Want a cigarette user?

>want a cigarette user?

wat do?

Agree to recive a cig

No Hitler said smoking's bad okay

>this guy actually did this shit on some colonel's private orders and felt little remorse for it
>winters even admitted he was allowed to get away with it back then because cold-blooded killers were invaluable both as soldiers and officers

What a guy. It annoys me we can no longer finish the Kraut off.

Yes, thank you.

my grandfather fought with his nails against concrete in a gas chamber to end the tobacco chew.


is that rufus from gossip girl?

>Sure man, thanks
I don't get it?


What motion pictures?

Band of Brothers

it's band of brothers

Saving Private Ryan.

why was spears so based lads


>amerimutts murdering genetically superior men out of jealousy and fear
>their jewish overlords letting it go unpunished

Who is surprised?

Driving Miss Daisy


the only good germans migrated to the US.

I thought the stasi took down krautchan

nazi larping containment thread, keep it in here then go back to Sup Forums when you're done thanks

>tfw we had a chance to finish the 'superior' germans off once and for all and we were too merciful

I cry sometimes when I think of this. We were so close to making them pay.

You're wrong tho
>Stomp the krauts
>Realize the commies are the next fucking problem, and even worse than the krauts
>Decide to use the krauts as cannon fodder for the commies would the time come
>Cold war ensues and the commies are fixated on the krauts
>Only now the 'commies' realize that it may be better to go around the krauts and just rig your elections
You shouldn't have ended the krauts but just trashed the commies when you still had the chance

>no, this ideology of retards who can't gain ground in Finland are the REAL bad guys, stop fighting back against the poor belligerent murderers who started two world wars

No thanks.

Why did the Nazis let him have nails?