Who ready to masturbate to this tonight?

Who ready to masturbate to this tonight?

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WTF is that? LOL

My body is ready user I'm actually contemplating staying up tonight for the talkback thread, so we can have a mutual fap.

I am going to jerk it to the webms!

Are we getting a proper crossover episode of Supergirl or just the last 2 minutes like the prior two?

I could be wrong user but I think it starts with her going to the wedding and it all kicks off from there.

what time?

Oh shit the crossover event starts tonight? I really need to catch up on Flash

>Earth 1 Kara: Why are you like this?
>Earth X Kara: Well my uncle kept linking me to Breitbart...

Seriously Raimi?

>I really need to catch up on Flash
Not really. All you need to know is that Barry is marrying Iris. That's it.

They fucking better.

This is going to be a crazy crossover. Lots of memes to create from this I predict.

It can't save those terrible shows.

I want to see them fight

Better CGI than Spider-Man: Homecoming.

This looks like fun desu, would watch.

That's what I was thinking o really hope they just start with the wedding and everything goes to shit.
I want to see them 69

>b--but what about MARVEL?
Homecoming is better than Justice League.

Sara is best girl. Also, last time to see Wentworth as Captain Cold.

Looks kinda fun
Seen worse CG in some recent movies desu

The new costume is just much betterly designed.

Yes she sure is only because her sister died though sorry, can't wait till she lances Alex this week. I think he will be only legends for a couple of episodes so not the last time such a shame too.

Isn't Black Siren in this?

Fuck I hope so. She really is best girl. Can you imagine if we get real canary back working with the good guys and stuff.

Who does curtis's' hair before every mission? Do these white writers just not understand how much time it would take to do his hair each time? At least they stopped magically giving him cornrows before every mission and taking them out directly after each one

>dat neck

No one in the audience gives a fuck about Curtis, so why should the writers?

>Who does curtis's' hair before every mission?

I guess I'll watch it tonight, if there's nothing better happening...

someone's saying sex vids, someone's saying nothing expicit, don't know who to believe!

>Oliver and Thea have the best chemistry
>with everyone else he seems like he's acting, pretending-wearing a mask
>with Thea, Oliver can let his guard down and be himself, he's truly at peace around her
>she is the only one that knows the real
>it's even canon in universe that their father KNEW they were best for one another and wanted her to support him no matter what, do be his pillar

So now that she's no longer in a coma, how much longer do we have to wait for the best couple to get together? It might be difficult to explain to william but felicity is naught but a beard.

>It might be difficult to explain to william but felicity is naught but a beard.
a beard would imply he's gay, now if you said Felicity is a cuckquean

Ah, a fellow neckoisseur

He's using felicity to distract from his true desire: his sister. Beard applies, kid.

Is he still a really bad actor? I think I got three seasons in

Seen Felicity naked, seen Supergirl naked, even seen Canary sucking a weiner... but no Thea?!

Willa Holland is the most sexually awakened and unbashful actress of the lot and yet, no leaks. That is wrong. There is something wrong with that!

I don't think he's bad but yeah, he's been acting the same for all 6 seasons.

you know it

my dick is already out

nice, tell me more.

seriously, why is this so fucking sexy?

Should I start watching this show and just start cumming all the time?


Same. You Sup Forumsmblrinas who actually watch this crap better make webms of this tonight.

oh you will be ready white boy

He moved on the big booty lena

>big booty

t. Ireland

>literally american Tokusatsu
10/10 based CW saving fun television

Nah, it's shit. The fapworthy moments are extremely rare. There's a reason why her costume in tonight's episode is being so hyped up here.

I can't wait for the actual concentration camp scenes.

There are actual concentration camp scenes in the trailer. I can't fucking wait. CW what the fuck are you doing

After watching one episode of supergirl, about to jump into season 2, anything I should know that happens in it?

As a german this new costume Triggers me hard.

the actual fun moments are few and far between metric tons of boring shit

looks like an Avengers movie

So stop waging war on the world, assholes.

it literally does not, CUNT

Yes it does. Stop being such a faggot.

>have chemistry
>understand each other on a deeper level
>can be themselves around each other
wow, it's almost like they're siblings

>le looks like avengers movie XD

Help you out user

Here's some Benoist sex for the ears


Only children don't need to comment. No one acts like this around siblings.

>he hasn't seen her actual nudes fucking a white guy

Who even watches this garbage
>but but muh funz muh funz

>My brother finds Benoist "meh" but Gadot hot
He has such a shitty taste in women holy shit. And to think that i'm the gay one.

here's some more:

fucking seriously how hot can one woman look in just jeans? she's perfection

>You will never come home from a hard days work to open your perspect box that contains a Willa for your enjoyment.
What's the point in it all

Youve seen felicity naked? How so nigger

>Who even watches this garbage
Sup Forums. They're pretty easy to spot, they always defend crap capeshit movies and tv shows with "just turn off your brain, bro" and the like.

have you never heard of the fappening?

you can literally google the shit by now

She wasnt in the fappening, I checked. I lived through it

The original fappening homeboy it's just her in the shower, when she was skinner before she started eating all kriesbergs cum.

didnt look hard enough then

she's in the shower in the photo, if that helps any :^)

I can see why. Melissa is cute but I can definitely see how someone might find her kind of beauty generic.

Just download her fappening pics

When even lie homeboy just ask to be spoonfed


Sure, but finding Gal "skeltal's daughter" Gadot better?

>compared to egghead israeli skeletons

Higher likelihood of the other brother being an even bigger faggot.

All the normies who have seen Wonder Woman told me Gadot is hot. I guess sticc is the new thicc

The crazy part is Gadot really did gain 20 pounds for the role, look at her before she was cast

When will Killer Slut be nude?

I like these shows. They're goofy fun.

Beauty is subjective and all that, and personally I've never been repulsed by Gal the way people here are. Besides, it's not like Melissa is some kind of curvy goddess either.

damn, she looks good in jeans.


Soon hopefully. As a thigh man i could really get behind this pose.

was this really necessary?

Woman of colour gets knocked around by 2 whites for fun. She had already lost, They're just having a laugh. Disgusting.

Melissa is girl-next-door hot. She's attainable hot.

Gal Gadot isn't attractive in the slightest to me. Her proportions are off, her heads shaped like an egg, she's too skinny and her tits sag because of it.

To top it off she can't act for shit and every action pose with her she gives a look like she's gotta drop a 5 pounder into the nearest toilet. Melissa can act, albeit nothing special.

a bit much isnt it?

It need more crossover between the flash & supergirl, it's the only time where the two protags look trully happy and having fun like theirs comics counterparts.


I've never seen a nog kiss a non-nog and it not look hilariously awkward. You can't kiss with bee sting lips, you just can't.

A fellow snowman I see.

Honestly, I've never seen a single pic where Gal's tits look saggy in the slightest. I also disagree when it comes to her proportions, but I do agree that she's a shit actress.
And the whole girl-next-door stuff has always kinda puzzled me, in general. Like, I really can't even imagine a universe where someone as pretty as Melissa Benoist would be attainable by me. But that's probably just my low self-esteem talking.

You got it

I want Overgirl to ryona Supergirl, then have her gagged and bound in Kryptonite restraints as Overgirl attaches and grips a huge strap-on and conquers Kara for the Fatherland.

Actually good use of editing and composition here. The Supergirl flying shot actually works.

How could it not work? It's just a simple quick shot of someone flying.

Melissa oozes charm and cuteness. She's hot while still being homely and cuddlesome. A tricky combo.

That's something that's actually hard to find.

>never seen a single pic
>disagree when it comes to proportions

See: and that shitty scene of her and Longhair Jackie Chan from whatever Furious movie when she walks away from the bar and undresses.

If that shit doesn't bug you, maybe it's just me. Then again, you are a faggot right?

My man