What can we expect in the coming years for Jodelles career?

What can we expect in the coming years for Jodelles career?

Did you see her latest Halloween movie? Never Knock or something. Kinda sucked but she was cute.

>shitty one time roles in TV shows that nobody watches
>forgettable work
>some small booth right in the back of nerd conventions for whatever show she was one
>youtube channel in desperation to cling to some fame
>dwindling numbers on her channel
>patreon to weed cash out of turbo nerd
>live off $2,500 a month patreon for the rest of her life and give out shitty videos to people who pay her

why are you so bitter and cynical?
and you forgot the fact that she herself loves anime and cosplay
surely she could milk that

>she herself loves anime and cosplay
so she'll dress as Sailor Moon and send pictures if you give her $200 a month

Has she pulled her milkies out yet?

How dare you
Jodelle is a pure, prim, proper, demure young lady
She keeps her dirty pillows well concealed

Why does she have such nice skin? She looks so soft and warm and creamy.

They all are until Weinstein gets ahold of them

More tattoos and piercings is my bet!

As a leaf she gets little exposure to sunlight
And plenty of kraft dinners

Is her head growing wider? WTF.

Guest appearances as a one off character in other TV shows.
All her shows will be low budget and filmed in Vancouver.
They will never get a proper finale due to cancelations.
She will make money doing the comic con circuit in the US, UK and AUS.

Really is a shame there's no more Dark Matter, fucking syfy.
Next season would have been hype af.

shut up
shes just going through a phase
shes a good girl

I'm guessing she becomes a booth babe at one of those conventions so she can cosplay all day

user you need to drop this unhealthy obsession with here. She'll never know you exist

she already cosplays at conventions

Piercing scars never heal! Tattoos are permanent! The phase is the rest of her life!

looks like kristein kreuk but i do have autism face blindness

she is quite superior in every way

ayy lmao

Jodelle is too cute to be rude to

how many pictures of her do you have?

>zelda comics
>she's probably masturbated to Link before


finally, women admit they are cattle

yeah but I mean full time as her job once she stops getting roles

ugly eskimo

damn... breed... etc

ugly whore

she is not
Jodelle is for cutes
Jodelle is not for rudes

the perspectives in this picture are really weird
I keep picturing her as this super tiny person struggling to carry the giant glass, it wobbling around in her hands and spilling a few drops, and struggling to lift it up onto the table before climbing up onto the stool to sit at the table

how to get jodelle gf??

Or really just a regular sort of quirky nerdy gf

>Free Comic Book Day


i want jodelle

she is the one

She's the most generic "nerd" girl there is

>OMG Doctor Who, Star Wars, Anime!

Anyone jerking off to her should kill themselves

t. bitter homosexual

>shittalking Jodelle
You shutup

I jack off the worse women (personality wise)

>Hurr look at my dyed hair and super long Doctor Who scarf

willing to bet the bitch never watched Baker

The hair was dyed for Dark Matter you newfag pleb

Nasty anorexic pierced tattooed fake geek waxwhore dyke slut. Needs to stop shaving and waxing everything, remove all that shit from her face and skin, gain 40lbs, and find Jesus.


>that scene in case 39
>jodelle says "I love you"
>pretend she's saying it to you
>keep replaying that scene to fill the loneliness in your heart

You know that guy was Italian, right

get better standards