It's a Brian Redban episode

>it's a Brian Redban episode
>it's a Joey Diaz episode
>it's a minority "comedian" episode
Fuck this show

Other urls found in this thread:

>Implying anyone [spoilers]cares[/spoilers] about your opinion.

>le fat lying loud ugly man is so funneh xD

I'd love to see how many downloads each guest gets. I'd say there is a large difference. I wonder does he charge less for advertising when Redban is on. That's a guaranteed skip from me.

I fucking hate this podcast and his whole dude weed sjw persona. fuck him.

Am I the only one who unironically thinks that Joey Diaz's podcast is better than JRE?

>entertainer starts career speaking freely with no filter
>attracts a wider mainstream audience
>becomes a self-censoring political correct stooge


>flat earth started on Sup Forums



WE DID IT Sup Forums xD

Has Redban spoken for the last 20 minutes?

All Joey has are his stories which he's told a thousand times already. Apart from that I don't find him funny at all.

Just checked it out. Haven't seen Redban on the show since before he got fired. He looks like shit. Balding bad, fat, and pasty as fuck.

social engineering

>guest has a minor, no-name no-audience podcast and spends the next THREE FUCKING HOURS sucking Joe's dick and getting his or her dick sucked by Joe on the basis of how podcasting is opening up no horizons in human expression and interaction and creating reverberations in the general psyche that will continue on for centuries to come

Why does he target flat earthers? Is he just punching below his weight?

What's makes you guys think he's PC?

You can also just check the views on YouTube. Alex Jones has millions, all those bottom tier lady comedians barely get any.

> "lol, flat earthers are dumb"
> "did you know mushrooms were responsible for our evolutionary advancement?"

>"Hey, Joe Rogan, listen ta this... blargablargblarblabbalbarblarg"
Diaz is garbage.

>doing the smart thing is bad

i dunno i think redban kinda grows on u

haha drumpfy btfo yet again

Podcasts are allowed on Sup Forums now?

You should give yourself over to the $20,000,000 man and his goss factory.

>every thread
fuck off with ur meta shitposts

Why did Redban like Olive Garden so much?

Redban likes Coco but doesnt like Nightcrawler

what a fucking pleb

>it's a 2nd or 3rd Redban episode in, what, 30 episode
Literally a circlejerk circus after episode 1000 aside from 2 (?) shows.


>asian wife
the absolute state of wh*te """"men""""

what are you talking about?

why not?

I understood this reference and I want to call you out for being a faggot for posting about it here

Redban mentioned he has an asian wife.

who tf is redban? are you off ur meds?

>it's a female comedian episode

never wasting my time with one of these again

are you even watching the podcast?

yeah it's p gud

Joey Diaz is the shit. Brian Redban is a literal fucking retard.


Who was in the wrong here?

>Brian Redban is a literal fucking retard.
it's nice to see joe not be the dumbest person in the room every once in a while

>it's a joe admits to watching bbc cuckold porn episode

redban started the show with rogan, fuckface.

>its a female comedian episode where majority of comments are women saying if you don't like her its because you're a virgin

based kemp poster

I literally avoid ANY woman episode like the plague.
They don’t talk about Ideas or Life, all they talk about is themselves & items.
And Joe has had so many of them on lately..
Nothing beats the Peterson/Jones episodes.

It's an "I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but listen to this REAL conspiracy theory about AIDS" episode.

Fuck you alt lite nigger. Everybody knows scientist episodes like Stamets,Junger, and Kessler are the best.
