What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Jodelle Ferland? So far she's only had small parts in relatively small TV shows...

What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Jodelle Ferland? So far she's only had small parts in relatively small TV shows, but she's still very young and already has a dedicated fanbase, do you think she has what it takes to make it big?

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She's been in so much shit but she's always been the redeeming factor of what ever shit she's in.

Here's hoping Darken is good

She's blay, pham. I haven't seen her in anything she did yet though so I can't gauge her talent

good looking,fly,blazin

I concur, My Nigga.

Bikini pics or a just any pic that shiwcases her breasts desu?

Please stay on topic, user.

I've only seen her in Dark Matter but that was an overall very pleasant experience.
Would love to see her branch out into bigger roles.

The fucking pretenses to these waifu bother the shit out of me

We're here to obsess over cute girls we'll never see in real life, just get on with it

Some of us can actually control ourselves. We aren't teenagers anymore, user.

How many times can you post the same few pictures of her, Type her name into the archive if you want pics.
Wait until Darken releases and we can post screen shots

she looks like she has small tits, so hopefully she has a nice ass.

She has very big breasts. I enjoy that.

Fresh from Instagram

>>she looks like she has small tits
Oh boy.
This guy has no idea.

Clearly you haven't seen many pictures of her. I assure you her breasts are of a perfectly adequate size.

her boobs are huge actually


Damn those tits are big

I'm gonna guess this was really a "Post pictures of her big breasts" post, but I will indulge regardless

Why does she hide them so diligently?


she peaked in silent hill

she's modest

You never saw Silent Hill?

Looks like she's got a few more peaks now


I'd like to see more of her big parts.

>Keep the same pretty face
>Grow huge boobs
Puberty was good to her.

It's a decent adaptation. Also watch Tideland, Case 39, The two music video's she's in and there are two shorts on youtube, One about a rabbit, and one where she is particularly cute and thicc and plays a version of Death; The Unspoken isn't terrible

A few bts pictures of her new series/film



Since she lost a lot of weight they are a lot smaller now.

Nah dude the Silent Hill movie is trash. They completely shit all over the game's plot and its just a shit movie.

They ain't that much smaller

Prove it

compare to

Bras, angle, camera lens, It's dark and she's wearing black, Mainly just those first three can skew how big or small breasts seem

>very young

She's 33 . . . .

They're a bit smaller but they're still like D cups.

>born October 9, 1994 (age 23)

Needs to gain weight, stop waxing and shaving, and remove those shitty tattoos and piercings.

Literally a decade off

you need to fuck off with your weird fetishes mate

Wait they canceled Dark Matter? #%&"

Tideland is probably the best thing shes been in.

For two seasons of Killjoys

That just doesn't make any sense.

The protag in it is in Tombraider, The new Ant-Man and Ready Player one. Probably banking on her.

She was very nice in DM and now they're going to leave it in a cliffhanger? Might as well get rid of the Expanse while they're at it.

Nude scene when?

She's nice in everything.
Would have preferred if Killjoys had been cancelled , How do you build it up, have a quick battle and end the season with a bath?

That look in her eyes. You just know.



shes not jewish


Oh well it was only one of the best shows syfy ever had.


proof that Sup Forums will worship anything with a fat pair of tits


the difference is Jodelle is an actually likeable actress

Also you know a pretty face and cutesy demeanor

Ya sure? She looks reeeaaally jewish.



For once an actress that isn’t a jewess.

retarded eskimo


I was expecting the black ships to wreak some havoc and the corporations losing their shit in the mayhem, while the Raza(s) tried to find something to repel the invaders with. Five and Android's future scene made it seem like there was a lot more to the story.

>proof that Sup Forums is high test
Oh no! I forgot to drink my morning soy milk!

t.no test

an actress even Sup Forums can like

giv vampire gf

Oh man...




this bitch is ugly


sorry, is that supposed to change my mind?
lol, state of your taste.



Is Neverknock ever gonna be released online?
Is the pirate cartel keeping it hostage?
Whats going on?!
>mfw that shitty Stickman movie get released and Neverknock is still MIA



whats going on here?
