What happened to them?

what happened to them?

Shitty management and all of them just going their separate ways


Cyrus went to Oneofus.net

Korey and Leon founded their own website, DoubleToasted.com, pic related

Carlyle does a podcast with Brian Salisbury in between writing scripts for Marvel movies

Co-Host dropped off the face of the earth. Whatever he's doing now is greater than we can comprehend.

not these fucking losers again

2 of them do Double Toasted now. They have great stuff to say about movies but their rants about Ben Carson being an Uncle Tom and JonTron being a bigot really rustled my jimmies.

Fuck I remember these niggas, funny as fuc

don't really like it when they get political but the reviews are still funny

find a flaw

I legitimately miss Co-Host. He was the nicest guy on the whole site. Always willing to see things from another point of view, never demonized anyone, and he had ace taste in films. Always had great stories, too.

Cyrus was a holier-than-thou faggot who can't pronounce "women," Korey slowly deteriorated into a pundit, Leon is just old so whatever, and based Carlyle chased his dreams and is fucking owning shit left and right (good on him).

But Co-Host, he was pure, funny and kind, and I don't think there was a single person who didn't like him. And yet HE was the one who had to disappear? For all I know he got hit by a car. Even just knowing he's okay would be enough for me.

>JonTron being a bigot
considering he was dickriding Bernie Sanders not too long ago all Jon's really guilty of is being insanely impressionable. It's like he went on Sup Forums for a day and read the CliffsNotes version of being redpilled. Did you see him debating he was a mess. If he spent as much time making videos as he does arguing on twitter maybe he wouldn't have pinned himself into a corner without knowing how to get out. Jon is the type of person who really shouldn't be political but for some reason he wants to be.

Apparently, his mom got sick and he went back to his hometown to help her out. I dunno what's happened to him since then, but his twitter account gets, like, one update every year or so. I hope it's him and not some family member or something.

Also, you don't go to Leon for film critique, you go to him for life lessons.

They were really soft on JonTron and even closed with saying that they hope he learned something from this and will recover from the shitstorm he caused.

I don't mind them talking politics, Korey is actually very open minded and non-judgemental. Hell, he even started the segment talking about how the word racist is thrown around way too much.

Maybe the problem here is your own thin skin.


>go to Double Toasted channel
>expect movie reviews
>videos where they keep talking about Trump
>Korey has become an unlikable fuckwit
>the entire new crew is awful with the exception of Martin
>no Co Host
Martin is the only reason to watch. Korey's new crew is fucking awful

>Korey is actually very open minded and non-judgemental
You know nothing of Korey Coleman

They do movie reviews once a week, you dumbfuck. Just watch those. The other shows are about bullshit, so of course Trump makes it in. Because he's a near constant source of the stuff.

I agree with most of the crew being shit. But Gertz is legit funny and Ray is often a great punching bag.

I guess you missed the whole "Nigga Wake up Call" storyline.

Would pay to listen to Co-Host 3000. Miss the fuck outta him. :(

They all split up and did mediocre to shit other stuff on their own. Together it was awesome apart its bad.

The main dude's podcast/show is just him spitting his whole routine with nobody but yesmen/women around him to bounce off of.

>>go to Double Toasted channel
>>expect movie reviews
>>videos where they keep talking about Trump

You Sup Forums types forced Trump on the rest of us just to watch us suffer.
Now you're pissed that we can't suffer in silence? Or that our suffering leaks into the other stuff we do?

We're literally having health insurance and our social safety net ripped away, and clean water and car safety rules gutted, but you still like him because his regime agrees with you about SJWs. News flash, when the world burns you do too.

Can't stand watching your favorite Youtubers complain about how your actions have fucked over their lives? Suck it up, snowflake.

>Korey is actually very open minded and non-judgemental
this must be a recent thing for him, because he REALLY isnt lol

He's been breaking character more often recently.
They also talked about how fans are kinda disappointed that he's not this verbose, temperamental loud mouth off camera. Instead he supposedly just gets drunk with people and starts hugging them.
Probably he just calmed down over the years and it's hard to keep that energy going when you already yell into a mic for a living.

He also talked about being involved in non-violent protests against the KKK and trying to engage these people without escalating.

Then again, Korey is just weird. If you catch that anecdote about his reverse burglary. That's not something a sane person would do.

He does still get triggered when it comes to his business though, yells at people and writes pissy emails.
Or maybe that's just the other guys exaggerating for comedic effect.

Things got a bit heated during the Kong:Skull Island review. But that's one where I was actually more on his side. I found it kinda disingenuous how Martin and Goodwin gave him crap over being defensive over a movie he likes, when they pull the same shit and call him a nitpicker in every other situation.

yeah he is in his 40's and married(?) so yeah I can calming down

same thing happened to AVGN; it was hard to keep that "angry!!!" energy going forever

It's shit. Korey has to talk over everyone. Everytime someone says something he doesn't agree with he starts shouting like an idiot to take over the conversation. Also every ass kisser there nervously laughing at his retarded jokes.

Korey a shit
Co-Host a best

I hate Double Toasted so much. It is complete ass.

>Korey never shuts the fuck up and makes absolutely everything about race
>Martin/Leon barely talks, and when he does Korey talks over it
>Obligatory brainless female with zero sense of humor and always misses the joke
>Always an additional sycophant who is only there to laugh when Korey thinks he's funny

I can't listen to One Of Us. It's just a bunch of neck beards telling you why their opinion is super special.

I miss Co-Host. Funniest guy on Spill.

Their reviews are awful though.

Aw man I wish people judged my political views, not because of le popularity and being stalked by everyone on twitter and the ad sense money. But in my arrogance I believe I'd do a better job at holding a decent opinion.

Well that is until everyone finds out what a major lazy hypocrite I am and a complete ideafag who doesn't know what he's talking about. But who's gonna notice.