These are the 4 best examples of Western Animation in 2016 according to the Daytime Emmy's

>These are the 4 best examples of Western Animation in 2016 according to the Daytime Emmy's
What the fuck

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I don't even know what these are.

If we're talking animation-wise, I don't see a problem here.

>no Voltron

What the hell?

I doubt most people know/care about the Daytime Emmys.

Also, PGBC deserves every nomination/honor it can get.

>Shittalking PeaBody and Sherman
You can fuck right off.

Trollhunters certainly deserves to be on that list, it was a phenomenal animation. Damn shame the main character's voice actor died.

What was the reason changing mantis to cricket again?

I think it was because Nick had that Kung-Fu Panda show, which featured a mantis named Mantis.

Peabody & Sherman is good, I've heard very good things about Trollhunters, and the top left thing looks very charming and mildly unique (and probably European?). Not horrible, and at least it's not just grabbing the four most popular shows and calling it a day.

>Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation
Yeah, it's an outstanding achievement to make something average to decent in animation nowadays.

If these shows really made it through to get such mention, I tip my hat for them.

>and the top left thing looks very charming and mildly unique (and probably European?)

It's called Little Big Awesome. It was one of Amazon's pilots that got greenlit according to Wikipedia. Apparently Titmouse was behind it.

>Apparently Titmouse was behind it.
I love those guys. Hopefully they don't get their show cancelled again

There's a new Peabody and Sherman show? Fucking A.

It's on Netflix. It's pretty fun. Split between time travel segments and a more rooted variety show theme (replacing the boring lab scenes of the original), giving each episode an A-Plot and B-Plot.

Does anybody else find the weird, 50's style character designs of the bottom left show weird and uncanny? I hate it.

I don't watch it but it kinda just looks like they all had fun designing the characters to me. I don't like "tumblr" stuff where they colour random bits of the bod red for some reason but I like looking at PGBC, they sell it.

Pgbc is better than it looks

oh that makes a lot of sense

>Yelchin was found by friends pinned between his Jeep Grand Cherokee and a brick pillar outside his home in Studio City, California, in what was described as a "freak accident"


let me guess, you either want to fuck the fat black lady or want to see the little girl character's bare feet

>Netflix almost makes up the majority
where were you when the internet saved western animation?

>Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation

It's not an award for story, humor, or voice acting. It's an award for animation, and those 4 are pretty visually impressive, and look good in motion.

>no SU and AT
They are right.

The awards in question are individual achievements of the likes of best background painter, best art director or best storyboard artist. Also, all the awards are completely audio-visual based (no awards given based on writing or quality of shows).

>those 4 are pretty visually impressive, and look good in motion

It's really America-centric, for shame.

Holy shit, PGBC actually got recognized. Good for them.

That was storyboarded by the weakest link of the show animation wise. This is a better example of typical animation from the show.

This is not visually impressive either, and almost the entirety of the scene involves no real storyboarding.

>No Star vs.
The list is shit

Netflix is saving western animation

>No Teen Titans Go.
I guess CN just lost their shit right now.

Probably the wrong clip I chose to show the impressive animation of the show.

This is a compilation of compositing/background animations that were down pre-production (most shows do it post production). It shows off the show's strongest strength visually, the award winning backgrounds and production design created by Kevin Dart of SymBiotic Titan and early Steven Universe fame.

Some of the background work is fairly nice, but that's hardly enough to make it visually impressive. It stil looks like a cheap cartoon.

Based Emmy's