Thoughts on Mackenzie Davis?

Thoughts on Mackenzie Davis?

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Giraffefu, want her and Elizabeth Debicki to fight

Are you tall enough though?

I saw a picture of her hairy arm pits once.

gap in her teeth from sucking lots of cock

i never thought id have a waifu but here i am

Nope! With any luck one of them will crack my skull open with an errant kick during the tussle

Anyone got the dancing webm?

Disgusting coal-burning race traitor

Mackenzie is a dumb fucking name.

kinda mannish but in a cute way

Looks like a methed out Jennifer Lawrence

What a sweetheart. You can tell that she's disgusted by the manlet yet she still is nice enough to squat for a good picture for him.


I think it was a screencap from her television series Halt And Catch Fire. Maybe it was an armpit merkin.

Internet Armpit Database

needs a good punch in the face

Whats wrong with her eyes

british inbreeding

She is canadian

same shit


manjaw but would still ejac into hard

Yeahhh.Halt and Catch the Fire was a good series.


i want to choke on her 6.7 inches uncut cock

She looks like a dude, I honestly thought she was transgender when I first saw her in that Black Mirror episode.

>She looks like a dude
Poor child, still waiting for daddy to come home that you hope in vain that everyone you see is the man who abandoned you



I miss Halt and Catch Fire.

she has a man's jawline

Then she's got something you don't.

fuck off dumbfuck.

Cant wait for blade runner bluray to see her nude again


Shit its true, still q though.

i kind of do too but gordon dying sucked and it all ended on a whimper
ineffective ending, not satisfied
it felt unfulfilled and unfinished

me on the left

seriously that was unexpected
i wonder if that was actually her or a body double
probably a body double is my bet



I thought so as well, we'll see after the digital release


canadians are brits

samefagging fuck

Literal flavor of the month plain jane who that only you pathetic reddiscum acknowledge. House of cards trash tv actress.

cant come soon enough
think i heard its coming out in january
but i heard that here so idk

She's not that tall

She is 1.78. It's not that tall.

Until she wears heels, then manlets are fucked.

Yes but the law of manletmathics dictates that a women who is 1.78 metres tall will be disgusted by anything less than 6ft 1

Goose is fucked too if that is the case. He is 1.82.

for a woman, she's quite tall

Oh my God. This is the stuff of nightmares.

Yeah but there's one thing you're forgetting...

He's The Goose, he could be 5ft and still the roasties would love him.

heels were a mistake

What's the point of bragging about being tall when no matter what, Robert Wadlow will just call you a manlet from heaven.

imagine just what life was like for this guy
everyone looked like the size of chilren and chilren looked like babies and babies looked like those little rat babies

1.78 is pretty tall. My mom is that tall and you can notice it next to a lot of guys.

Is your mom hot?

I wonder how many women got TITAN'D by big Rob?

My granny was that height too, and in 1930's Ireland.

So many manlet paddy's trying to snatch her up.

she has a VERY slutty neck, why aren't you posting it??

Zero. He had problems getting blood flowing to you know where.

dudes at perfect blowjob level with the ladies

>tfw no mckenzie muse

she's a big qt

>that neck

not that tall, the guy she's next is just short

I liked her in The Martian as “CHING CHONG Park” the Asian satellite operator

please have sex

Post her hairy pits then.



Used to be pretty hot, yeah


Did Craig give women MDMA before every interview? He's charming and all but damn.

Booze, just booze. Filled the green room with it.

They're all smashed.

>Complete and utter shitpost
>Troglodite namefag

Makes sense

Watch Halt And Catch Fire.

How tall and hung do u have to be in order for McKenzie to call you daddy in bed? Asking for a friend.

yes they could've made up with it by her having a master race baby with Joe but Joe was a faggot from all his time spent in SF

>i can't talk to you without a pipe in my mouth

I like unusual looking actresses. Of course Sup Forums gets triggered by women who dont look like overgrown babies with soft features.

I would be really surprised if she's not a dyke
As for her, she really picks up annoying roles
In halt and catch fire, she plays such a annoying feminist cunt it's not even funny. Haven't seen her anything other with her (besides san junipero) but I have enough after seeing her being a cunt for 4 seasons. Makes me wonder if it's just the "annoying cunt" syndrome in that she's an annoying cunt irl, and she's not a real actress she just plays herself
don't listen to him. it's a bad version of mad men.

fuck off nigger

Not before I get pit hair pics.

>tfw you're attracted to her but also look like you could be her brother

A cute
Secretly best girl in BR2049

>also look like she could be your brother

>implying I wouldn't want diamond jawd offspring

I'd take Kerry Bishé over her every day of the week.

>Kerry Bishé
yea shes cuter but THAT FUCKING MOLE FUCK

mackenzie looks like she has downs. ana de armas ftw.


based pit poster

No joke, I'm 195 but women around the 180 mark feel like they're my height for whatever reason.

I prefer the superior Mackenzie