Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

>Should I report sexual harassment I received even though I later had a sexual relationship with the harasser? Years ago I worked as a volunteer for a political party and while showing me some work on a computer, a senior staff member repeatedly touched my knee. He said sorry, and then did it again, about seven times. He finished by saying: “I’ll need to report myself for sexual harassment now.”

>At the time I laughed as I was really not sure how else I could respond. Months after I split from my husband, the harasser started to pursue me, giving me the attention I had been so lacking. Vulnerable, emotional and drinking too much, I started a relationship with him. I also used him for a job reference, and have his glowing praise for my work on my LinkedIn profile.

>I was an adult who made poor decisions, but with the stories in the press I wonder if I should report his behaviour. Or have I invalidated the harassment, and let women down, by sleeping with my harasser and using him for a job reference? I know I will get abuse for this.

vaginiggers ain't worth it brehs

Girls are faggots.

>me in the middle

Pretty sure Morrissey said something along the lines of “if they slept with someone and had a stellar career they wouldn’t be complaining about it now”

I mean, he is a flag flying soyboy but he has a point

>commies will defend they're not pure anti-human evil

>“I’ll need to report myself for sexual harassment now.”


women are a fucking meme

every single one of them

never forget that


Women were genuinely a mistake

Is this all just a big fetish campaign? Is the lifestyle of the average western woman so sedentiary and dull that they have to create these elaborate alternate realities where they are incredibly desirable and predated upon by men all the time? Out of curiosity I've occasionally browsed some female forums to get some insight into their mindset and their obsession with rape is staggering. They'll write novels about how some guy raped (not the assault kind of rape, usually the 'I was drunk and said no but he fucked me for another three minutes instead' version) like TEN FUCKING YEARS ago and how they think about it every day and supposedly almost tear up when they try to get intimate with their new lay.

Morrissey is actually a top lad these days.

Real talk time and I know you faggots are going to riot: It's a judgement call. It sounds like she wasn't particularly offended or dismayed even before she responded to his advances. By the same token, it's just a happy coincidence things worked out for them and she was consensual with it.

If you think it's somehow important to protect other women, and you think he may harass other women in an unwanted manner, then you may feel as if you have a responsibility to act. By the same token, is it not the responsibility of said other women to act themselves, as well?

Honestly I would say "No", simply because there are too many what ifs in the scenario

I think like 90% of women are just fucked in the head and have like nonlinear thought patterns that do not depend on logic or something Or maybe I'm just too autistic and virginal IDK

She initiated a relationship with him and used him to further her career.

And he used her for sex when she was drunk and stupid, so, even?

I'm not sure I want a gf anymore

women should unironically be stripped of all rights

actually i hate women, they are disgusting, not that im gay or anything but its just the way they are and how they look. Also you know that women poop right? Imagine you'r girlfriend pooping, yeah, imagine that you loser, better break up with her now

Yes. Rape is a huge fetish for women.

The issue is men aren't being men, because women told men they wanted them to stop being men. But women, like children, don't actually know what they want: they want men to be men; but their nature demands they try to control men. It is mens responsibility to take control of women and provide them the structure and boundaries they need to succeed. You don't have to beat her, or control every moment of her life. Just stand up for yourself, put your foot down, and don't let her win when she's wrong. Tell her no and mean it when the answer is no. If she tries to hold the pussy out on you, don't give in like a bitch. Here is the hardest part, you need to walk a fine line between seeming not to care so she doesn't have any power over you, and caring so she knows you value her and her pussy. Women want to be possessed and valued.

Yeah it is even, which is why it's a total non story. It's her choice to be drunk and "stupid". What it reads like is that she knew she had a back up guy at work should she end things with her husband - someone powerful that could further her career. Knee touching isn't that inappropriate, especially if the touchee doesn't tell him to stop. He's hardly grabbing women at knife point, so he's probably not a danger to other women. She initiated a relationship with the intention of climbing the ladder. He helped her do that. It's a win, win. You can't retrospectively ruin this guy's life because you want to feel part of latest #social-movement.

>What it reads like is that she knew she had a back up guy at work should she end things with her husband - someone powerful that could further her career.

This feels like projection'

>Knee touching isn't that inappropriate

It kind of is? Am I the only one who learned not to touch ANYONE at work except to shake their goddamn hand to cover your ass?

>She initiated a relationship with the intention of climbing the ladder

Projection again, though she is of low character for letting him boost her career

>You can't retrospectively ruin this guy's life because you want to feel part of latest #social-movement.

But in the end, I agree with you, especially on this. The consequences are too high to be fucking about like that.

>“I’ll need to report myself for sexual harassment now.”
Nice banter. This guy sounds like he slays pussy on the reg.

>It kind of is? Am I the only one who learned not to touch ANYONE at work except to shake their goddamn hand to cover your ass?

A third of relationships start at work. How do you think that initially happens? People aren't robots. The guy touched her knee (!) and she responded by giggling.

Not all girls are this fucked in the head. Find yourself a nice traditional girl and plow the stupid right out of her.

there are good women out there user. most sane women think these people are retards

this won't be fixed until we start beating women again. They are 5 feet tall and have arms the size of pencils, why are we allowing this? They want to be disciplined deep down. This is all a global scale shittest

getting strong virgin vibes from this guy

getting strong roastie vibes from this gal. Go back to your Dr Who containment thread

>he used her for sex when she was drunk
really she was drunk for an entire relationship? she has bigger problems then cos she sounds like an alcoholic

>This feels like projection'
The way user put it sure, but the woman admittedly enjoyed the attention she was so desperately lacking, even before the split.
>Projection again, though she is of low character for letting him boost her career
How is it projection when 99% of work places have a no dating co-workers/boss rule in effect and she still had a relationship with him. That screams of trying to climb the corporate ladder.

Even the Guardian commenters tear her apart.

screenshots? I rather not give them the clicks

>interacting with females

At this point, Shakira law is the only answer.