What’s his best cameo?

What’s his best cameo?

Probably this one tbqh

Do you think they'll edit him out of future releases?

I'd have to say his 1 year cameo as President of the United States

Home alone 2 and its a very comfy movie, this was before his campaign and media hysteria where people didnt care and thought it was just a nice touch

Thanks trump


Comfy af. Can't wait for season 2.

The only question is which comes first, impeachment or his cholestrol saturated heart finally packing in.

Why is this thread auto saging?

The mods are drumpfos and it triggers them

going down just like drumpf's amerikkka

Ghosts Can't Do It

Greatest president ever

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

Did you hear that Trump will get to appoint more than 40 judicial appointees? More than any other president in history! This will change the political landscape of America forever.

>Americans actually voted for this guy to be president
What the fuck

They made the right decision, and you cry about it for 8 wonderful years.


Not the majority of Americans.
Not how it works anyway, so doesn't matter.

307 to 220. Beaten in 10 different states. Annihilated by counties. She didn’t even come close.

GDP of Clinton counties was significantly more than GDP of Trump counties

>all corporate cock suckers and fake right wingers

Are you illiterate? It said "not the majority of Americans", which is true. 3 million more people voted for her than Trump.
It doesn't matter because that's not how we elect the president (electoral college numbers you posted).

To be honest, Prince of Bel Air.

Literally no one cares.

Tender butt hurt.

Little Rascals

3 Million people from California. The rest of the nation did not agree. She didn’t even come close.

Cry more

dole money

So she was the candidate of the elite coastal liberals instead of the average working man like the Democratic party used to be.

Nobody is crying. They only stated a fact, and you went all autistic about it for some weird reason.

Fuck, just came here to post this.

She won the popular vote

Cry more :^)


>that wonderful feeling when you know Hillary will never be president

>that deep satisfaction in knowing that the evil murdering war monger was denied her life long ambition

>that special feeling you get when you realize that she worked for the past 40 years, only to get beat by a guy who picked up politics as a hobby six months befor he announced his campaign


Bitter tears.

This is the only one I remember. Any others?

>that wonderful feeling when you know Hillary will never be president
>that awful feeling when you realize that in order to do that, we had to settle for Trump
feels bad
America sort of deserves this, though.

Pizza Hut, Fresh Price, and Home Alone are the only ones I know of.

Plus he did SNL

you're weird as hell, user

Exposed by Satan you pathetic hilldog

>One year later and Hillary garbage are still crying about losing the election.

This is the greatest time in American history.

Yes, the tears that you are currently crying right now are extremely bitter :^)

I thought I fucking hated Clinton, but I can't argue with that logic. I must secretly love her.

>p-p-please pay attention to me! Muh popular vote

*hands you a tissue*

>hating on the president = hating that other candidate lost the election
Why is this apparently the case in the first time in history in Trump supporter minds?

Also, since when did Sup Forums start vehemently supporting a politician?

The more I see the people who hate Trump, the more I like him.

people were pointing out to you that you completely misread a post, and you got super defensive about it
people make mistakes sometimes, you don't have to get super defensive about it

Did you ever hear that story about Hillary throwing a champagne bottle worth $950,000 into a custom built, million dollar 150 inch 4K TV?

Her bitter rage at losing was just that powerful. I wish I could have been there to see it.

literally came here to post this


I hope that is fake news. Such a waste.

No just you litttle cry baby.

tfw he won't call in on TV anymore

>someone's doing the raping, Don

Thank God somebody else feels the same way. It's a perfect cameo, because his son is a spoiled little piece of shit, just like daddy.

"You're the best son that money could buy."

she poopd her pants the moment the results were announced

>One full year later
>Trump supporters still obsessed about Clinton, when she's no longer relevant
This is what modern politics is now. It's like a sport or a contest. People don't actually want to discuss what people are doing, they just want to say "your team lost" or "my team won".

Is this the fault of social media, or has it always been like this?

Of all the boards on Sup Forums, Sup Forums is the most butt hurt about losing the election

I kinda want to buy the Christmas ornament bros...

I doubt the veracity of your tale but losing the presidency is tough

It was described by a supposed journo, it was top kek

There are Trump Christmas ornaments?

>get something wrong
>"you're a crybaby"

You keep it, you clearly need it :^)

>still crying like a little bitch.
I could keep you here all day. Your autism and insecurity won’t let you go.

Ask yourself, why is that?

insulting the president is "being butt hurt about an election over a year ago"? since when?

Is insulting Obama being "butthurt about McCain losing" or "Romney losing"?

ITT: Hill babies throwing a tantrum.

She’s #NotYourPresident

And she never will be

>continues to throw autistic tantrum
>"I could keep doing this all day"
yes, we know you can. you're already boring, so get your little last word in. I'll let you.

I thought it'd be a funny prank.

I was right. All the liberals around me (Atlanta) are in constant butthurt.

I don't feel bad because the president doesn't really matter and everyone's life is exactly the same. Americans are so dramatic you can't help but pick on them, like that one hopeless nerd in high school.

>made you reply again
>green text rage

Sure she will, once Trump is impeached

A woman will serve 3/4ths of the same presidential term that a man would get

Isn’t it great knowing that Hillary’s political career is over forever?

What a good feeling.

>it was just a prank, bro!

>corporate cock suckers
>anti regulation, pro free market

fine by me.

How many times has Hilldog cried since she lost an election that was rigged in her favor? I bet it was a lot.

>still in "election mind" one full year later
I was already tired of the election before the end of it. How do some of you continue to be obsessed with the election when it's already been long over?

Sup Forums is MAGA headquarters. BASED as fuck

> muh popular vote

I'm not even american and I laugh at your liberburgers suddenly being against the EC because it didn't go your way.

I didn’t vote for Trump but whenever anyone tells me they voted for Hillary I automatically think they’re a bad person.

sup samenigger

Real life


>reddit spacing


>I really hate Hillary Clinton
>Rush Limbaugh told me to
>now let me tell you about how liberalism is a mental disorder and how liberals are brainwashed

What are the liberal tantrums going to look like in year two of Trump’s presidency? What can we expect.

Everyone knows that if you actually went out and voted for Hillary Clinton you’re definitely human garbage.

He is actually a pretty ok one, does more than most presidents in recent years.
He just says mean things on twitter.

I'm not against the EC. Someone posted "Americans voted for this" making fun of Americans for voting for Trump. Someone else pointed out "not the majority, even though that doesn't ultimately matter".

But liberal tantrums aren't what's ruining Sup Forums. It's trumplets (and shitposters disguised as trumplets), most of which came from the 2016 reddit migration

>He is actually a pretty ok one, does more than most presidents in recent years.

The only thing he's done more than recent presidents is golf

But HRC sucks big time user.

He's in the /sweatymandrama/ hall of fame


She was just boring

*whispers the word "reddit" into your ear*

No, both the candidates were complete trash. Some people voted for Clinton solely because they felt she'd be less worse, and some voted for Trump because they felt he would be less worse.

It's the die hards who love either of them who are complete wastes of air

>no longer relevant
>her crimes are under investigation
>democrap normies are still screeching about the election and muh popular vote
Yes, it is truly just the drumpftards who are bringing her up, nothing else to see here

Will you lefty retards just stop crying about Trump already? This isn’t the time nor the place for your bitter tears and baby tantrums.

We have a board to discuss politics, it’s called Sup Forums and you should go there.

>her crimes are under investigation

No, they're not, lmao

voice of reason right here, well said my man.

look, I'm no trumplet, but it was more than "Clinton was boring". She comes off as untrustworthy and a liar to a lot of people, because she's had a history of lying about really weird minor stuff that really didn't matter for some reason (where her name came from, sniper fire in Bosnia, shit like that), and a lot of it happened during the 90's. You can't just gaslight people into forgetting about her weird habitual lying about stupid unimportant shit, then be surprised when people expect her to lie about other shit.

It's just that she was then put against someone who was an even bigger liar than her by several magnitudes, but at least he lied about things people actually cared about (saving jobs and shit). She barely talked to those people.

>She comes off as untrustworthy and a liar to a lot of people

You're projecting Trump's flaws onto others

>her crimes are under investigation
the fuck are you talking about?

>Someone posts a simple question about Trump cameos in movies and tv shows

>Entire thread instantly degraded into the same three idiots yelling IMPEACH! MUH POPULAR VOTE! IT WAS HER TURN! MUH GENDER STUDIES DEGREE! HEALTHY AT ANY SIZE! BLACK LIVES MATTER!

Libbies are the most annoying people on earth. I finally understand why everyone hates them.