What is Sup Forums's purpose?

What is Sup Forums's purpose?

Has Sup Forums forgotten it?

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I don't even know why I go on this shitty board

Sup Forums has no purpose. And we're all here to forget that. So thanks, jerk.

What is Sup Forums's purpose anyway?


Yes, refresh my memory please.

Sup Forums forgot that "Sup Forums is love" was once a thing.

I do hereby promise only to watch the Ren & Stimpy show,
to make under-leg noises during the good scenes,
to wear unwashed lederhosen every single day of
the rest of my life.

To become a storyboarder on a cartoon series. Im going to college for it right now

Remember the little people

No I haven't forgotten my purpose but like Jack I have little hope I can accomplish it. Unfortunately I DO age.

that stupid meme is what ruined the board.

>ruined the board
But Sup Forums is by far the best board on Sup Forums, with the most on-topic discussion and the most varied and civilized discussion.

>civilized discussion.


oh wait, you're serious.

It's what Sup Forums does.

Perhaps that was true 5 years ago.
Now I just don't know.

That's not true at all. If anything, /diy/ deserves that honor. Threads there are great but it's a very slow board. That may have something to do with it though, since a communities quality seem to be inversely proportional to its size.


Sup Forums has one purpose
To serve as my amusement
That's fucking it. You aren't Sup Forums, you aren't Sup Forums you aren't even worth mentioning on wikipedia
Quit acting tall and mighty, you aren't.
You board exists because I allow it to; and it will die, if I demand it to.
You are living on borrowed time, don't forget that kid.

I miss the days when Jack's hallucinations didn't give him so much shit:


Go back to /k/.

To make Sup Forums better.

don't tell me what to do.
And stay on topic kid
And quit pretending to be me

I agree.

Increased size leading to decreased quality is absolutely a thing. As the size of the board increases so does its speed, posts come fast and threads move off quicker. Because of this to get any responses you need to instantly grab the attention of the other people on the board and that typically leads to a decrease in post thoughtfulness and post length. People go for the most controversial opinions to get a rise out of some part of the userbase, people go for the quick shitposty joke rather than a well thought out response because speed is absolutely vital. If 30 other posts come before you finish yours who the fuck is gonna read it?

The same basic premise plagues reddit as well, all the most popular subreddits top posts are really stupid puns or shitposty jokes. The lowest common denominator of humor that comes out the quickest.

I use to spam on this board in 2007 with Puppetmon, how could I forget.

Homestuck fan-art

>If 30 other posts come before you finish yours who the fuck is gonna read it?
>not reading reply links before scrolling down
>not fishing for (you)'s on your own posts
Sup Forums is a different beast now

Originally, it was just a 2chan clone where Mootikins and his Something Awful buttbuddies could go full weeaboo safe from the judgement of the larger SA community.

Nowadays, who the fuck even knows what its purpose is. Probably just to make Chinamoot some sheckels.

Sup Forums hasn't deteriorated that much... certainly not compared to other boards. Look at places like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or /sci/ if you want to see how bad discussion can decay.

>Sup Forums is by far the best board on Sup Forums
You don't visit any other boards, do you?

Sup Forums is easily one of the worst boards on the site, with only abject garbage like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums ranking lower.

It's the best of the higher traffic boards.

To discuss comics and cartoons and Sup Forums stuff that has the smallest connection to them.

That would be Sup Forums, or any of the porn boards if you'd class them as high traffic.

To be fair, Sup Forums is the fucking UN compared to Sup Forums, and Sup Forums

it will always be funny to me that Sup Forums's decline began at the same time of mlpg being banned

Sadly this. Sup Forums has pretty much corrupted Sup Forums and Sup Forums into the cesspits their are today.

>create the world's most prominent internet memes and underground internet culture
>influence politics and news
>give some of society's outsiders, ostracized and abandoned their own online community where they can discuss interests

Sup Forums's getting close. At this rate the only safe board left will be /po/.

>But Sup Forums is by far the best board on Sup Forums

Sup Forums didn't really play a part in Sup Forums; rather Sup Forums became "redpilled" to combat the corruption that was spreading in their media (gamergate, SJW censorship in AAA gaming trash, etc.)

Sup Forums could follow the same path - at which point it wouldn't be Sup Forums's responsibility but the corruption of their own media going against their wants or ideals (SJW-infested ideals everywhere, CALARTS styled shows being manufactured left & right and running creativity to ground, etc.)

Sup Forums was definitely influenced by Sup Forums though, especially in the meme department. All of the black'd jokes and whatnot.

Long ago in a distant land, I, George Soros, the shapeshifting Master of Jewness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish billionaire politician, wielding a magic meme, stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final meme was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Soros!

Trump is just another pawn though.

Isn't Jack too? The pawn of the old God's to finish a job they wouldn't. Boom. Checkmate liberals.

Oh no... we were once Sup Forumsmrades who spoke about comics and cartoons and related media.
What has happen to us Sup Forums? We're almost as bad as /m/ we can't have threads without going Sup Forums or talking about a comic without accusing someone of being a Sup Forumstard.

We make multiple threads to one fucking topic rather than just posting in an existing topic. We don't talk to each other as Sup Forumsmrades anymore. Have we lost our way like /m/

>Isn't Jack too? The pawn of the old God's to finish a job they wouldn't.

Yes, he is.
That's why we're getting Ashi and the 6 other sisters whose entire lives were nothing but training in order to defeat a single enemy; it's no different from Jack's life and purpose.

>Boom. Checkmate liberals.

>he thinks he's redpilled
>doesn't realize that the final redpill to swallow is realizing that both parties are just shitty ploys to pit the commoners against each other while the rich and elite continue to prosper off of their idiocy

That's what the new internet is. This past U.S. election ruined the world. And that was well before Trump ever came to power.

Get over it liberal. We won you lost. Cry more.

>We make multiple threads to one fucking topic rather than just posting in an existing topic
This has been the case since the original AtLA. If anything this new age of generals is the perversion

>assumes I'm liberal

I would love it if the Clintons and the majority of the democratic party were taken down after pizzagate, but unfortunately it isn't happening.

Trump I the best president that has ever been. Its been 2 months and that's already clear. If you're not with us you're against us and the crooked media. You're just another sheep who wants to smear him. The only one to stop the false song of globalism is the president and everyone knows it. Thats what they're all so scared. Cry more.

I will never bitch about the SU fags again.

I don't think that's necessarily Sup Forums. I think it's more about the world facing changes that are turning people more political and making them choose their sides. There are big things happening outside the internet, and they've been starting to affect the lives of people on this site (globalism, debt bombs, demographic shifts, identity politics, etc).

This thread is a perfect snapshot of what's wrong with Sup Forums.

...to be a dumping ground for all the furries and tripfags that got chased off of Sup Forums??

Talking shit without an account or username unless your a tripfag

Multiple threads that is easily accessible from the sight of a single picture

Before Moot left, every year religiously forcing every board to celebrate Asuka's birthday because she's Moot's waifu


We have /trash/ for that

user, Sup Forums was /trash/ before /trash/ existed. We literally have no reason to exist anymore. We've lost our way.

Sup Forums should be destroyed tbqh.