Character goes to order

>character goes to order
>"coffee... black"

Other urls found in this thread: gives me the runs&oq=coffee gives me the runs

Are there people who can actually enjoy coffee alone? Seems nasty without some kind of sweetner or something equivalent to cream.

I always drink it black. A strong dark roast.

coffee is the biggest jew drink ever, you're paying for like 90% hot water

And this tastes good to you?

I drink it black. I like the taste. I very rarely buy it, though. I make my own at home with a Chemex

Feels good man

>not grinding your own beans

>being this much of a pleb
>literally an american who can't eat or drink anything that isn't dosed in salt or sugar everyday

>wanting anything black down your throat

Fuck white people and their meme drink. Water master race

>character drinks at a bar
>leaves a handful of small bills under the glass and leaves

>>literally an american
Guess again, faggot. Even more patrician is taking caffeine pills, or not taking caffeine at all.

>I compromised, I made coffee with preground beans on the radiator for 20 years

It tastes great to me. The first sip in the morning is amazing.

With the exception of french vanilla all coffee tastes like shit to me, I rather drink it black if I don't have vanilla, to me it's similar to drinking straight vodka except instead of getting drunk I get more focused

Can't you see we talkin'? White.

>character goes to a bar
>never specifies what kind

>cars are the most jewed transportation ever, you're paying for 90% empty space

>Drinking coffee
Just go to bed earlier for fuck's sake.

we're talking about bbc right?

Found the NEET

>"sipping" penis
What kind of faggot are yo?

>Literally being proud of being worked to an early grave

I use caffeinated soap.

>not relying on copious amounts of powerful stimulants just to function
shiggity diggity doo

psh nuthin personal

Studies have shown that coffee has health benefits.

The bitter taste wakes me up more. Not everything needs to be loaded with sugar to taste good.

Me. Coffee and tea are supposed to be herbal healthy pick-me-ups.

If you want to suck dick for meth once your workplace has its next drug test, go ahead wagie :)

Coffee gives me the runs. It's awful tbqh

So, does it taste good or not? The coffee I drink it so good, I would drink it without caffeine. It's like alcoholic drinks with the exception of good wine: if it didn't get you drunk, you wouldn't drink it, no matter how "good" or high quality it is.

dummy who doesent know when you order just a beer, its whatever house beer is cheapest on tap

>coffee gives me the runs

eat better food

Good coffee is good black. Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks shit needs to be diluted with milk or cream.

yes, coffee has shown great health benefits to the employers, since they make more money when their wage slaves are hopped up on liquid brown crack

>caffeine headache

>Big Bean funded studies say that caffeine makes your dick bigger
Um, that's great sweetie, but how about you just get enough sleep, OK?

Coffee, black

You've never been to a bar have you kid?

or I could just avoid drinking coffee and not have to worry about shitting myself every hour.

Numales don't get any fiber in their diet.

I couldnt sleep long before i started drinking coffee

>not have to worry about shitting myself every hour

I drink coffee all day while working and I've never had this problem

I said COFFEE!

There is something wrong with your diet user.

>A strong dark roast.
I bet you enjoy your steaks charred black, faggot.

Excercise and avoid looking at screens before you go to bed, the blue light they emit makes your brain messes with your circadian rhythm.

Didn't know they fire people for having caffeine metabolites in their blood/urine

Why are you blaming my diet? My diet doesn't give me the runs, coffee does.

It's an acquired taste like alcohol


coffee shouldn't be giving you the runs

Let me guess: you can't drink plain hard liquor without mixing it first.

>Aside from the caffeine, the acidic nature of the brewed beverage causes the body to produce more bile (the kind of bitter, alkaline substance that makes your stomach churn), which can build up in your gut and cause a case of the runs. ... Less caffeine means less laxative effect. gives me the runs&oq=coffee gives me the runs

I actually don't think.
Still pretty sure people wouldn't anything alcoholic except fine wine unless it got them drunk. The most ideal vodka, for instance, would basically be indistinguishable from water.

Alcohol tastes like caustic shit.

I couldnt sleep when i was 5. My family didnt even own a computer in those days

don't drink*

You shouldn't be drinking until your brain is developed anyway, kid.

>going anywhere that needs you to specify black when ordering coffee

I take it black. Like my men.

>ordering coffee at all
>not just popping a 200mg caffeine pill and going on with your day

>don't talk to me until i've had my coffee

Coffee is a gift of the gods and should not be tainted by additives or castrated by decaffeination. It puts hair on the chest. It begins every workingmans' morning. A meal is not complete without a postprandial cup of coffee in your best Eton suit with the mateys.

I was under the impression that you 90s born queers didn't like drinking coffee

That stereotype might be true. I take instant coffee with milk and love it, but only drink coffee when I'm on a diet.


>instant coffee
I'm on a diet
The tales of your generations faggotry were not exaggerated

Enjoy your yellow teeth, pretentious fuckwad

Nothing personal kid

Only thing I'm fixing to enjoy is your bright pink asshole, faggot.

Whatever, grandpa.

"I prefer Soy in my coffee."

t. Asukafags

reminder that the wolf takes his coffee with lots of cream and sugar.

>bad guy has an affliction he needs pills for
>he chews them without water

probably because it's literally poison.

Because despite being expensive it was still shitty instant coffee.

it was just to cover up the shit taste of cheap coffee that the bulbous head retard in a bathrobe was handing out

Keep lifting brah lmao

I drink coffee black but I don't enjoy it.

You get used to it, it seems awful without sugar if you're used to sugar but if you force yourself to do it for a week or two you forget.


Doesn't coffee literally fuck your body up? its like the cousin of cigarettes

t. never seen a car

Coffee and cigarettes are the easiest way to enforce an image of yourself as a Randian objectivist or a Niezschean übermensch.

>character orders something to eat
>leave without finishing it

Kill yourself kid

No coffee without a bunch of shit in it is not bad for you

So will drinking coffee prevent me from pausing my movies every 5 minutes?

No because you'll need to take a piss after drinking it.

The good stuff doesn't need to be masked with cream and sugar. Get some good beans and grind them (not with a blade grinder) just before brewing.

>character goes to order
>"cock... black"

Black coffee = drink of the Man

Tea = drink of the Woman

Chocolate = drink of the children.

giv hob choblete

"No!" Dumb Frogposter.

Type I*

You probably prefer soy with it

>implying alcohol doesn't completely rot your brain
