One More Day is 10 this year

One More Day is 10 this year.

They're either going to start to undo it in November and remarry them (Or some loophole will occur that will nullify Mephisto's deal, causing the two to remember everything they once shared) given how much they've been teasing and taunting Peter x MJ since Renew Your Vows, or it's all one big troll before they put the final nail in the Peter x MJ coffin forever. The 10 year anniversary of OMD would be the most fitting time to do either of them.

I for one wouldn't mind a pure and sweet love anchor of familiarity in this new and alien era of Marvel comics where nothing else makes sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather they bring back the lost character development but keep them split up. off-again on-again relationships are shit.

>off-again on-again relationships are shit.

Except for the longest time it was just a...Relationship.

It was split up because that hack Quesada wanted the young, free roaming college aged Peter Parker he remembered reading in his youth back.
That kind of doesn't apply anymore, what with the whole billionaire Parker Industries CEO thing.

They had ten years to dig themselves out of the hole they made but they doubled down with insults to fans and bad writing. Mainstream Peter Parker is beyond redemption at this point.

They may as well kill him and replace him with a clone, alternate reality doppelganger or Spiderkid the way they killed off Superbro. Maybe they can keep his ghost wandering the MU as a warning to never make deals with devils.

Let him date Bobbi for a while

>causing the two to remember everything they once shared

They've always remembered it. They covered that in One Moment in Time back in 2010.

Mephisto's deal is gone - instead, Peter's identity was erased by Stark, Richards and Strange, and Aunt May was saved by a second opinion (which is super common irl anyway).

At the point at which Strange was making Spider-Man's alter ego a secret again, Mary Jane disrupted the spell - so she remembers and Peter doesn't have to bear the weight of knowing about their past alone. But they don't want to get back together for good reasons - namely, Peter isn't capable of having a normal relationship. MJ wants a more stable life than he can provide - in the new timeline, he couldn't even turn up to their wedding because he was stopping a shooting.
Nothing changed except the marriage. Unless it's been specifically contradicted, it still happened.

It wasn't a relationship. She was in the same position as Jessica Jones - used to be a character, became a housewife.

It's sad, really. I can't believe people say they care about her as a character and want her to go back to being fucking nothing but in every comic for no reason. It's the comic book equivalent of dead air.

>but she's supporting him

She's not. She's a cuddle blanket at best.

>Mephisto's deal is gone


>MJ wants a more stable life than he can provide

She said, and then accepted a Job from Tony Stark as his personal assistant instead of just asking for a big fat check to repair her club that he had a hand in destroying.

You know, because that job provided a stable life for the last attractive red head in that position.

Or they're not going to do anything on the anniversary, because it doesn't matter to anybody.

I hope you liked Renew Your Vows, because that's the closest you're ever going to come to them getting back together.

Ever is a pretty strong word, user.

Nostalgia is what killed off the marriage in the first place.
Nothing preventing nostalgia from reviving it in the future.

I wouldn't mind it back. That said, I'd never want it back so long as pic related has his grubby little sausage fingers in Spider-Man.
Slott writes MJ as the most out-of-character dumb bimbo imaginable. Bad enough he ruined Felicia and turned her into a massive, vindictive cunt who refuses to see reason. I can't imagine how badly he'd ruin MJ if she appeared consistently in an ongoing.

>Ever is a pretty strong word, user.
And also appropriate.

They're never getting back together.

>One More Day is 10 this year.
so cute... thats what everybody been sayin since 2010... but keep the faith dude. LMAO


Denial isn't healthy, user.

It's over.

Accept it.

Never say "Never" user.

There's been a LOT of previous Sup Forums related never happening's over the last year that have been...Well...Happening.

I think I'll keep saying it.

Because it's never happening.

Well, it's not like I could change your mind.

If it doesn't happen, you'll never know where to find me to rub it in my face and scream from the heavens how much of an incorrect faggot I am.
If it does happen, it's not like I could expect you to come out and say "Hey, I had a disagreement with some user about two years ago and said this thing that just happened would never happen. I now acknowledge that I was wrong." The reality being that neither of us will remember this conversation in a few hours.

Still, in a world where Disney owns Marvel, Donald Trump is president, and Samurai Jack came back for a finale after a 13 year hiatus...I'm willing to believe that a mainstream cape comic can return to a previously established status quo.

You just wait and see.

If it does happen I'll eat the shit out of some crow.

Just to spite you.

they'd broken up like three times before JMS's run

Slott said recently it's NEVER happening.

>Slott said recently it's NEVER happening.

Slott will probably die of heart failure in a year or two.

Slott also said that Peter Parker would remain dead and that Roderick Kingsley was dead. I don't trust anything he has to say.

They're not going to get married again.

I think eventually they'll get together, live together, have a relationship. But marriage, no.

It's alnost like writers in all forms of media regularly lie about things a good 50% of the time to throw readers off.

Even a retarded hack like Slott knows to do this.

>They may as well kill him and replace him with a clone, alternate reality doppelganger or Spiderkid the way they killed off Superbro.
But at least we find out Superbro and Superdad are one in the same anyway.

Sup Forums said New 52 Superman was a fake and would never come back as well.


Nothing like seeing Dan Slott REEEEE over people not supporting OMD.

But Slott has recently explained that it's Marvel that cared about the marriage and how he had to fight to get Renew Your Vows as an ongoing.

Mean't to say never cared about the marriage

Anyone who thinks Peter and MJ aren't getting back together or for deal to not be reversed is unaware of why they even did OMD to begin with. This shit is cyclical. Guys like Quesada grew up with 60s 70s Spidey where he was young and not married. MJ and Peter have been together for 20 years. It wouldn't be outrageous that someone who grew up with that relationship gets into a position to undo OMD. And maybe OMD wouldn't be so bad if Peter and MJ weren't such annoying or cunty people afterwards.

Sure thing, Slott.

>They've always remembered it.
Yeah, no. That's not how it works. Only MJ remembers. Peter has no recollection of the marriage what so ever. The two were just living together. Go back and re-read OMIT.

>Nothing changed except the marriage.
And maybe MJ's pregnancy. Its unclear.

And the motivation for plenty of stories that specifically involved Peter and MJ being married to even work.

>Slott writes MJ as the most out-of-character dumb bimbo imaginable.

Slott fucking hates both Peter and MJ. He called them "anti-Marvel" in some hate speech about the characters, trying to argue that his self-insert version of Otto was a better guy because he dates midgets and not super models.

Slott, is that you? Reads a lot like posts here:

Holy shit. That's 100% Slott posting or someone who does a REALLY good impression of Slott.

>Slott saying anything

Yeah, because Slott is the bastion of honesty, right? Its not like he doesn't just lie out of his ass to hype up whatever shit story he has coming down the pipeline.

Remember when he was trying to convince people that SpOck was permanent? Not that anyone actually believed him, but he was trying to push that pretty hard. Or when he said Ben Reilly was never coming back.... and then he brought him back as a shit villain.

We can blame that on Mackie. Who was a shit writer already.

Hi, Slott. Just want to say Clone Conspiracy is utter shit.

>It wasn't a relationship. She was in the same position as Jessica Jones - used to be a character, became a housewife.

Confirmed for never having read any comics when the two were married. MJ was one of the most well developed love interests in comics who continued to be her own unique character outside of Peter and Spider-Man. That's why the couple is so well known outside of comics and that's why the series took such a hit after OMD.

You can make that claim about Gwen, or a dozen other LI. But it doesn't apply to MJ and Peter.

The writers were lucky they had an easy out with Superman due to the whole Red and Blue thing from decades ago. It still amazes me how Rebirth is turning the five year old N52 dumpster fire into a cozy fireplace. It probably helps that Marvel's comics are crashing and burning as Rebirth is fixing shit.

Man, what a fucking douchebag.

Yeah, Slott is specifically known for being a gargantuan douchebag on social media and message boards.

He even goes out of his way to hunt down people who disllike his work, specifically to harass them.

Doglas Earnest is a bit of a nut job himself. But he's fucking great at documenting all of Slott's lunacy and douchebaggery.

> I wouldn't mind an anchor of familiarity in an era where nothing makes sense

you're pretty weak, OP.

>dating a woman who cheated on her husband, killed the guy who she cheated with, and then claimed it was rape
Don't you think he should get a break?

Not only are they never going to undo it but they've buried MJ for the past 10 years, pretty much only utilizing her to reinforce the fact that Pete and MJ have used up all the love they had.

The only people who care about MJ are the long time readers now. Bury her long enough and nobody will remember her as anything more than another part of Pete's harem.

She exists strictly as an ace in the hole for failing book sales. Introduce her again as a romantic interest, toy around with it for a few arcs, collect sales, split them up. Repeat in a year because the book still sucks because Slott is a hack.

They said the same thing about Clark\Lois.

Yeah but DC killed Nu52 after 5 years to reintroduce classic Superman and Lois.

OMD is going on 10 years and there's never been so much as a hint in the main book of it, not including OMIT.

Also classic Marvel is doubling down on shit decisions and telling the fans what they want. Give them an AU book too and then blame them when it's cancelled because nobody cares about AUs.

>She exists strictly as an ace in the hole for failing book sales.

Remember when Bendis snatched her up, saying he had some deep reason for her being in Invincible Iron Man... and then all she did was generic secretary bullshit.

They have been hinting about it fairly recently with the Mephisto and Regent shit. That said, I doubt it is more than the writers trolling fans again.

Maybe just don't read Spider-Man. It doesn't seem to want to do anything fans of the character want...

Yup. Despite all the burying, she's still quite popular. So they can still use and abuse our affection for her while just waiting. Their only hope is time.

Enough time passes by and (hopefully) the majority of ASM readers in that future will have no clue that MJ ever existed as Pete's OTP.

Marvel are the Blizzard of comics. They tell us what we should want, why we should want it, and how these changes are really for our benefit. We never really liked the marriage, it's just nostalgia.

Go fuck yourself, I say.

The problem was not getting rid of the marriage. It was using Mephisto to get rid of the marriage. To anyone who says Mephisto is no longer an issue, see

>Marvel are the Blizzard of comics. They tell us what we should want, why we should want it, and how these changes are really for our benefit. We never really liked the marriage, it's just nostalgia.

Their current sales and plans to revert back to post-SJW pandering stories show how successful that mentality is.

>The problem was not getting rid of the marriage. It was using Mephisto to get rid of the marriage.

This. Quesada took a gargantuan dump on the very core of Peter's character in an attempt to reset status quo... simply because of his own failing marriage. And then proceeded to have Peter date his daughter.

They won't because then we won't be able to have any more conversations like this:
"Hey that new thing in Spider-Man comic book sure was shit"
"Ehh I don't know to be honest I stopped reading it after OMD"
"Yeah me too"
"OMG OMD was such shit"
"I agree with you all it totally ruined a great character"
"You guys are so right"

Yeah, most gloss over the fact that OMD is one of worst, most nonsensical, illogical, and OOC stories ever conceived for a comic (non universe wide reset tier) and focus their ire instead on the dissolution of the marriage. But even among those who prefer a single Peter, nobody has ever said a good thing about the OMD story itself. It truly is in competition for worst comic book story ever told.

If Marvel truly has no plans to ever get Pete and MJ married ever again (and I believe Slott here when they say that's set in stone), they're better off doing what they're doing now: shoving OMD into the cabinet with Gwen's kids and the stillborn baby and never ever mentioning it again.

You know a story is bad when it's still talked about with such venom 10 years after the fact.

OMD irreparably divided the ASM fanbase. I guess that's to be expected when Marvel imposes their will over 20+ years of inertia.

>I believe Slott here when they say that's set in stone

...for now. As the poster in the link here: brings up, the writing and editorial staff isn't the same people till the end of time. Eventually a new team will take over. And even if its off limits now, someone down the road might change that.

Slott can't even fathom the idea that someone has a differing opinion than him and instead of thinking rationally, throws a temper tantrum. The guy is far from credible.

>Quasadas arguing for destroying the marriage was to open more story potential with diferent love interests
Okay Sup Forums, tell me, did any of Spidey's in the last 10 even have the lasting appeal? id argue that blue spacechick that kissed him in future foundation seemed more interesting than any of Peters last love interests

>did any of Spidey's in the last 10 even have the lasting appeal?

Literally none of them did. The longest lasting one was Carlie Cooper and she was as exciting as watching paint dry. She had a Miles Morales-esque effect, where all the characters in-book kept talking about how amazing she was, yet she never actually did or said anything amazing. She was just kind of there.

She almost got a goblin tattoo to spite Peter, thought better of it, and got a Spider-Man tattoo instead. Then dumped him when she found out he was Spider-Man.

Atleast they had the sense to put her away. Miles is still getting shilled to no end.

I was definitely ready to accept Ms. Marvel when they had that date in 2011.

But that's it.

>Miles is still getting shilled to no end.
Only by Bendis himself. And SJWs who don't actually read comics.

I would have agreed with you in 2010. Or 2012. But it's 2017 and MJ has been buried deeper than Gwen Stacy. That's not an individual writer's choice, that's an editorial driving a wedge between the two and making things known.

It's just not gonna happen, unfortunately.

>and MJ has been buried deeper than Gwen Stacy

Except, you know, she shows up all the fuckin' time. What are you even talking about? Sure, her characterization has been assassinated, but its not like she isn't still around.

If anything, it would have made sense if they divorced. A miscarriage on top of Peter's bullshit? That's enough to make any woman give up, no fault on either party's end.

She shows up only to show that the two no longer have anything together. And to troll during Superior.

They didn't go for divorce because Quesada and the rest of editorial argued that it aged the character too much.

Except when writers decide to troll readers and hint that there still is some chemistry, like in the end of the Regent story. Only to troll even harder and have her fuck Tony on the next page.

Which makes them retarded, because early marriages not panning out is common as fuck and Peter hasn't been younger than 21 in 40 years. That's not even touching how Peter's appeal up through the 80's was more how he grew and changed than being a perpetually relatable youngster, or how being a CEO ages you more than being quick to marry.

The problem was that no one could take the relationships seriously. Everyone knew relationships couldn't last under the current editors and writers because they want Parker to always return to his single broke ass status quo so why bother caring?

>Which makes them retarded

Yeah, exactly. The goal of OMD was to revert Peter in to a "younger, more relatable" version of the character (or at least that is what Quesada was saying). Ever since then, they've continued to age him, just in a different way. And, like you said, how does making Peter a billionaire CEO make him relatable?

>Except when writers decide to troll readers and hint that there still is some chemistry, like in the end of the Regent story. Only to troll even harder and have her fuck Tony on the next page.

Spider-Man explicitly stated she moved on to Tony Stark after they best Regent. Again, it was utilizing her to reinforce that Pete/MJ dynamic is iced.

Also I didn't get anywhere there that she banged Stark.

>The problem was that no one could take the relationships seriously.

No. Plenty of writers could. Michelinie and JMS had no problem with it, for example.

The problem is that editorial is shit and couldn't think creatively about any romance that was long lasting. Hell, they can't even be creative about short term romances any more. They're creatively bankrupt.

>Also I didn't get anywhere there that she banged Stark.

No lady just has drinks with Tony. Don't be dense.

He's talking about the post OMD romances. With it being clear that Peter must remain single, it's hard to take any romance seriously. You have to actually like the characters first and his women since 2007 have been about as colorful as a Charlie Chaplin movie.

>No lady just has drinks with Tony. Don't be dense.

Seems doubtful. You're telling me Slott passed up an opportunity to troll readers in the most hardcore fashion possible (remember MJ was on the cover of this issue)? If it happened, he would have spelled it out and had a big ol grin on his fat face when he answers questions at conventions.

Yes, we know. Quesada is fucking retarded and wanted Spider-Man to be eternally 17.

>in the new timeline, he couldn't even turn up to their wedding because he was stopping a shooting.
Wrong. Well, wrong-ish.

He was stopping a shooting and that was going well. Then he got hit in the head with a brick, and despite having been able to walk off far worse attacks than that he blacked out immediately.

Got hit in the head by a brick despite having a precognitive sense that alerts him about incoming danger.

It's like Quesada looked at OMD and said, I can do worse just watch.

Don't make light of the power of Marvel shitting bricks. They are more powerful than you can imagine.

>tfw DeFalco, DeMatteis, and even fucking Mackie did fine by it, making Mary Jane an easily ignored prop at worst.
>Guest writers literally ignored her.

Too bad the industry is run by sperglords with Byrne's mindset. Even having a kid is the same status quo because you always have an out if you don't wanna write about it.

OMD, the one reason why i dropped Spider-man.

I still want to murder quesadilla for this.

>Slott can't even fathom the idea that someone has a differing opinion than him and instead of thinking rationally, throws a temper tantrum. The guy is far from credible.

Shit, Slott can't even fathom that one day he won't be writing Spider-Man anymore.

Hopefully the tubby bastard just keels over from clogged arteries.

Or a stress induced heart attack over something Donald Trump said.

I kind of hope Gwenpool will explain the events of OMD to Peter and MJ. She did recently mention that she wants to meet Peter, she's the only character besides Mephisto who knows what happened, and Mephisto wouldn't be able to make them forget again, since he agreed to leave Peter alone forever.

>Okay Sup Forums, tell me, did any of Spidey's in the last 10 even have the lasting appeal?

Out of all of them? The only one that had some kind of lasting appeal was Carol Danvers. And before you argue compare it with the last love interests or potential love interests Peter has had. Carlie Cooper, Michelle Gonzales, Norah Winters. None were really that fleshed out. Anna Maria doesn't really count because the interest in her comes from Ock being in love with her.

And remember the whole Peter/Carol thing wasn't even done by anyone working on Amazing Spider-Man. Fucking disgraceful.

Gwen would gain a massive upgrade in importance to the MU after that or she will be shot dead by editorial before she could. That said, Deadpool kind of knows too depending on his mental state.

Considering Carol happened almost immediately after OMD, no one believed it would amount to anything anyway.

>no one believed it would amount to anything anyway.

They didn't but it's the only one out of those that actually had some kind of traction on other forums. At least, far more noticable than anyone talking about how much they liked Peter/Carlie or something.

What kills me is...Did Mephisto already break his promise to leave Peter alone forever when this happened?

This doesn't look like him leaving Peter alone.
And while you could argue that the deal was "Leave Peter alone for the rest of his days", and that he could be considered 'Dead' here, Mephisto ends up showing him visions of the future...Among them a happy family with MJ (Meaning MJ is still Peter's end game in a world where end game can never be achieved)
Which pretty much amounts to him NOT being dead.
Meaning Mephisto broke his promise.

That's what I've been wondering for a long time. What good post-OMD stories required Peter to be single (or at least not married to MJ) in order to work? What love interests have we had any reason to give a shit about?

The one and only thing it would have gotten in the way of was Superior Spider-Man. That's it.
Because you know damn well that MJ would have believed Peter when he showed up in a decrepit Doc Ock body and said "MJ! It's me!"...Oh wait, Slott was writing it...Nevermind.
Well, you know that under a different writer, she would have.

But other than that, none of them.
If anything, him being a married, responsible adult would sell the whole 'CEO of a multi-billion dollar company' angle better.

The only notable storyline in the last nine years that needed a single Spider-Man was probably Superior mainly because of Anna Maria.

Even if MJ wasn't married to Peter she should've been able to figure out that something was wrong with Peter. Aunt May should've been able to figure that out as well. Superior Spider-Man had interesting ideas but is marred by characters not behaving in-character or needing them to make drastically stupid decisions, which kind of happens a lot in Slott's run.

Who the fuck let Quesada come here

Superior Spider-Man was, in all honesty, a pretty damn good idea.
Had another, better writer done the story...It may have actually been good.

But Slott can't write.
He hates most of Peter's old supporting cast and love interests (Just look at what he's done to MJ and Felicia).
And everyone that interacts with him was a goddamn retard.

What we ended up getting was a mess of a story that...Was at least the most polished turd in the pile of shit that is Dan Slott's Spider-Man run?

Slott made it pretty clear in his recent cbr forums rant that them not being allowed to be married is a directive from on high at Disney themselves. Which means that no matter who's in charge it'll never come back.

more importantly, it's a directive the entire company is unified behind. they all agree that it should not come back.

the marriage is dead, Slott still sucks, and Marvel have no clue why their fan read their books.