Film dumbed down for the Marvel audience

>film dumbed down for the Marvel audience
>Marvel audience hates it anyways
Really makes you think

No, not really

The Snyder scenes were pure kino

Don't cry because it's over.
Smile, because it happened.

>fail for a 3 or 4th time
>blame another company for failures
>call others dumb

Every DC film has been a success except Marvel's JL.

This, despite the paid Disney (((rotten tomatoes))) """""critics""""" reviewbombing it to hell, both MoS and BvS made huge profit.
Wonder Woman was objectively worse than MoS and BvS but got good reviews because of female director and strong womyn.

mos/bvs were better than every marvel movie released to date. this is literally objective fact

And then for JL they listened to the Disney shills and they ended up hating the film anyways despite being so like their own trash. WB could never survive this. Which is why betraying Snyder fucked them and cost them 100m in reshoots.

And the reshoots don't even make sense, Whedon reshooted scenes that look same only the actors are bloated and tired. Then he did bunch of MARVEL tier color grading changes which made the movie look worse.
Justice League was an inside job

You guys just love to listen to yourselves talk don't you? You make up elaborate bullshit theories about why this movie failed and accept it as truth, it always has to be some malevolent outside source that ruined your movie, it could never be a complete cockup from within.
Even when presented with evidence to the contrary you shut your ears and say that it's obviously a coverup of the REAL story.
It's be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking pathetic

There is literally no reason why the same critics that praised every MCU turd to hate JL. Only the brand is different. JL proved the double standards to be real.

Justice League has more character development than Avengers, it has same quips as Avengers and it has better fighting scenes. If you changed the brand from DC to MARVEL it would have easily racked 90% with critics saying shit like "This is what we needed from MARVEL! New, fresh take on the stale genre!"
God I can't wait on the upcoming MARVEL movies that are going to be indistinguishable from each other.

if you call constant disappointments to people who watch your movies a success, then sure.

Absolutely hilarious. You complain about shills but you blindly hate everything marvel and suck the dick of everything DC, crying big soppy tears whenever you get a bad review. Justice League is a mess that you can thank Snyder for because HE'S the one that chose to leave, HE'S the one that chose that instead of delaying its release to pass it on to Whedon that HE chose.
You complain about Marvel bias when you're just as single-minded and stupid as you believe the rest of the world to be.
You're just another tinfoil hat teenager acting out. I feel bad for you and the rest of the Snyder dicksuckers that worship him like he's some flawless director.

Didn't even reply to me but instead starts to sperg out about his precious marlel

>There is literally no reason why the same critics that praised every MCU turd to hate JL. Only the brand is different. JL proved the double standards to be real.
THIS! WB took the mouseshill bait like retards and it fucked them over assuming it was all honest feedback. Poor naive fucks.

WB execs are fucking retards, there was that story why Green Lantern was approved just because the producer liked Top Gun and jet fighter scene in Iron Man

shit movie, and i am from india.

So you liked it then?

critics are most likely soyboys and feminazi,for example ghostbuster,shit movie,get 75%



>Yeah, forget all that, let's just try to salvage this into a superhero movie and add quips.

If anything I think the film got smarter.

When the MCUck Pajeet attempts film criticism

Where is the "puny god" moment in justice league?

I didn't mind the film. It felt more straight forward than MoS, BvS or WW, but the people comparing it to SS in terms of edit quality are delusional.

Some of the tone shifts were jarring

>Bruce just brought back Superman, who for all he knows has gone on a murderous rampage
>Is back at the batcave bantering with Aquaman, Flash and Wondy ten minutes later

>God I can't wait on the upcoming MARVEL movies that are going to be indistinguishable from each other.
It's already been like that for ages now. Homecoming was such a massive turd holy shit.

>tfw showed my 6 years old brother Raimi's spidey before MCU garbage
>father and brother watch Homecoming
>ask my brother which did he like more
>he says that one with octopus

>DC capeshit

yeah okay OP

>marvel audience
You mean litteraly everyone who is under 40 ?

Kids + nu-males

Raimi's spider man also had redemption in church, o?

In Spider-Man 3 which sucked.


>brother is 6 years old
how old are you?

Well, they didn't make more money, and they didn't get higher levels of critical praise, so no. It's not objectively a fact in any way. Maybe your ESL class should teach you what words mean.

Scenes marvel mudslimes will never understand

Two decades older

I just couldn't imagine being welcomed to a baby bro at 18 desu

ffs meant 20. im a mong.