Sneedposting/groceryposting aside, when did the decline begin?

sneedposting/groceryposting aside, when did the decline begin?

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When they started trying to introduce some kind of continuity wit events that had lasting effects on the characters schtick

This started in season 8 with stuff like Edna & Skinner getting together or Milhouse's parents getting divorced, but those eps are still largely amusing

As time went on there were more and more of these kind of "big" changes like Armin Tanzanian, the crap with Apu's marriage, Maude dying, Barney going sober etc. Desperate attempts to keep the show "fresh" that were merely poor overcompensation for a lack of actually funny scripts

The Simpsons noticably declined after that episode where it turns out that Seymour Skinner isn't actually Skinner and that he assumed the real Skinner's identity or some stupid shit like that.


hey i saw that youtube video too :B

Can someone explain the new Grocery sub-meme? Is it just post-meta-ironic shitposting?

go back

Simpsons threads? When they left Sup Forums.

Season 9 for comedy, Season 10 for characters and Season 14 for animation. The reason we Sneedpost so much is because these objective turning points are so etched into the mind of Simpsoniacs that it’s impossible to further add onto.

I've been out of town for a couple months, please explain.
jk I'm just fresh off the boat and want spoonfeeding ;-)


The show dies with Frank Grimes.

>I'm Homer Simpson!
> wish!

Whether it was meta, or it was just cheap humor, that thing snapped the show in half.

>I'm just fresh off the boat and want spoonfeeding ;-)
What food you do you want spoonfed to you? I'll get it from the store

came in here to post this. season 8 was still good but the plots started getting loopier. season 9 was ehhh and season 10 was already trash.

>Sneed-Ai (Formerly Chuck-Ai)

A Chuck falls in love with a Sneed.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the man's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the male, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the boy he called is not the same boy he fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the bear's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the male's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of FEEDS and SEEDS.


Already a thing.

Keit-Ai has been made into:

>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film

Meme magic is amazing.


Can I get some steamed hams?


When it stopped mocking pop culture and embraced pop culture.

Season 9


Its an ironic jokeless countermeme to sneed posting, which was in itself an anti-joke

You're damn right, user.

>our characters aren't working the way the were
>this isn't our fault as writers
>the children are wrong

Wait did they actually fucking genuinely make it?

The Movie was above average.

clearly an edit

1999 had some good episodes but was real hit and miss, that's when I noticed the change

what the fuck is grocery posting

But why do these feel like a continuation of a previous joke?

Decline=/=it went to shit. There was a golden era that ended around season 9, a silver era that ended around season 13 and a bronze era that ended just before the movie came out. The Simpsons didn't just go from being the greatest animated series in tv history to being shit in one season.


holy shit

Remember to report anyone saying sn33d. People are getting banned for it now

It’s fun to think of those kids getting banned for posting something so stupid

Arguably, Season 9-11 (more episodes were misses and there were some really bad ones like Homer Vs Dignity, but there were still some good ones)

Season 12 is when the decline was happening quicker.

Already a thing...

The show went into decline with an episode I didn’t like and exactly when I say it went into decline and all other opinions are wrong

Reported for link spamming

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