
Jivi's gone full-on with the Crescian Kool-Aid.

And now we will learn if Duane's paternal instincts will override his bigotry against Crescians.

>Jivi, stop trying to be Crescian enough to make up for a construct full of Alds. No one is watching, you can be as even-handed and open-minded as you've basically already shown yourself to be.

Everyone is so racist in this comic, but it doesn't annoy me as much as fantasy racism usually does.

Sette is such an expert thief even WE don't see her steal Jivi's hat. You can tell she has it behind her back in the last few panels.

Because they don't hate each other for their race, but their nationality.

This. Race makes everyone mad, but nationalism is kinda cool to watch in conflict

Probably just dawn breaking but I like the idea that Duane's contempt for Crescian philosophy is so deeply entrenched that it overwhelms his zombie state.

>this is your brain on communism

Jivi's just using his country's philosophy to justify his hatred of Alds

He doesn't actually believe that shit, it's just a convenient system for him to hitch his hate wagon to.

Jivi is literally Hitler

So is Cresce communist? Since the amount of tokens you have is still based on how much you work right?

How does Sette know how thick Ogre Spunk is?

She's been working on getting Uaid to obey her instead of Matty

She had to develop a reward system somehow

>cresce is communist
Yes and no. Technically they are a socialist monarchy but the only thing keeping them from being a straight oligarchy is the fact that titles are passed through blood inheritance.
But the state does run the whole economy, and nobody but the state actually owns anything. The idea being all people are members of the state so everybody owns everything. And if you don't agree with how the state has decide to reward your work then the state is perfectly happy to give you your very own sword point first.
TL;DR Yeah, cresce is a take on communism.

Yup, it's a communist semitheocratic monarchy

I wanna see Duane in Dad Mode again.

lol, didn't notice the hat went missing

Holy cow, that really IS good.

What the FUCK did he mean by this?

Cresce is a centrally planned command economy. It still has socioeconomic classes even if it those classes are upheld more through a theological basis than a material one. It has an expansive state apparatus and must manage scarcity through rationing based on a physical expression of labor in the form of tokens.

So it's not -in fact- communist.

Communism ever being conceived as anything else than a centrally planned command economy with an expansive state apparatus is a deliberate lie told by communists.

I look forward to Duane's Gordan Gekko speech, which will be more compelling than the original since it will be delivered by a magical zombie.

Yeah mate your right I'll just ignore a century of political theory in favor of some guy on the internet who thinks they can retroactively read the minds of historical figures.

When the night went tits up Lemuel tried to killed Bastion after he 'resurrected' Duane, who's return was delayed. Lemuel thought he had actually gotten his brother killed, and probably decided to take out Bastion as retaliation. That night seems almost as mad as the night Sette amd Duane arrived in Ethelmik.

How do you pronounce Duane? Du-Ane?

doo-AHN, as I recall
pretend it's french, that works for most Aldish names

Du- A- n

Why does fantasy racism make you mad?


We don't know that for sure yet, but it's heavily implied that Lem gave those scars to Bastion. We do know for certain that l Bastion ended up at Rahm and Iori's to get patched up. Just no details of the how and why.

Doo anne.


It's not racism, it's nationalism.

Oh shit you're right, this is the kind of detail I fuckin love.

Also I think that puts her up to six times in one week. She's gonna get soft lifting from such an easy mark.

>Duane rising from the dead with an eerie, bone-chilling moan of "ACKSHULLYYY..."

Transistion from panel 3 to 4 is iffy.

>construct full of aids

A weapon to surpass metal gear

Yeah, rather than REE BLACK PEOPLE it's REE COMMIES.

The only actual racism shown thus far seems to be what the different Aldish castes throw at one another.

Mad'Monster'Maniac pls

why didn't you protect his smile, Jivi

That fucker is why I never check the comments. What a fucking autist.

So pretty much just a more controlling medieval serfdom, with a somewhat more modern eugenics/talent-cultivation angle added becaus etech advancement requires it?

Duane's face here is cracking me the fuck up.

You're a whiner

It's funny he shits on Quigs as if his greed is somehow an Aldish thing when Quigley himself fucking hates Alderode.

Putting all the bigotry aside a moment, if they're all headed to the coast, what are the chances we might see Jivi's fish-mom captain for reals?

Jivi is such a Good Boy.

We haven't really been shown the inner workings if cresce the same way we've been shown the aldish but from what I can see it looks like the nobility work the upper levels of the bureaucracy and control the military the same way the 'party members' did in the USSR. The corruption and in-fighting looks to be the same too. The great hypocrisy of Authoritarian Communism is the way 'more necessary' duties get passed from political insider to political insider the same way the one percent in a capitalism segregates ownership and Labour through 'ring knockers' and 'old boy' networks. Any mobility in Cresce' society seems to come from marriage (sometimes polygamous) with an emphasis on matriarchy.
It's an interesting flip because it allows for some social movements but keeps the 'serfs' firmly in their place. As equal 'unequals'.

Jivi is about to get preached at hard

Goddamn I didn't even notice. How does she do that?

She's just waxing poetic like she does. It's always jarring when I read a Sette scene after she has a long absence from the comic because I forget how vulgar her metaphors are.

Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson

Duane "The Main Brain" McClane

It's like that simpsons Joke with Lenin only "MUST DEBUNK CRESCIAN PROPAGANDA"

In this universe, zombies don't eat you, they just bore you to death instead.

nah, Duane can do both, 'swhy he's the best zombie.

He's gonna give Jivi an earful, then bite his ear off.


>implying there is a difference

Lemme guess, you're not from Eurasia?

Current theory is that Lemuel knew that Duane's had been ordered from on high, and, though pained, had accepted its necessity for whatever reason. Said acceptance probably didn't extend to Bastion defilling his corpse and damning his soul according to Ssaelite doctrine. Said non-acceptance presumably involved spellslicers.

I imagine the death of Duane's daughter was also not originally part of the plan.

Isn't Jivi a sharte himself?

What if Bastion also revived Mikaila?

Ha holy shit I hadn't even noticed. Sette is best girl

No, he was just kidnapped by Shartes.

Pirate, of cresce stock.

>What if Bastion also revived Mikaila?
Then a whole lot of people are going to die.
Who am I kidding, a whole lot of people are going to die anyway

Jivi was about overdue for getting his asshole character development points in. Been cashing in too many of his total fucking kid hero badass chips.

It's fun to look at the various ways the characters have been shown their flaws and how they mesh with their positive traits. Duane is an old school paladin, can't be fucked to fall because there's too much good left to do. But it leaves him a proselytizing bag of bones who can only be shut up by throwing his soul in to magic heaven at night. Sette is a loose cannon thief who plays by her own rules, making her incredibly narcissistic and selfish with no regard for larger social or moral mores. But it also engenders a streak of philosophical independence and thus fair mindedness in how she views the world and nothing gets her goat like being shown an unfair situation.

Jivi really wants to be a good Crescian boy, and like Toma and Duane he plays closer to the ideal of their national philosophies in that he's a real go-getter who looks out for others. But like Duane, this philosophy is inextricably tied to a kind of holy than thou mentality when it comes to the other countries. Which is combined with his youthful inexperience giving him a black and white view of people that he defaults back to despite, as Ashley saying, him actually knowing better.

So it only leaves Matty, who is as pure and innocent as ever. But he is still a child, so a lack of character flaws can be explained by the general lack of character.

Yeah, but Mikaela's death wasn't actually Bastion's fault.

A-fucking-men, brother.

>she's a powerful undead wright like her dad
>she's jealous of how much time he and Sette have spent together
>her smile and optimism: gone

His character flaw is innocence. Plats are for bullying

He's right though

Jivi is as thick as ogre spunk. I don't like him.

Look again. She even keeps an arm behind her every panel after that.

This wasn't an art error.

She's a regular at mc Donalds.

That just hurts.

>>Duane rising from the dead with an eerie, bone-chilling moan of "ACKSHULLYYY..."
Fucking lol

>>Duane rising from the dead with an eerie, bone-chilling moan of "ACKSHULLYYY..."

>But it leaves him a proselytizing bag of bones who can only be shut up by throwing his soul in to magic heaven at night.
Are you trying to imply that Duane's preaching is a bad thing? You should be grateful that he's willing to show you the truth!

>Mikaela is much more vicious than her father, which disturbs him greatly.
>he tries to reign in her rage before her lust for revenge consumes her
>her glamour is herself as an adult because she's bitter that she never got the chance to grow up

Even Ashley is annoyed with Jivi at this moment.

Is Duane a good husbando?

Then she should toss him overboard!
The best

The best.

What is a worse place to live: Cresce, or Alderode?

rhymes with "aim"

Probably Alderode

Both are really shitty, and Alderode is colder.

Extra shit points to Alderode if you happen to be a woman.


>he doesn't like the cold

Alderode since they've got that plague and they are going to get invaded by Cresce according to that vision Duane saw.

Cresce because:

1. Run by blacks. Sounds racist but I can't remember a successful black country

2. Commy bullshit

> bigotry against Crescians
To be fair, they did kill his daugther.

>I have no idea what I am talking about.

That does not go together.

>the state actually owns anything
So total state capitalism then.

More like feudalism masquerading as communism

This post gave me cancer.

Depends on your caste. Not just because of social and economic reasons, but because your caste determines your lifespan. You might get 400 years, or 30.

Can't be communism, there's still classes.

I'd agree with the masquerading part, tho.
Feudalism masked as state capitalism fits better.

Crescian royalty and faux communism is probably a much easier pill to swallow when they look over at Alderode and Sharteshane. Most Crescians are very quick to shit on those places instead of criticizing their own.

I mean hell, even after an insurmountable amount of proof Elka and Toma barely believe Cresce could have done such evil shit.

Good. Hopefully you'll be gone soon enough.