Why did they not have any kids?

why did they not have any kids?

Someone stole Marie's womb, it's why she acts out with her kleptomania

Hank shot blanks.

Because those are two men user.

Because when Honk was collecting his minerals, he inadvertently got sent rocks which contained naturally occurring uranium isotopes. As his collection grew, he exposed himself to too much radiation and rendered himself sterile.

It wasn’t shown, but honk had a nervous breakdown which culminated in him referring to himself as Isaac Schrader, a pale comparison of “manly hank” that would have aired plenty to children. Instead, “Isaac” died in a desert without spreading his seed.


marie would've totally fucked them up with her ocd and kleptomania

mineral analogy was for kids

It was set up because it resulted in an interesting dynamic with the other characters. Marie and Hank obviously like children, so the obvious explanation why they didn't have children was that they couldn't have any. So Marie could be jealous of Skyler and the new baby, Hank could be a father figure to Walther junior and they could often visit the White family because they weren't occupied with their own children. It adds on the character of Marie as being nervous and neurotic. Also Breaking Bad already had enough characters, so there was no use in adding some minor characters you couldn't use in any way, Walther junior was pretty useless already.

So from a writing point of view it makes perfect sense to not let them have children.

>collecting rocks


dumb kraut detected

Yeah. BrBa was pretty consistent

marie couldn't conceive
its how she developed kleptomania

Marie only does handjobs

Narra Urethra

natural uranium ore isn’t radioactive enough to harm you. If anything, all the lead dust he was exposed to at the firing range would be more detrimental to semen

Because hank is supposed to represent ultimate good in the BrBa universe and because he is wh*te it would be morally irresponsible for him to have children.

>mfw i stopped watching before it got bad then finished it years later

same with dexter

Season 5 was a bit of a mess but the drop in quality is nowhere near as bad as a lot of other big shows.

age steroid abuse during his early years left Hank sterile


The fuck are you niggers on about? Everything about the last season was perfect

It's not a cheesy amerireddit movie with one bad guy and 3 subplots that get tied up perfectly. It's an emulation of real life where people go crazy and do dumb shit and things get messy.

He only ever cared about his pride and wanted to feel like a man. Him personally tracking down and murdering all the guys that robbed him in some tangential sublot made total sense.


IMAGINE being that cameraman

Would have got in the way
>never work with children or animals

Why did her kleptomania lead to nothing?
It was established like it would become a major plot point in the future.

Is this a sketch from a comedy show?