What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That even though people of all genders and sexes are equal, some are better than others.

She's one of those losers that think you have to be X to make a movie about X.
What about Air Bud?

Lol. American Psycho would be better if directed on a male perspective.

>Mulholland Drive


There's no way she can know that.

Is there anything worse than female letterboxed hipsters?

Has she SEEN a movie directed by a woman?
Boy I'm laffin
>Point Break excluded

oh you're being fucking ridiculous

>being fucking ridiculous
We're talking women talking about art here, it comes with the territory

>falling for bait


what about USA Dubs Man?

this is basically the kind of content that rules lb. definitely not bait. remember that top voted list "best films made by women" and the criteria for being made by a woman was literally a female key grip involved in the production and the site admins were removing comments making fun of it
its all women, trans, and nu males with chips on their shoulder over there. coocoo ass site

>Blue... (lesbian softcore porn using prop vaginas, would've been hotter with a female futa director dicktator calling the shots, not necessarily better)

The "Directing" part i get but writing? How can you say something would be better if someone else wrote it?

Why we've never raided this cancerous site baffles me

that only womyn can make good movies

She said she just knows

>giving any shit about plebberbox.

>handful of "I have to put these here" films
>modern garbage
>no foreign films
>mostly made after 2000

Or space chimps.

>nocturnal animals
Fucking roasties, I swear to god. They make me so mad. I’d love to know what they think that movie’s about.

Add it to the list of movies women will never understand.

*cue laugh track*

so why haven't we gotten female condition kino?

I'm sure they understood the subtext of the film. They're very smaat.

Worst film community in the Internet, by far.
Even their threads that they shill are garbage of 0 worth.

How about fucking all of them would be better by male directors

Women have always sucked at being artists, films are no different.

incredibly they are even worse than us and just for that they deserve an award

I like all these films. What was the list titled?

>people log shorts to raise their watched films
>not even artistic ones or experimental significant ones, literally commercials and overwatch animations
It's a cancer site, but you get to choose who you wanna follow and not, so it's cool.

Or they just log it out of convenience, not everyone is a Grand Conspiracy to inflate view count :v)

Literally IMDB if they were wannabe filmmakers. Sad.

The list is titled what the image is titled.

The films themselves aren't all terrible, but are they the greatest films/most loved films ever made? Fucking not even close.

it means that the lesbians in blue is the warmest color would have had hairy pusys

She meant that in her hypothetical universe these films would have been better because of someone’s genitals

What I like most about these lists is that the authors normal position is “genitals don’t define ability” but are happy to make statements like this, and the only argument that is made is “genitals”

Have you BEAN on Letterboxd? It's even more of a dick measuring contest in film taste than this place is. You don't have to explain why the films you watch are good as long as you write a quip review or shill the film to death without being specific and you'll skyrocket to being one of the most popular users. It's like a cesspool or all the worst qualities of Sup Forums, Reddit and Tumblr combined.

I kys'd my account a while ago because the site gave me cancer by proxy.

>log it out of convenience
What does that even mean?
>Hey I spend my precious time on watching literally vidya commercials, I should probably log that

Basically IMDB but easier to log films, and the most popular films usually contain a lot of great indie or less accessible movies rather than Amerifat comedies and random bollywood shit that IMDb has.

>join letterboxd beta back when it first started
>just use it to keep track of what I've seen, occasionally checking reviews
>recently start noticing more and more tumblr styled sjw faggots whose favorite movies are always some mediocre oscar baity lgbt flick, a disney cartoon and a nostalgic hollywood blockbuster from the 80's
When did this happen. What happened to this site. I didn't even realize Adam Cook completely left the site. All the essay styled reviews are almost completely gone and replaced with unfunny joke reviews and inane social justice pandering

Mulholland Drive is considered one of the best films of the 00's

Yeah bro Lost in Translation is just terrible

and it is one of the weakest Lynch films, plebs.

That was just a fluke, Sofia Coppola hasn't done a good movie since

>Adam Cook

Yeah that guy was the shit. I think he still rates movies, just doesn't do anymore reviews

Notice how the majority of these picks are films that show women doing horrible, irredeemable shit to other people and/or their fellow sex?
>blue is the warmest colour
>the neon demon
>spring breakers
>nocturnal animals
>mulholland drive
Im curious, is Gone Girl on this list as well?
it's funny how there aren't many female directors making movies about how females can be terrible too.

Have you?

>i was so blown away by this movie that my body kept flying further back into the theater as the film progressed, much like a human feather, until i smacked up against the projector at full force and had to be surgically removed


A woman couldn't write Blue is the Warmest Color because women don't understand the beauty and passion of lesbian sex. A woman wrote the original comic book and it was an awful, boner killing mess.

>nocturnal animals
It's about roastie getting BTFO, what gives? Is the meme about woman unable to understand movies true?

I have a better question, when did the collective switched from imdb to letterbox? I just don't get the difference.

We already tried this experiment and it was, not just God awful, but literally one of the worst things ever made in all of human creation. Women can't into art because they don't understand pain, or human emotion beyond the most shallow, surface level. They create and popularize garbage like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey and Justin Bieber.

IMDb = Reddit
Letterboxd = Tumblr

That doesn't even make sense considering the female writers won't have come up with the same movie that the male writers would have.

Not because of gender, because all people individually are different.

>Women can't into art because they don't understand pain, or human emotion beyond the most shallow, surface level.
>On the basis of a shoddy horror short film compilation

That is some drivel right there fella

Some one should copy the movies made by women list and name it movies that would have been better directed by men

I love this site but the community sucks.
Does anyone have a list worth sharing?


>i hatee hollywood so much my faves? everything by the criterion collection :^)

The bling ring is legitmately a masterpiece.
That guy was literally a fedora tipping faggot
Sup Forums is reddit and tumblr tier makes you think

Letrerboxd is cancer

Neon Demon couldn't be made by anyone who's name isn't Refn. Blue is the Warmest Colour, Sucker Punch and Atomic Blonde could have worked out well with woman director.

I agree with some of those.

I see Sup Forums is shitting up the comments.

Regression was actually alright. Women hated that the girl was a false rape accuser and gave it low ratings.

The bitch responds

If that is the case, why didn't women created such movies?
I mean, they would have been better, what is stopping them from making their movies.

Can someone please find a photo of this cunt? I won't to know what she looks like

Ironically, a woman could never, ever, never ever, conceive Mulholland Dr. Their minds just don't work like that.

Many of them are directed by homosexuals, so it's not ok?

How does she think that any of those films would've been saved?

"But MD shows woman in pain! Lynch is sexist and so are you!"

O shit
This user actually gets it.

>would have been better
>black swan
lol someone believes they can improve a 10/10 movie

Basically what she says in reply to the comments:
>too long didn't read
>why u gettin so angry lol
>so funny how angry you're all gettin
>it's MY opinion on MY list!

This bitch is worst than Katie or SJB

>Black Swan

>Nocturnal Animals

>the Griffith-fag in the comments


I actually got into an argument with that dumb bitch once she has no taste and loves la la land. She can't detect good acting. Letterboxd is legit tumblr. She blocked me from posting on her list because she didnt like me calling her out for being a jealous roastie cunt

With Griffith, there are innumerable details that can be unpacked through rewatches, items of information that can be missed if one is not astute. For example, in the abovementioned short, the raising of Mary Pickford's head is timed with the waves and combined with her lethargic expression serves to signify the beginning of a daily routine. But the subsequent range of emotions she exhibits throughout the short reveals that it is through these individual moments of splendor shared with these men she holds dear that keeps her emotionally afloat above those crashing waves. This is one of infinite traits that makes Griffith superior. Buried metaphors and contextual information that can be studied countlessly bely the surface of his directly expressed content. Griffith actually employs intelligent use of a slow pace we observe actions in realtime to understand their significance. Nothing in the short serves to impress, one must consciously observe as opposed to say, a Tarkovsky, where the self-conscious pseuo-philosophizing is windowdressing for lack of content and is something that can be passively absorbed. This is why Griffith leaves the feeble-minded "bored" or "unsatisfied" whereas with Tarkovsky they are "excited" and "emotionally invested". Griffith is for the intellects, Tarkovsky is for the apes.

>actually using tumblrboxd


Thanks OP, another user to block on letterboxd