants physical media to die so we will forever be anal slaves to streaming services

fewer and fewer things will get a release as time goes by

I already own everything here that's worth watching.

That's mainly a pricing issue, publishing companies are retarded and charge 2-3x the price for the blueray as they do the dvd, most people don't care about the quality difference enough to pay mulitple times the price. The reality is since they are too dumb to admit bluray is the new standard and should be the lowest costing medium they have backed themselves into a corner where their newer fancier medium has taken backseat.


4K Blu-Ray is way more niche than DVD/Blu-Ray, but guess what? it's still profitable as fuck, that's why studio's are rushing to release 4K movies

Warner Bro's is releasing a Nolan collection in 4K & it's gonna sell like hotcakes

No it hasn’t.

You’re completely out of touch with reality because you’re a web addicted shut in. One of the biggest draws this Black Friday was dvd and Blu-ray

DV is just a form of HDR, the best form currently & some 4K blu-rays do support it

Not even remotely true. Even the most obscure movies get a release

blurays can't be resurfaced so are therefore a more unreliable format compared to DVD

>I feel we've gotten to a point where DVD shouldn't even exist anymore
Ya don't underestimate the tail on formats.

An ex of mine, her family still had vhs in 2010. Same year they got their first lcd tv

There is 100MB/s + WiFi these days. It's not a bottleneck anymore. Internet speed may be tho.

some but not as many will on 4k as did on bluray which didn't get as many as DVD when home media onwership was at its peak. Do you really think anyone's going to think it's a profitable venture to go back to the negatives and remaster Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller?

>it's gonna sell like hotcakes
>tfw get infinite kino in pristine quality sponsored by wagecucks
Feels good, my man.

Even the smallest of films get physical media releases. You’re literally wrong about everything. You need to shut up now. Your opinions are invalid

yes it already has a physical media release on VHS and DVD but I highly doubt anyone's going to ever release a high def version for consumer whores like yourself to buy again and again - and again and again and again

Pass the popcorn and a few of the other private trackers you mentioned are compromised honey pots you laughable idiot.

There’s only two decent private movie trackers left and clearly you’re not a member of either

Sucks to be you little bitch

Old people still love physical media. My local Walmart just got 100 Frasier christmas episodes collection DVDs that came out this year.

Yes. Enjoy your YIFY from IPT and stay mad, pajeet.

>like yourself
You don’t know what I buy. I was just proving you wrong with basic facts. It’s time to shut your mouth now before you embarrass yourself any further

I know what your mom sells

>buh buh buh yify
Nope fag, I’m on the only non compromised private trackers left

And you’re not because you couldn’t get an invite

Cry harder little bitch

It might just become more niche. Small-scale labels reissuing cult titles are still doing pretty well.

Only if you treat the discs like shit

>y-your cabal is #fbi
>o-only my currytorrents.in is truly b-based
Easy on the reddit spacing, rajesh. Your impotent rage is delicious even without it.

Nigga, "Bat Pussy" just got a blu ray release.


some e-celeb like Cinema Snob probably injected newfound popularity with his fans who now want it because it's "ironic"

Wew lad! You sure are triggered about not being able to get into the elite trackers, but they take measures to keep your kind out.

Sucks to be you, little bitch

now find me Hawk Jones on bluray

>gets assblasted by a mention of PTP
>m-muh special trackers are even moar e1337
>lamo kek ur triggered
Absolutely delicious.

It has some notoriety as it's considered possibly the worst porn film ever made

Wew lad! You’re projecting now. KEK. Listen sweetie, maybe if you stop downloading and seeding from your laptop you might be able to get into a real private tracker. Until then you’re just a little seed bitch on the shitty trackers that everyone knows about.

Sucks to be you little bitch

If you don't give a flying fuck about picture or audio quality you should use streaming services. Physical media is kept alive by people who also care about the way the movies are presented. It'll take a while before streaming can match the quality of actual discs.

when torrents and piracy die is when you can start panicing

That will be a week after trump repeals net neutrality. His pet pajeet at the fcc is going to let ISPs block Bit torrent, and they already have plans to do so

No, everyone over 30 still buys them so it has at least 50 years left for all of them to die off,

no... this wasn't supposed to happen... this can't be happening... I'm in charge here.

They’re going to block stuff like Kodi and streaming sites too

Okay, judging by the repeated phrases and clumsy English it looks like you're an actual desi subhuman. I'm not very fond of talking to brown people, let alone mentally challenged ones, so here's some desert for your mad. And have a good squatting session today, Sanjit. :^)

Stay mad sweetie!

>buy a $4/mo VPN with port forwarding
Gee, that was a hard problem to solve.

Based Trump making Sup Forums inaccessible for American morons.

They’ll still throttle your bandwidth and there’s already plans to block VPNs too. You gotta keep up with the news brother

does it blow anyone elses mind that people pay $20 for a movie they should be $2 each

>No HDR, Dolby Atmos, 10bit & compressed bitrate

10/10 thanks yiffy for this 4K rip

Actually UK and EU ISPs are planning to follow the lead of the US ISPs, they’re all under the same corporate influence

And since Sup Forums is based in the US, and since the majority of it’s traffic and revenue comes from the US, the site will not survive

Based Trump is destroying Sup Forums and other image chans

>actually UK and EU ISPs....

Net Neutrality is protected under EU law you massive retard.

Sup Forums suffers from so much bandwidth hence the donation begging Sup Forums can now afford to lose all American visitors.

>care about the way media is presented
>10 minutes of commercials and previews before the main menu
>root menu access is blocked, going forward only takes you to the next preview
>menu splash screen was clearly made by someone in India on Fiverr
>"extras" include more commercials and a gag reel of unfunny shit
>director's commentary is shit and he brings his children in the studio so they can put it on their resumes in 10 years even though they offer nothing of significance
Yeah...love the presentation of physical media.

the end of net neutrality means a revival in physical media

ISPs blocking image chans in the UK / EU has nothing to do with NN you imbecile. Do you even read the news?

And Sup Forums isn’t profitable you massive idiot. Hiro has said this himself. This site cannot afford to lose any revenue you laughable imbecile

Blockbuster might actually make a comeback. Holy shit.

Do tell me where Sup Forums is blocked precisely?

>Hiro has said this himself.
>trusting (((Hiro)))
not wise

Yeah, because you know more about how this site runs you dumb cunt

Hiro did it on 2chan too you massive dolt, it's just to get money he doesn't even lie about it.

the "we no make money" was an obvious scam to get people to buy Sup Forums passes. This is the same guy who sold 2chan user data

Be patient 3D kino is making a comeback 2020

what movie hurt you user?

Sup Forums has no obvious sources of revenue and most of its users at utilizing ad blockers

Name ONE (1) kino

I just invited the fbi. Sorry

Friday the 13th part 3D

He sold the data because image chans are inherently unprofitable. There’s just no sound business model and tons of waste and expense

All the mobile fags don't though and that makes up for it.vc

Depends on this no-glasses 3D tech Avatar 2 is supposed to be debuting. If it's transferable to home cinema then people will likely buy up the new generation of super-triple hi def storage formats. Everything will be shot native 3D etc etc.

Should I buy a uhd bluray player for my 4k tv?

It was heavily implied Avatar kino

>implying Peter Thiel doesn't fund Sup Forums just like he funded Hulk Hogan's law suit against gawker

I’m using an ad blocker on mobile right now.

Buy an xbox one. Is cheaper and hey you get a glorified roku as bonus

90% don't though retard

You mean the one s? No I hate the interface

You don’t know that you idiot

> not using clover

Bring back LaserDisc! But do a restomod on it.

What's your opiniin on the two Regular Show episodes on format war?

>no one releases 3d movies anymore.
How many days till the release of avatar 2?

Yeah new update made it worse. But it works

I'd rather buy it on Blu Ray or DVD and actually own it instead of streaming it.

t. ratiocuck

Retard alert, retards will never stop paying for plastic crap and more storage space to store said crap
Now post you anime doll collection

Daily reminder that shit upload speeds are a jewish conspiracy to keep the goyim from torrenting

Friendly reminder that you voted Trump into office to get rid of net neutrality.

Fucking this. Streaming can disappear at any time. Case in point - UltraViolet. A bunch of blu-rays I bought came with UltraViolet codes. I'm in New Zealand, and since Flixster stopped video streaming, there's not actually any way for me to watch these films through streaming, even though I technically still "own" them. However. the blu-ray disc are still just fine.

Audio: 10
Video: 10
thanks based YIFY

>1080p streaming sources are often comparable to 480i DVD bitrates.
>comparing modern AVC codecs to shitty MPEG2 from the 90s

In most cases, modern codecs don't nearly require the bitrate of DVD's MPEG2 or BluRay's outdated versions of MPEG4.

of course some faggot would make a steve jobs cross arm Pepe

No. If Netflix proves anything, it's that you can't rely on streaming services to keep your favourite movies available al the time, whereas a physical copy is yours for life.